Do Americans really do this at the gym?
Do Americans really do this at the gym?
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Yes sir. God give us strength for thy gains
>imagine being such a cultureless self hating cuck that seeing pictures of men having a solemn moment together confuses and shocks you more than millions of Islamic barbarians arriving at your doorstep
Yeah I pray to bloatgod as well before each lift.
Thank you bloatgod for the gains I am about to receive.
>thinking schizophrenics talking to their imaginary friend in public is healthy
Heh, I bet you're intelligent enough to understand Richard and Mortimer
Father forgive me for these gains we're about to receive. We give our last reps for Jesus.
islam is the future, cuck. cry about it
Silence worm. Civilized humans are speaking.
why I'd nobody clapping or shitting themselves in public
I'm an atheist and I hate that I get lumped in with the fedora crowd, why can't you retards shut your fuck holes and leave the good Christian folk alone? Do you really think that you would be allowed to be an open atheist in a sandnigger country?
Just stfu and keep your lack of faith to yourself, other wise you're just virtue signaling to your edgy, magic the gathering playing, Bernie voting, anime "girl" orbiting, legend of Zelda tattoo wearing, Rick and Morty watching, "beard", Amazon echo owning, craft beer drinking, acne riddled, white hating, cum guzzling, atheist faggot friends.
even Jesus said not to do this shit though
like if you want to pray you should do it between you and god, not make a big show of being devout like the heathens
That was about acts of charity to look good in public. It had nothing to do with prayer or displaying faith.
I was with you for the first half of your first sentence, than you slide into the autism zone.
Should I tone down the passive aggressiveness? What would bloatgod do?
My pre is the bible so I have the mental placebo to not break my spine in half on a botched lift
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
Psalm 22:22
I guess I'm wrong. Oh well, I'm a Buddhist myself, I just don't mind if I see people praying in public. There's a lot worse things to run into then some men silently looking at the ground.
He said that praying in public for social advantage without sincere purpose gains you nothing This has nothing to do with praying in a group with your fellow believers, you illiterate fag.
>that they may be seen by others.
Is your purpose to give thanks to Godor sincerely ask for help?
Then this doesn't apply to you.
This passage is about insincere devotion without faith for purposes of social advancement.
The thing I don't understand about atheists is why most of them insist on attacking the people who are moderately tolerant of them, but also insist on helping people who would have them killed in their home country if they had the chance.
>being unironically Buddhist
Let go of the letting go.
publically praying in groups an posing for photos doing so is somehow not doing it for the attention now
it's this whole atheism+ sjw nonsense
I wish we'd gone down the randian path of abolishing stupid shit like morality along with god
like there's no need for middle easterners to even exist, they aren't profitable
and even if they were they'd be more.profitable mining oil as slaves
its.hardly like they have the weaponry to resist
morality is a sickness afflicting the west
>muh virtue signaling
LTG pls go
Literal kike post
Then all you're left with is nihilism and Pickle Rick
and here I though kikes were in favour of Muslims infiltrating the west
I just want them either doing something useful or dead if they're incapable of that
>magic the gathering playing
Hey now user, I've got to exercise my brain somehow.
>Richard and Mortimer
Fucking kek m8
Nihilism doesn’t mean anything because of how nihilism works. And Pickle Rick is a cartoon.
low tier god is that you
Those aren't mutually inclusive, I'm atheist and against immigration
We also read the swoly bible
Underbaited lel
islam is the past
reported to the fbi
yeah but you're not a christian, so you using that kind of argument just comes out as massively insincere
Fuck, I like John Oliver :/
Follow me and i show you the whey for maximum gains
if someone with only a passing outsider view of your religion can btfo on the basis of the way you practice your faith it isn't me with the problem friend
yea it is you autistic fuck, let people pray faggot
Let people do what their holy book tells them not to do?
Sure, but then it's fair game to point out the hypocrisy.
America is full of bible thumpers, it's disgusting. It's mind blowing how some presidential candidates say evolution is a lie and they're not laughed out of the race.
Fucking this. I fucking hate preachy atheists
Mensa tested me and found I have an IQ of 138, in the top percentile and 2 points shy of being considered a genius.
Unfortunately, without those last 2 points I will never be intelligent enough to fully appreciate Rick and Morty.
Acting like this will never convince anyone of your opinion no matter how much truth there is behind it.
ALL religion, is the PAST.
ALL religion is a SYSTEM OF CONTROL, perpetuated by The Few to control The Many.
ALL religion leverages how primitive humans still are, plays on their irrational fears, KEEPS them in a state of constant fear, effectively turning off higher reasoning abilities, then offers a way out of the fear: Surrender control of your life to some unseen all-knowing all-powerful entity -- THROUGH IT'S HUMAN PROXY.
ALL religion needs to be edited out of our reality, out of the human brain. All it's doing is holding back our higher evolution -- as well as threatening the Earth itself.
Interesting views. Let's discuss them further over a vape.
Why do you want to poison me?
>not lifting for our lord and savior, Jesus Christ
never gonna make it
>imaginary beings
>magical thinking
>refusing to allow your brain to evolve
>not taking responsibility for your own life
>surrendering control of your life to humans claiming to be 'prohets' and 'priests' of imaginary beings
>using some old work of fiction as a blueprint for your life (may as well be written by L. Ron Hubbard, LOL)
>falling for one of the oldest troll-memes in human history
>not thinking for yourself
>being a 'herd animal' instead of a self-actualizing individual
>believing in superstition and thing that can't be proven instead of actual facts, real truth, and the wisdom of science and philosophy
>viewing science and technology as "of Satan" and "leading you off the Path of Righteousness", LOL
>thinking (incorrectly) that you can believe in 'gods' and still consider yourself 'scientific' and 'logical'
>Not repping for God and country in your home gym
Never gonna make it m80
You will die alone and for nothing
As a Jew I'm totally peeved RN.