Reminder that if your weight in pounds isn't higher than your height in centimeters, you are a manlet.
Reminder that if your weight in pounds isn't higher than your height in centimeters, you are a manlet
So if you're like a morbidly obese Warwick Davis, you can ascend from the manlet pit?
>5'8 (173cm)
>178 lbs
heh, 5'7 manlet virgins get out of the way, chad coming through
Is height really that important or is it just a big meme?
Is just shit Veeky Forums says, sometimes unironically, meme or not, don't take it seriously.
Important for what?
Girls? Depends on the girl but height is for girls what hobbies are for dudes. Meaning dudes will dip a few points down if they share hobbies with them.
Gains? It will always depend on your frame but taller guys usually have larger frames so yes you will get more gains the taller you are.
I'm only 6' so I'm in the middle where it doesn't really help or hurt.
> More gains
In your dreams longman
I don't understand, doesn't that simply mean you're a skinny twink?
If you can find me a weight lifting world record holder that is 5'6 I will shut up.
Make sure you put their name and which world record.
King of fucking lanklets. 6'5" and 175lbs? That's upsetting, I want to know you IRL and force feed you everyday.
Brett Gibbs
>Brett Gibbs
>world record in the 83kg division
Surprising that someone in a division that was created for smaller people has small people in it.
56kg olympic lifts are also monopolized by people who are manlets.
youre confusing manlets with skellys. or else youre a manlet being purposefully misleading.
>when will they learn?
>173 cm
>212 lbs
what now fag
Ed Coan you dumb fuck. He has set 71 world records and I'm not gonna name them all.
>Ed Coan
>lifetime ban because of doping
I'm not so rigid as to deny him but it's just funny that's who you have to look up to as a manlet. Someone who has popped multiple times for steroids.
>He still believes there are athletic world records set without steroid use.
God, you're a brainlet. And I'm not a manlet, I'm 6'2", you're just retarded.
Its mostly important for insecure faggots here. Sure, it could be objectively better if you can be a bit taller. But to start doubting yourself and let that fact control your life? Come on.
>193cm (6'4)
>175 lbs ~85kg
>tfw you will always be a manlet
6'4, 193cm
178 pounds
>tfw manlet
haha 5 foot 5 (165 cm) 190 pounds here
have fun in manlet pit lanklets
>206 cm
>215 lbs
still lookin like a skelly
In the words of a great man: Comparing yourself to others is an insult to yourself.
>tfw 175 cm
>tfw 175 lbs
183 cm
165 lbs
going for that strong twink physique
185cm, 183lbs
the Day of the Rope Ladder has come...rise up, huwite manlets
its just Facelt Lanklets C O P E ing dont take it too seriously
>If you can find me a weight lifting world record holder that is 5'6 I will shut up.
you fucking retard
>159 pounds
>175 cm
that makes no sense
200 cm
100 kg
damn... I made this pic almost 3 years ago and that fucking shitty cut and paste job still pisses me off to this day
That was a great thread though
Fucking manlets, back to your height exercises
shortness is literally an estrogenic trait
Would you every marry a 180 cm guy?
What is your shoes size?
>177.8 cm
If my weight was the same as height, my BMI would be in the obesity range.