How’s this body?



some really sad, awful shit must have happened to this person as a child
i hope that whoever did it to them suffered

Look at that fat sow. Lose some weight, piggy.

looks pretty cut

shes so ripped
look at them stretch marks

Or theyre just an edgelord

bulked too much, needs to cut more

nah, you can tell when it's just some kid going thru an edgy phase because they're very small, shallow cuts that are typically very localised. For someone to properly fuck up their body that badly something has happened. My guess would be sexual abuse as a kid

Thats happen when you go low carb

Looks like some attention whore solipsistic weirdo anime trash

White Wizard needs food badly.

>literally cutting

Why does people like this exist. Go eat a tub of ice cream or something, Or some really good bbq. Way fucking better than inflicting pain upon yourself.

is that a gun shot wound?

cutting the Veeky Forums way and the tumblr way at the same time

Those scars aren't that bad and he doesn't have that many of them. The darker ones look like they have been recut a couple of times after they healed to make them rise up like that but that's about it. I'm much more conerned about his weight.

t. someone with a lot more and worse scars than that guy

>Way fucking better than inflicting pain upon yourself
Exercise inflicts pain.

Privileged white kid whose concept of adversity is getting the wrong colored SUV for Christmas.

People actually going through real shit don’t have time to do this dumb shit

well arent you special


How could the ovens be fueled with such little mass?

>Real shit
like microaggressions, Tyrone?


damn, that's how you cut.