I tried a few times to year to kick 'em, through cold turkey and even those shitty vapes. I'll get unreasonably irate and/or end up indulging more in other vices.
Former smokers, how'd you do it?
Took a nicotine antagonist until I got over the withdrawal.
Dextromethorphan in a low dose. Blocks nicotine receptors. Available OTC as a cough medicine. Usually combined with acetaminophen to prevent recreational use since high doses make DXM a dissociative drug like ketamine and high doses of acetaminophen will destroy your liver.
Which one? How were the side effects?
Wellbutrin. No sides, but seizures are apparently a common one.
Low dose make nicotine more rewarding dumbass.
Then why did I quit smoking so easy, kiddo?
Used to smoke half a pack a day. Just stopped doing it and wrote down what I might pick up to fill the gap then avoided doing those things as well.
Didn't smoke for 4 years, now I smoke 1 or 2 a month at parties and don't get the urge otherwise.
Just find a time in your life when u have loads to do so u don't think about smoking. First 2-3 weeks are hard, then it gets easier.
Just quit. I smoked a little over a pack a day for 12 years, decided I needed to quit one day so I did. I didn't do anything special, I even had half a pack left when I decided to stop. Make up your mind to do something and follow through with it. Anything else is just prolonging it or replacing it.
EAT. Be well fed for the 72 hrs that it takes for nicotine to exit your system. It has a short half life. 3 days and you wont be addicted anymore
Smoke weed nigga. It's 2017, and that shit will be legal almost everywhere pretty damn soon, also fun af to work out baked.
Read Easyway to quit by Alan Carr
just did it, there is no secret
I vape.
I just kept trying until I didn't smoke
The basic insight here is super-important: you smoke your next one because you smoked your last one. The smoker is constantly fighting off nicotine withdrawal. The good relieved feeling you get when you smoke is what nonsmokers feel all the time.
Have your last ciggy at night, let nicotine withdrawal happen while you sleep, start day 1 fresh. Your coffee will work better so the stimulant aspect isn't even diminished that much. It's doable. Also take lecithin and other cholinergics; these produce the neurotransmitter nicotine mimics and which you'll be "low on."
Easyway to quit by Alan Carr
That book changed my mind and opened my mind about cigs. You literally have no idea what smoking is but that guy explains it perfectly. If you want to quit smoking for good read that book.
Started vaping
4 years later want to quit vaping
Buy carton if American Spirit
Smoke them all and have Quit Smoking Easy in tab on browser the whole time
Download pranayama app ...
When last pack is here I smoke them all back to back at night
Wake up and start reading
Do the breathing exercises here and there
Most of all really wanted to quit
Been about two months now
Smoked and or Vaped for about 20 years
Also started doing cardio
Lol, when I started waking up without any air and felt like I was going to have a heart attack, I just spent what very little money I had on fitness related shit instead.
Good food, whey. Bags of sand and protein juices were the first things I spent money on that was going to be otherwise spent on some mini cigars and chips when I first made my change.
Using anything short of willpower to quit is a scam and anyone promoting it is either weak, scared, or a shill.
That's what I'm on. The side effects are the occasional headache and dryness, but that can be combated with drinking plenty of water. Seizures happen very rarely, and happen if you drink too much or take a high dose of the stuff.
IDK how much it will help with smoking, but I feel a little more focused, and less susceptible to my vices. I think it's due to the increased dopamine levels in my synapses, so I don't need a surge of dopamine like I used to. My depression has gotten better too, but I'm also doing more shit now and am going to therapy.
I think it has made me more sensitive to caffeine though. If I have 2 cups of tea or a coffee on an empty stomach, my stomach gets upset and I get heart palpitations like when I did too much coke.
i imagined for a month, every day, that every cigarette i lit was taking me one step closer to a nasty cancer.
then i started searching for cancer patients on the net and after that month i stopped with that shit.
you can do the maths about how much it will cost you to keep that habit in a year and in a decade if that helps.
i did the same with fat pictures and reading about fat related diseases and lost 30 kg in the last year.
you need to scare yourself before the real thing happens inevitably.
Vaping and cardio. /heartgains/ are pretty cool, gone from out of breath super easily with resting hr at 90 to never out of breath and 70 resting hr. Never had good cardio fitness and it feels good to be able to run over 3 miles at a clip. Babby distance I know but for me it’s a huge deal having been sedentary through my teens and alcoholic through my early 20s.
>be me
>be pack a day smoker
>friend gives me something he calls "mushroom powder" it's actually 4-aco-dmt
>he's new to the stuff too, and I stupidly trust him to measure out a dose
>spoiler: he gave me too much
>soul-racking experience
To say it was a bad trip is an understatement. I saw myself in the most unflattering light. The way I eat, how I mistreat my body, how I smoke too much and drink too much. How I don't build others up, how I don't respect nature. How I've lost contact with the ebb and flow of the universe. All that shit.
>eventually I start to remember I'm human
>sobriety is coming back to me
>friend helps me out back
>the sun is beneath the horizon, it's a cool spring morning, the birds are heralding in the day.
>I'm sitting there watching the sun start to peek from over the edge
>I close my eyes and I start to feel the back and forth balancing act of nature and I see my place in it.
>a wave of euphoric ecstacy washes over me when I realize that I am on the precipice of seeing the face of god, the machinations of the universe, the achievement of nirvana, the width and breadth of spacetime in all of creation
>my soul hesitates and humility takes over, I am not worthy
I haven't touched alcohol, tobacco, pot, junk or fast food since in 13 years.
>13 years
3 years.
never started, you peer pressure cuck.
>a nasty cancer.
As if that would ever actually stop me from achieving something great
Vaping is incredibly gay and go fuck yourself if you do it
Pot and cheat days are okay every once in a while user, you dont't have to castrate yourself. And you're fortunate. I haven't had the chance to trip once, and I'm 22. By the time I was 17 my mother had already made me take piss tests and tried (and succeed) in kicking me out of the house to let her abusive piece of shit bf move in. So I had to stop smoking pot, and anytime I try to enjoy life in the tiny little ways and think about the universe and shit I get ridiculed and observed from a distance as if I were some kind of animal in a cage on sedatives.
I just picked up a bunch of left over tobacco from Swishers and White Owls and rolled it up in a bunch of ripped up Bible paper and started on my own when i was out of weed.
>not making your own decisions, bad or good
>giving advice to anyone
keep going champ
And when I get high now, and act myself when alone, I come off as some perverted lunatic with a quick wit and IDGAF attitude who starts yelling at the neighbors from my living room while listening to grunge. It's a fucking trip just to observe. I'll stare at myself in the mirror for hours with my shirt off and just look at myself in awe.
Will do. I'm as close and in touch to falling off the edge as anyone else and as close to success at this age as you could imagine and I've related to more than one type of person from multiple backgrounds on more than one occasion and I personally feel more than obligated to tell these kids who come on here looking for laughs and advice that people like you don't always have our best interests at heart, and that sometimes violence truly is the best and only answer, since you fags are too pussy to do so otherwise. I've been here since I was 14 and I like to imagine that some of these people actually give a shit, just like I did. So, you know, suck my dick faggot.
smoked 2.5 half packs everyday. quit cold turkey. anyone can fucking do it. it's been 11 months. cheers faggots.
No easy way to do it. You just have to do it. Similar to jumping into cold water. What I did to make it easier was change the image of cigarettes in my mind. I would only think about how disgusting they are to turn me off from smoking when quitting. The side effect of that is that I cant even inhale second hand smoke without feeling disgusted.
I vape, but at such a low nicotine level that it's more just for the sensation of smoking than any actual buzz. If you don't mind sucking on a mouth fedora, I'd recommend it. There are some pretty good flavors out there and it's really not too pricy.
I stopped smoking because I realized I didn't enjoy it. You'll have the same realization too one day.