This is the Official Onion General /OG/ - the big onion edition
Questions we discuss ITT:
How many onions a day?
How about that breath?
Post Recipes?
Post Routine?
Possible Onion Man report?
This is the Official Onion General /OG/ - the big onion edition
Questions we discuss ITT:
How many onions a day?
How about that breath?
Post Recipes?
Post Routine?
Possible Onion Man report?
Other urls found in this thread:
o You are NOT Iranian lab rats
o There are ZERO human studies that say eating onions does SHIT for your test levels
o You are DUMB if you fall for this meme
o OP, as usual, is a gigantic fag.
So uh, how about those onions guys?
See: /thread
Give me the onionpill
Subhuman scum detected, /OG/ is for true aryans only.
>logical fallacy
There is no such thing as a 'true aryan', EVERYONE is a mutt.
For all other questions see: /thread
Do you have the browser extension enabled to alert you to possible ONION threads?
Low energy "/thread" attempts. Do you require the onion pill?
Show me even ONE SINGLE peer-reviewed independent study from a WESTERN University done with HUMAN subjects that says eating a bunch of goddamned onions does ANYTHING for your test levels and maybe I'll listen, until then it's just another retarded troll-meme and I'll keep saying so.
>pro-tip: no such study exists, fuck off
Tbqh anything that gets people eating more veggies is going be good for the health. Onions may be a meme but where is the harm in it? Its just a bit of fun user, y u have to be so mad!
>trying to negotiate his way out of the situation
o Eating ONIONS does NOTHING for HUMAN testosterone levels
o "ONION" threads on Veeky Forums/fit/ are TROLL-MEMES
o Don't fall for it
Big Soy literally shitting their pants, look at this shill.
>create onion thread
>sock puppet against yourself and everyone else to keep the tread alive
I guess you can't argue with results. I hit a deadlift PR yesterday. I credit my half onion a day. Also crazy dreams and teenager level boners in my 30s.
>ZOG shills trying this hard
Do you smell bad though? Any adverse side effects? Im about to say fuck it and try to eat some raw onion before bed.
Negotiate? Whose negotiating here testlet? Go eat at BURGER KING and drink a PEPSI. We'll be here eating ONIONS and drinking VICTORY!
Brush your teeth fool.
>negative effects from eating a vegetable.
I mean like onion body odor or onion sweats
be sure to click it
o SAGE Onion threads
What are you talking about? My test level is 1000 and I NEVER eat onions!
You're dumb. Must be all the onions you ate for no reason, LOL
Hey faggots, I ate a bunch of onions and now I have CANCER, thanks so much you assholes!
>being this assblasted about people eating vegetables
o You are NOT Iranian lab rats
o There are ZERO human studies that say eating onions does SHIT for your test levels
o You are DUMB if you fall for this meme
o OP, as usual, is a gigantic fag.
>being this assblasted because your weak level copypasta troll thread never got off the ground
You seem a little emotionally unstable friend, it must be all the phytoestrogens you've been consuming.
>start eating onions
>tastes like shit
>lifts start getting harder to finish
>after 2 weeks I can't do them anymore
>getting physically smaller day by day
>losing interest in women, lifting, sports
>start thinking about interior design and shit like that
Thanks so much you assholes YOUR ONION MEME IS TURNING ME INTO A WOMAN
Only option is to onion pill your GF.
This fucking guy again with his ancient and/or reddit memes. Piss off grandpa we are now posting ADL recognized hate symbol Pepes.
Please download the new shareblue approved meme folder from the cloud drive and meet with the ethics commissioner before further posting.
>imblying GF
Took onion pill 3 days ago, I feel like I have more energy for workouts and throughout the day, could be placebo but shit, onions are good for you, can't deny
o You are NOT Iranian lab rats
o There are ZERO human studies that say eating onions does SHIT for your test levels
o You are DUMB if you fall for this meme
>3 whole days
>thinks it's making a difference
Still works, faggot
>DUMB posting
>current year
Placebo effect is real and people make gainz from it, does that make them not real gainz?
Why do you care so much if people eat onions? So fucking what? Even if it does jack shit, it's just a god damn onion. Onions are veggies and are very good for you.
>drink alcohol
>whoah that's a placebo effect it can't change you in less than an hour
Hormone effects can move as fast as the absorption process.
Keep going. I've been onions since before thanksgiving. You will start getting vivid dreams every night. If it is a placebo the effects don't wear off.
ONIONS - gain muscle 13.5 times as fast as CREATINE!
Was Scooby the original onion man?
good job on getting the first post, schlomo
>all scientific studies that involve rats are now rendered null
>all of the numerous anecdotes are also null because reasons
>also when onionman comes back with a 50% increase in test it still wont count because flawed study not enough test subjects etc etc
go kvetch somewhere else
imagine getting legitimately mad about people eating onions
Is ogre mode the new cocoon mode?
it's fine, you weren't old enough to post here in the first place.
Femanon here, ate an onion and this happened. Wat do?
if you boil some tofu in 5dl soy milk and add a couple spoons of soy sauce you'll be fine!
wash it down with some delicious pepsi as well.
Reminder, if you can't take the onion pain in your mouth, cut it in little parts, put in in a bowl with vinegar, let it marinate for one hour
Enjoy sweet onion gains without the pain
We could be lab rats
Ok it's good.
So far better focus
Increased sex drive
Need less sleep
Although I'm no peer reviewed study I will post my bloods in Jan
You better believe it!
50 increase here I come
I will laugh when you test out above 900
Well it's 560ish atm.
I would be ecstatic is it's up 40%
Wh- what's the onion dream connection?
I've been eating onions daily and have actually been having vivid dreams.... Fuck me, how deep is this onion meme rabbit hole?
>I've been eating onions daily and have actually been having vivid dreams.... Fuck me, how deep is this onion meme rabbit hole?
I just woke up from an onion dream and it was great. This 8/10 qt 22/7 from high school was being attacked by mexican invaders, so I shot them all, then we fucked like rabbits. Definitely an onion dream.
I-it's just a placebo, d-don't eat onions you will stink
No kidding, my dreams have been so vivid I go back to sleep for another hour when my alarm goes off. I have never had such awesome dreams before. Every time I eat red onions, my dreams that night are vivid. I am never going to stop eating these bad boys.
Thank you guys, now that I've fallen for this meme I will die in a couple minutes. First came the diarrhea, then the skin lesions, followed by seizures and haemophilia. My heart is fucking pumping, kys losers.
I think this proves another amazing effect of onions!
>check my 23andme profile
>ancestry composition
European 100%
East Asian and Native American
I noticed my body odor getting stronger the first week I started incorporating more raw onion into my diet. However, it disappeared not too long after I started noticing it and the smell on your breath doesn't seem to linger as long either. I definitely recommend getting a tongue scraper too. Also this user is right about the increase in libido.
My gf liked the smell.
One day I was growing tired of the onion.
She said
>No you must eat it
Tfw gf support