Based Alan calling out specific YouTubers. LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR. I've never seen a harder BTFO.
Defending the SS Squat
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i remember one video of him showing clarence and how that is not the best optimal way to squat, lost all respect for this reddit tier bearded rippetoe's parrot
Isnt this the guy who's been training for 15 years and squats 5 plates?
Who gives a fuck what he thinks
He just got back from Syria
Not relevant. What's relevant is how hilariously confused a lot of people are about what Mark teaches and they just got exposed.
That's fair. I'm not telling you to respect the guy. I'm saying watch this video because there are other people unworthy of respect. At any rate, I have more respect for a bad opinion than a blatant untruth. It sucks he went after Clarence, but that's far and away better than the people who are lying about SS.
Did you get exposed, user?
haven't you heard? When you're an ugly male, the cool thing to do is grow a beard and try to pretend you're manly.
fair enough user, i agree with you
Not to sound like taking sides here but to be fair: He did not actually criticize Clarence if you are refering to the High Bar vs. Low Bar video. He just said that although the High Bar squat uses less hip than the Low Bar squat, you start to use the hips more when the weight gets extremely heavy pointing at Clarence bringing much more hips into his High Bar squat when he squats extremely heavy. I did not take that as criticism at all. On the contrary.
Is that all? I don't see why user is upset, in that case. I thought it was common knowledge and uncontroversial that you can low bar squat more weight than you can high bar squat, due to lever mechanics and the way low bar involves the hips. Candito says the same and I've never seen anybody poop their pants over that.
the lowbar squat is the choice of fatass egolifters who sacrifice ROM for numbers and back problems
the highbar squat is used by actual athletes:
alan thrall looks like fucking shit and his numbers aren't even impressive why the fuck do people care
i used to watch his videos when i was a DYEL, he needs to stop
beards are fashionable for nu-males
reddit loves beards
its so no one confuses him with a female
>alan thrall
>ever taking his advice or what he says seriously
this is the same dude who thinks a fucking clean is a deadlift with a jump
Because he sounds like reasonable individual with good intentions. People like you seem to take themselves as the whole target audience of every video. Protip - maybe you should stop watching his videos and let beginners enjoy them.
That's what Rip teaches.
which is retarded and not at all what a clean is
there is literally nothing wrong with alan
thats not bad though
Alan! What's up my man?
He teaches "Novices". Is that so hard to understand? You are basically repeating the stuff that Alan addresses in the highlighted video. Yes, advanced lifters need other cues. Hurr durr, me so smart lifter. I am sure you can come up with a way better way of teaching beginners, Mr. "lets throw away all knowledge we gather over the past three decades".
His bench is trash.
That was how I was taught regular cleans, the pull was basically taught as hips driving the bar at midthigh, get the elbows up and jump off the floor before dipping under it and catching it in a front rack position
> In order to do this exercise correctly you must read this 200 page book and have an instructor near you for several workouts and whenever the weight grows heavy and have several years of experience and people who read the same book will STILL tell you you're wrong online
And this is why I fucking hate the obsession with squats. You and your knee-shattering, back-breaking squats can go fuck yourselves, if an exercise requires an engineering degree and mental queue/safewords and hundreds of man-hours to get right then it's not a very useful exercise for the majority of lifters, and likely has a far simple alternative that is just as effective at building strength and muscle.
In fact I'd argue the leg-backwards folding machine Veeky Forums loves to hate is a more useful exercise, since it's easier to use and progress and tell if you're doing wrong, and is overwhelmingly safer than compressing your fucking spine under a barbell in a strange, completely unnatural-feeling set of movements that put terrible stress on your body. I've personally seen more complaints over back/knee pains after squats than the leg press machine.
>implying novices are literally retarded
>implying riptits is the only person to ever train novices
you simply spend longer than 10 minutes teaching it and break it down into multiple parts like it should be rather than giving retarded cues to begin with
shut the fuck up dweeb
>he can't do a squat
lmao pathetic
Does he call out buff dudes?
That's all I care about
shave your disgusting beard alan
If you want to imply that - feel free. There are lots of skilled individuals that train novices. And yes, many novices literally lack the required coordination skills. Try playing a guitar chord the first time you touch the instrument. Good luck. To teach people efficiently, "half truths" can help a lot. Does that render Rippetoes techniques useless? I don't think so. A cue is a tip for a specific person to help him/her with something he or she struggles with. Yes, when you try to apply cues to random people you get a mess. Congratulations.
its a great movement BECAUSE it requires a tremendous amount of stability, balance and coordination across the entire body, your post sounds intellectual but you dont really know what youre discussing. if peoples bodies weren't in such atrocious states of imobility and weakness it wouldnt be so damn hard to get them into a half decent squat.
>you simply spend longer than 10 minutes teaching it and break it down into multiple parts like it should be
Have you watched the Power Clean videos on the SS YouTube channel? They literally do exactly what you describe.
No one listen to the retard who can't even identify a hamstring curl
>being this new
I've been here since 2012 and have hated every minute of it
you taking things out of context is in the same league as the autists exposed in that video.
also >reddit
reminder Veeky Forums unironically watches alpha destiny, jeff cavelere or whatever his name is, omar isuf, silent mike and other fucking trash, and no one on reddit even watches alan thrall (since he "dissed" their jesus jim wendler's program).
>implying the user you responded to even lifts
>just about 200 pages, a couple mental cues and brutal honesty and objectivity with regards to your performance of the reps
>engineering degree
what, too hard for you brainlet?
>literally squatting up and down is unnatural
>lying on the bench and curling my legs is natural
enjoy your tendonitis.
>literally squatting up and down
>Youtube search : "how to squat"
>About 7,510,000 results
>search : "squat mistakes"
>About 196,000 results
if you have this many videos of pseudo-athletes telling you you're "literally squatting up and down" wrong, you're not actually just squatting up and down.
> "How do I increase my cardio?" "Oh, just go outside and start running until you can't run anymore, next time run further and/or faster".
> "How should I squat?" "Oh, just read this 200 page manual then these hundreds of hours of videos then go over it with a qualified instructor, then just put on more weight on the bar until your back breaks."
One of these is less natural to perform than the other. You know why flat-head screws are more useful than bizzarre novelty heads that give you better torque? Because everyone can use them instantly since everyone has a normal screwdriver at home. Squats are a bullshit exercise for pseudo-athletes who like to see a number get bigger as their discs get smaller.
why is this racist's youtube channel still up
I don't believe this is a problem with Mark Rippetoe specifically as much as it is with american pigdogs in general, Glenn Pendlay for example has similarly terrible methodology. No wonder americans suck so hard at weightlifting.
>tfw doing rippletits OHP form gave me tendonitis of the wrist from a RSI
are you fucking retarded? boxing is literally fighting, but proper boxing technique will also take years to develop.
if you are a quitter, just say it. if you want to do a sport, then do it the way its meant to be done and don't be a retard. this isn't about SS either, there are tons of sports literature written for a fucking reason.
yeah turns out most people are unathletic sacks of fat
including you mr cant squat lmao
>Equating martial arts against a human opponent to picking up heavy things
You know why running is easy to improve? Because that movement is as natural to the human form as breathing. You know why doing squats "correctly" (whatever that means) is so difficult? The exact opposite. No person in the history of humanity ever felt right doing this rigid ridiculous set of counter intuitive and artificial movements just to lift up something heavy on their backs, which is why "proper" squats are such a problem to describe to someone. The discussion about how you should squat it moot, since you really shouldn't.
>never lifts his entire life
>has run his entire life
>is surprised that running is more natural than lifting
but nevertheless, no ones going to do hold you back from doing what is most natural. no one is telling you to lift. you can be a cardio bunny. the only point is, that if you are going to lift, do it properly like a man. fucking pussy.
Google "running injuries" next, retard.
this thread is just leaking autism, what's wrong with how he teaches the squat? it's word for word what rippetoe says, or did someone on the sri lankan matryoshka symposium invent a better way to do it?
I'm using running as an analogy, which I know is confusing to you since 70% of your neurons are preoccupied with following squat queues at any given moment, so I'll repeat myself. Put down the barbell and oatmeal and pay attention. A five year old can run just as efficiently as an adult relative to his body size because running is natural to your body. A 30 year-old athlete with tons of muscle still can't squat properly even after literally a decade of daily lifting. You think you're shaming someone by telling them they don't squat when in fact any professional power lifter will tell you you squat wrong and should quit before your spine gives in. Even leg press machines are safer than long-term squatting with 100Kg on your back and knees, and still feels more natural.
If an exercise feels so completely detached from the normal function of your body that you need two cameras and a laser scanner and an official guidebook and a coach to do it right, it isn't useful and potentially very harmfull in higher weights. You will always run your own body weight, you will never keep squatting the same starting weight.
>athlete who doesn't barbell squat can not perform it properly
>child who has attempted running and despite falling many times has never given up can run very naturally
how intriguing.
this. and if you think alan knows what he's talking about and giving the 'right' advice - guess what? there are really strong people with very different opinions. IMO it's a circlejerked exercise online and that's about it.
i prefer running & lunges for legs
beard looks more disgusting in motion holy shit
He says he started growing it after he left the marines
So basically once nobody told him to shave his ugly face he stopped bothering
What's really dumb about this analogy is how intensely technical running is. I can tell you don't actually run. I've got multiple books on running that dwarf the chapter on squats in Starting Strength. You think Usain Bolt runs exactly the same way as a 5 year old? Being this retarded should be a bannable offense on Veeky Forums.
Don't blame Rippetoe for you fucking up. Tendonitis from OHP? LOL.
You clearly didn't watch the video or read OP. Nobody is talking about how Alan teaches the squat.
Post legs with time stamp now.
i am the user he responded to. my bench is 2.5 plate and my OHP is 1.5, didn't feel like training my squat past 3 plate or my deadlift past 4 plate though
Spend some time being berated and punished for not shaving every day, or even multiple times per day, every day, even on your days off, for *Years* and you may understand how awesome it is to be able to get some scraggle going and let loose the mane.
See also: his hair. Marines were getting haircuts 2-3x a week when I was on leatherneck, lest they look unkempt to the Afghani peasants and IED makers.
I don't get it, what is the real reason that low-bar is so bad? This guy doesn't really say anything other than "In the good old days we did high-bar squats!". I usually do high-bar but after hurting my back low-bar has felt a lot more secure and easier to do correctly with low mobility.
That beard is so fucking sexy. There is nothing more erotic than stroking a long beard. You guys are cute, mocking him for something so majestic.
lacks hip extension at the top, and lacks ankle and knee flexion at the bottom.
so even if you're careful to hit good depth and lockout at the top it doesn't give as much as a high-bar would? I have horrible ankle mobility and unless I go super wide I can't high-bar with decent form, is that ok?
>lacks hip extension at the top,
A few inches, maybe? That's what deadlift is for anyway.
>and lacks ankle and knee flexion at the bottom.
Not true at all, holy shit. Watch the video.
Don't listen to him. He's trolling.
ok, wasn't going to change anything, I just like to know as much as I can before doing something that could make me dead.
sit back into the squat, instead of down onto your ankles. Fixed my squat in 10 seconds when I kept my shins straighter and sat backwards instead of down.
>200 page book
>Hundreds of man hours
What's the matter are you dyslexic? That would explain a lot actually.
His beard looks gross because it starts too low. The pic in the middle is with more hair below his lower lip, and with a higher beardline. Left is the same, but with his other disgusting hair removed too.
>Squatting is unnatural
>Except for how humans have taken shits for virtually all of history.
He is weak Andy has never coached anyone strong. Why should I listen to him.
you're definitely right. a beard needs growth under the lower lip. a wispy beard is still manly as fuck and makes me quiver
That is a beard for when you’re insecure about your facial structure. It’s a way to compensate for being ugly, by pretending to be a man and go for the “rugged” look. To most decent looking people it’s comical. Only other idiots with large lumberjack beards think this looks good.
His form advice puts more strain on the wrist, lifting 6 times a week also didn't help
lol, do some guys actually believe this? it's a fucking erotic testosterone badge right on your face, of course it's attractive
that guys beard looks x1000 better than alans tho
Clarence knows his way of squatting isn't optimal though. He only squats high, etc. Because he likes the aesthetic of it
same message comes across, "I'm brimming with testosterone and healthy enough to grow a long beard"
You're right, dude's ugly, but he has a beard and now he's not. Weird how that works.
born to shitpost
Yeah, I checked this vid on Tuesday and he is right. Though I've never seen based Alan be so rough with colleagues from YouTube. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Read the thread, you ignoramus.
Frankly, just watch the video. You could cut out all the footage of Alan talking and the clips shows would be solid gold.
>SS is 3 times a week
>lift 6 times a week
>blame Rippetoe for your injury
The fuck am I reading?
SS teaches you to keep your wrists straight, forearms vertical, and elbows very slightly ahead of the bar at the bottom position. There is no fucking way this advice gave you tendinitis because there is no fucking way to strain your wrists, forearms, and elbows in this position with fucking light OHP weight.
>low-t manlet detected
>ive been here since 2009
Boi you dint know what hatred is
That user is stupid though. He never said Clarence's squat was not optimal or bad. All he's saying is that theese people lean with their hips anyways, which is true.
>let me talk about leg training when one of us has no legs and the other is wearing MC hammer pants
calves dont count as legs
i have literally pulled my calf squatting m8
That's Al-ahan Thrallsain, a brutal ISIS executioner who revoked his pledge to the state and returned to Canada to be a strong, diverse voice.
It was a great video. I feel sorry for those who took the advice of the idiots he blasted.
I'm less offended by his tiny calves than I am by their smug expressions while being 100% wrong about something, but it does make a pretty good meme.
There's no way you can make that rice better.
I don't believe it.
colleagues? they are two-faced liars. hypocrites.
Competitors is more accurate than colleagues.
powerlifting and squats are like the Linux discussions over on /g/: It's literally a bunch of manchildren arguing over semantics and personal opinions. Just fucking squat and shut up. SS is retarded. Most strength coaches look like shit.
thats some mediocre quality bait you posted
he never claimed a clean is a deadlift with a jump.
Telling a lifter to jump with the bar is literally how the clean is taught in olympic weightlifting
source: Ive trained olympic weightlifting for 5 years, my coach holds records in my country.
There's a response LMAO:
>so mad he filmed in his car
>"I've criticized the Rippetoe squat for a long time"
>describes a poorly executed squat
>calls that the Rippetoe squat
>"This is the problem with Starting Strength."
>"This isn't what Starting Strength teaches."
>literally admitting that SS doesn't teach shit form, but at the same time blames SS for shitty form and calls that bad squat a Rippetoe squat
Dude is seething and just proving he really is a brainlet. Talking in fucking circles. Wew.
Jeez, cool it with the anti-jihadist remarks.