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Why would someone want to get this big? It hinders you from doing something as simple as breathing.




"I'm so much healthier now"

>the plunge style
Just like the plunge that poor guy wants to take off a cliff.

alright which one of you lanky fags fucked that whale

That's pretty hot. Big n pale. Nice n soft. Cute panties too. Lucky guy.


>That's pretty hot. Big n pale. Nice n soft. Cute panties too. Lucky guy.

are the panties ripped or is that what they look like

Indeed, is pretty hot desu, would definitely fuck



Kill yourself immediately.

What were they?

>I will eat you

one I recently saved

>I am bulking, manlet

US weekly on MSN


here, eat these eggs

fuel can't melt steel


>The 24-year-old proceeded to shut him down in four words. “I don’t like you.”

"I don't like you" is the brilliant response that invoked a yahoo finance and an us magazine article

reminds me of this



>not bloating
>making it

How desperate are you guys? I'd honestly rather fuck the gap in between my couch cushions than that thing.

>not putting in some effort to potentially gain benefits

fatty mindset litlet

Jesus Christ! America needs some help real fast

Big gut, tiny ass


Latecia Thomas


wrong thread fampai

>not having warm foot mittens in the winter

Who of you would willingly go Veeky Forums to fat to fit again to prove it's possible to lose weight even for obese people?

guy's face reminds me of this one

>mfw would unironically rather fuck right than left

she looks like R2D2 in the left one to begin with

wtf are you doing here?

Go back to 9gag you faggot

I started from obese, and went to almost otter mode in less than a year. Will never go back, even for money

Define the terms of these conditions.
Do you mean go back to 120lbs being my max bench and also fat and then back to where I am now or just gaining weight?
Obese people aren't just fat. They are unhealthy and have no muscles.

There's nothing to be proved. It's fucking thermodynamics. If you don't have enough energy to maintain your weight, you lose it. How hard is this to understand?

well she's dead.

Does 40G means the maximum force that bra can resist? Cuz that shit looks like its hardly holding up

maybe, like a huge, world-ending bulk

Been there, done that. 220->174->220->189. 189 bc of bulking


>The boy is not for sale

>I'm telling you how much i dont't care
Fucking women

If you're over a certain body fat percentage, you're obese, regardless of muscle mass.

>three, no, FOUR "lmfaos" to show how much she doesn't care

Genuinely embarrassing.

>abs and ribs are in the same place

>gain benefits
>on Veeky Forums

It's pretty easy for someone who is 24% body fat to get in shape. That can be someone who is 180lbs at 6'.
So you won't really proved anything impressive.

That's the point of



He posted a picture of someone who is clearly over 35% bodyfat.
24% body fat is just chunky but still clinically obese.


>just chunky
>clinically obese
Obese is obese, user.

You aren't wrong but you aren't right either.
There's a big difference from dating a girl who is 150 lbs to a girl who is 420 lbs.
It's the difference between thicc and obese.

We're discussing health here, not your chubby fetish.

>To that bitch who killed selena
kek I don't regret taking gr10 spanish

You win dog. Congrats on molding a question into something else to prove a point that doesn't even matter.
Here is one upboat.

Yeah and that difference is between obese and morbidly obese

What are you even talking about? Did you just jump into this conversation or something?

Well ackchyually, morbidly obese isn't a clinical term.
You are also wrong. "Overweight" starts at 25% and 30% is considered Obese class 1 and 35% is class 2 and 40% is class 3.

lmfao guys

You really should consider suicide

found the landwhale!




>Some modifications to the WHO definitions have been made by particular bodies. The surgical literature breaks down class III obesity into further categories, though the exact values are still disputed.[14]
>Any BMI ≥ 35 or 40 issevere obesity
(A BMI of ≥ 35 or 40–44.9 or 49.9 ismorbid obesity
>A BMI of ≥ 45 or 50 issuper obese
>not a clinical term
>The surgical literature
Neck yourself, fat-fucker

>US weekly on msn
interesting use of 4 words there

Whose then one on the left plz



"muh genetics!!!"

>trumped up trickle down

check these digits

>I should've gotten it lol
This bitch went to a store, tried on and stretched out a shirt, liked it, and didn't buy it.

Ooooooooooooo ssssshhhhhiiiittttt

I imagine that she wouldn't be able to afford her second daily Starbucks trip if she bought it. Gotta have priorities, user


She said "I don't like you". Wow fat-shamers got btfo'ed. How can they recover?!?

I kept thinking it was done, but then load more images kept coming up at the end of it.

been looking for this since.
thanks for posting, man

>it's not about her health it's about her weight


How to achieve dollop-mode?

3 cycles of this daily



Jesus fucking Christ this is hell on Earth.

How can someone be like this?
Im honestly terrified of these demons. They make everyone's life around them hell and misery and full of embarrassment all just to eat more.



How do you reach that point? Its the same with drug addicts who have nothing. Even if your extremely addicted to something is there not a point where you look at yourself and say theres a problem?
These people are so mentally weak they can't even discipline themselves for their own good. Why not let them live their lives and die if they don't change, all your doing by helping is supporting their behavior and making them fatter.

Man I can't be the only one who thinks that type of pizza looks disgusting right