What's the ultimate lifting red pill?
What's the ultimate lifting red pill?
She will never return
garlic > every other onion
But she'll keep you close enough for you to never forget her
Onionfags btfo
nice quints anti-vampire bro
Hahahah yeeeiii
Very true
6x full body
everything else is correct
Deadlift should be your most important lift
digits like that cant lie I guess
Test 150mg/week
You are on god's mission
>What's the ultimate lifting red pill?
defeatist shill kys you should just niggerfaggot
she texted me last week out of the blue after 2 years without contact. We live in completely different places now.
but my sister-in-law became the first person to notice my gains yesterday, 2 months into working out from spooky skeleton mode (still spooky skeleton mode obviously but slightly improved over before I started)
You don't need to do 8 exercises each session. Stop jerking off with dumbbells, cables and machines and get strong on big movements.
Think of the people in your gym, is the big guy the one who does heavy bench and dips, or the one who does 20lb tricep kickbacks? Everybody in my gym who stays with the dumbbells doing isolations for 40+ minutes is dyel.
t. assmad because UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH
Stop being in denial and deluding yourself and maybe you'll make real progress in life.
Well look at it from the other angle: apparently you've been stuck in HER head for 2 years as well!
But be careful, don't let her steal your gains. You yourself is #1 priority, rest comes after
Do oly lifting, not bodybuilding unless you have huge amounts of motivation (~10%)
stfu im a denk memeer
Lifting < Gear
this is dubs thread now
yeah but climbing gear is expensive
thats why you missed your trips faggot, you probably eat onions
onions > gear
These are not the "ultimate" redpills, but you need them:
>Men train PPL split, women train UL split
>"Keep the weight moving on your muscles", i.e. don't lock out or stall
>snake diet fasting between lifting sessions
>protein powders are a meme, just eat green veggies with meat. eat some liver or other organs monthly.
>supplements: zinc picolinate, magnesium glycinate, d3 only in the winter or if you're non-white
>hair loss supps: bovine collagen, biotin, nizoral shampoo
>face gains: mew, mastic gum
>sex gains: noPMO, nofap, noporn, foreskin restoration
>mental health: jordan peterson, clean your room
>>face gains: mew, mastic gum
Lean body fat is FAR more important for aesthetics than amount of muscle mass
I-is it?
Dubs comin thru
fuck the system
Lifting won't compensate autism
>All your fitness role models are on gear
he looks like a guy that did steroids but stopped, and is currently natty on clen/alabuteral in this pic
you'd be suprised what kind of physiques can be built natty with the help of a little epedra or clen
gay sex
Aesthetics isn't 80% hard work 10% roids and 10% genetics,
It's more like 50% genetics 45% roids and 5% hard work.
Anyone that would have you believe otherwise is trying to sell you something.
>t. roid dealer
test 500mg/w
Without clothes, yes
With clothes, no
How do I eat garlics to increase test? 1 teeth a day?
Shadilay. Praise Kek.
Delete this.
Very nice
Everyone can tell ur bf % in clothes
Lots of indicators, your face, how vascular your forearms are.
All a woman needs to do is look at your forearm and she instantly knows your bf%, how much lean mass you have, your FFMI...
pic unrelated?
i want to attract women not burly men
low bf % + high muscle mass = asthetic
this man looks frail, and weak. women want someone that looks capable and strong, but not soft and flabby. big, veiny, and stirated.
How much do most gym sluts - let alone average women really know about mass and fat tho?
Women want FACE>height>frame
without facial aesthetics, you have no game with women above 7/10.
Saying this as a ~6/10 man,
sure thing buddy :)
Women does even know what a percent is
You can't save the west by lifting, but its a good start.
more than u or i
they're experts, their women. you think they don't know how to size men up?
you or I might have to look at someones forearms or see how far their delt extends in their sweater to see how big they are, women prob. just have an instinct about it.
you know when you see a girl in baggy clothes and you just *know* shes hot as fuck under them?
all irrelevant, just try to be as big as u can be
I do try to be as big/aesthetic as i can be, but its not directly for the women -- i do it so i can be more confident with myself, AND thats what will hopefully help me.
But what i said is still true: i wont match with top tier chicks on tiner and hookup with them just because i get shredded.
i don't want to look like someone that would be easy to steal from. fuck with, etc.
has nothing 2 do with women for me either
i also see your physique as an expression of your,,,, backbone if that makes sense
you are signaling to other men that you have willpower and high pain tollerance
Lifting to impress other men is more satisfying than lifting for girls will ever be
yep, we are on the same page then
This user isn't even joking. Garlic really does increase test better than onions. The BUGEZ himself eats at least a tooth of garlic a day and recommends his clients to do it. Plus its easier to eat it raw.
women all want a man, and there are more beautiful women than contest ready physiques out there
i routinely see 9s and 10s with untrained men.
when I was 160lbs, i was with the most gorgeous, sweet, and innocent girl I could ever hope to find
at 205, I was alone
Obviously, but who wants to be 135 lbs?
Why do you pleasure in my pain!
Oh look, it's a another user who watched some boogz vids and now thinks his way is the only way.
Is he sucking his cheeks in to make himself look leaner?
Just Rawlings for dubs
who else /garlicpill/?
Nah, its 55% genetics, 44% roids, 1% hard work
Its gotta be raw and fresh otherwise youre wasting your time and money.
No. Bugez is one lift per day.
Also his isn't the only way. But it is the best backed by science.
Onionfags are gonna get ripped a new one
If you don’t do it for yourself. You’ll never make it
>genetics is a bigger component than you think
>If you wonder if you have bad genetics, you have bad genetics
>Most people won't make it
>Foreskin restoration
Just lost all feasibility