American here...

American here. I showed up to Buenos Aires a week ago and since then I have not had the energy to do anything at the gym. The motivation and energy to do another set up squats, or pull ups or whatever has gone out the window. How do I fix this? I'm super motivated to work out, but after a set I'm gassed and don't feel like doing any more

welcome to Bs As summer bro, it is indeed hard to train in this season here.
try to go to the gym as early as you can and try to eat and sleep properly
also, in your opinion, are we white here?

probably jetlag

What gym are you going too, I can't find one with proper PL equipment

Have you eat onions?maybe the bbsa onions atentamente so good, try buying american onions

Why would you come to this shithole? I hope its business and you dont intend to stay because Gyms and food in this country are shit as anything else

You sure you're not jet lagged?

Get sun and reset your circadian rhythm/let your body adjust

No pendejo, you’re not white, you’re green like a fucking anus

aaa uruguaIO

Im from Argentina, I just can't find a gym that every one looks at you because you deadlift close to 4 plates

I was the only one who knew what a fucking deadlift was in my old gym. This country is never gonna make it

>buenos aires
>not white
the only white place in Argentina is prolly the capital, fuck off.

>tfw north of La Plata with a shit ton of trees so the air is super fresh and the weather is great for lifting.
Yesterday i went to capital, and god, how you people live in there? It was a fucking oven

>American here
>Im from Argentina
Born Argentinian, then became American citizen?


Yeah i mean, it's full of bolivians and chinese ppl, how the fug is Buenos Aires the whitest part of Argentina. I'll say it's somewhere in the south

Cierren el orto negros cacos

There are not good gyms here anymore. All DYEL functional training / crossfit bullshit.
The gym I go to doesn't even have olympic bars or 45lbs/20kg plates. It has little space, is full of machines, no bumper plates, mediocre trainers, most people don't train seriously just go to fuck around and lift girly weights.

I'm from Argentina, I lived all my life here. I'm just wondering if anyone knows about a gym that at least knows about the existance of powerlifting/olympic weightlifting

>tfw see white girl with a negro
>talk shit to them
>the don't say shit

argentina is slowly getting overwhelmed by people from southamericans and latinos in general and their shitty nigger culture, asians and some africans. They steal our white women, but everybody's too progresist to realize this is something bad, well I'm not gonna let it happen

>el americANO's face trying to lift in 35°C+ temperature