I see dude's all the time on legit forums talking about gaining length and girth from doing those exercises consistently. I even had a urologist tell me once that you couldn't increase length, but increase the girth of your dick. A very respected clinic. Does anyone have any experience or know about this? And have you tried it? I hear people say it works, and gained stuff, and doesn't work. But not often have the people who say it doesn't work.
Jelqing... does it actually work?
Other urls found in this thread:
you are going to break your dick
It works just takes a long time. You are gonna get like 2 inches max after like 2-3 years if you are dedicated. Maybe just maybe 3 inches after like 5 years
with a basic understanding of the human body, i e that the penis is an organ, how the fuck do you think you're going to make it grow bigger&longer by stretching it? it might get longer but you will lose mass, you don't gain something from nothing. if you pulled your liver out and stretched it it wouldn't get bigger and longer. stop being fuggin stupid.
I did it ~6 years ago for half a year, but I really can't say whether it worked or not. It looks girthier I guess, but the measurement differences were so small that it could've just been me measuring it incorrectly to make myself feel better.
My measurements went from 16cm to 17cm in length and I didn't keep track of girth but right now it's at ~15cm.
The exercises feel stupid and kinda hurt, I remember waking up the next morning and finding some red spots at the tip of my dick even when doing it lightly. Wouldn't recommend.
I did it for a year and nothing happened, just hurt my dick (maybe I did it wrong oh well)
The only thing that made a big difference for me is getting lean, going from 25% bf to 10% bf. No pubic fat so my normal length now was my bone pressed length before
Penis pump increases length by 0.5 and girth up to an inch but that lasts for 20 mins, its fun to use a penis pump before fucking a girl to see her crazy reaction
why is Veeky Forums so fucking stupid
>its fun to use a penis pump before fucking a girl to see her crazy reaction
Any "gains" were so small as to be irrelevant.
I'm experienced enough to do a quick, full blast, 15 minute pump with a 90% erection. Feels good, gets probably .5" thicker/longer. Usually lasts me about four hours, then it's back to normal penis.
I will say that my dick "looks" thicker now, but how much of that is just me seeing what I want to see I'm not sure.
Now sometimes I go for a long and slow marathon session. The end result is that your dick get HUGE. Like, Sips can big. BUT! it's almost all water and you end up with a cold, puffy wang with a weird turkey neck under the head of your penis. AND it doesn't really add anything to the experience overall, just adds hassle.
>if you pulled your liver out and stretched it it wouldn't get bigger and longer
Ironically the liver is exceptionally regenerative in nature.
mewing is just a meme way of saying stop mouth breathing.
Retards think mewing will magically give them a god tier jawline. It won't. What it will do, however, is make breathing easier, allow you to fix forward head posture, and fix lots of other problems that come from mouth breathing.
This. Can confirm I only got about an inch more since I started about a year and a half ago.
1 inch is literally all you need if you are 5 or 6 inches. Why don't more people talk about this?
>maybe it's because it actually works
>Getting a checkup after the accident to test for blood in my urine
>Scheduled my appointment at a reputable clinic
>Doctor says everything looks fine, drink plenty of water
>"You got it doc"
>Doc turns to leave
>Now or never
>"Hey doc"
>"Can I make my dick bigger by tugging on it and pulling it over my wrist"
>Doctor taken aback
>I can tell it's a great question
>Fuck I dunno kid, maybe it would get thicker but shit
>He said yes
>Highly reputable clinic
I've made an appointment at a reputable physical therapist to confirm, but the outlook is good boys
I don't know if I agree with this. I'm not trying to defend jelqing, but under the right stress organs grow as well. Hearts can grow in mass from extensive exercise etc
The penis is made of smooth muscle that doesn't grow from time under tension. Cardiac and skeletal muscles can grow, but smooth muscle cannot.
Asking the questions that we all want answers to lmao
>some men are so insecure about what women think of their average sized penis they squeeze and stretch them every day to cause scar tissue buildup for a marginal increase in size
>"having a slightly larger penis will surely make me less insecure about myself" they tell themselves
>"having a slightly larger penis will surely get me a girlfriend" they tell themselves
therapy is what you fuckers need
source on op is k_k_k_kang.nyang on insta because I still love you guys.
Anybody had success with a bathmate?
I'm pretty sure they just want to be able to satisfy a women and lets face it anything under 7 inches wont do.
if you have peyronies disease, you already have scar tissue in your dick anyway
I doubt this applies to 95%+ percent of those who practice jelqing
Ima' let you fucking degenerates in on a secret, the easiest way to get length and girth without fucking the structure or ruining a bunch of other shit in your cock is to
Be hydrated! And i mwan over hydrated. Your dick will plump and hang like nothing before. Itll look veiny and good to fuck with.
just shoop it like the girl in your pic did with her bod
I did it for maybe 6 months a few years ago. Didn't track girth, but when I started, my length was about 5.5 inches. When I stopped, I was 6x4.7.
I started again in February this year. Right now, I'm 6.75x5.1. I'm aiming for 7x5.5.
Less about the size and more about the curve, son.
Sorry you got that arrow dick.
>still thinking the penis is a muscle
isn't it just tissue?
Doin god's work user.
It's just spongy tissue that becomes filled with blood to create an erection. It has a muscle in it, but it's not made of muscle itself.
I'm 4.5 inches and don't get it. Then again, maybe it's because pleasuring a women isn't really something that much on my mind. I just have a collection of sex toys I play with instead. Pretty nice desu
>"Hey doc"
>"Can I make my dick bigger by tugging on it and pulling it over my wrist"
I'd be tempted to lose my shit over this lmao
Just got it only girth so far
how long do the effects last?
Hows your erection? Is it just as strong or does it feel kinda wonky
Most of the day, it’s just very important to follow the instructions do five minutes on 2 minutes off for a total of 15 minutes on that’s when I started to see the results
Apparently they start sticking after a few months so I’ll see them I guess
And thus correct vertical growth of the maxilla and improve the facial structure
I do 10 minutes on, jelq JP90 routine, then 10 minutes on again. One day on, one day off. Gf noticbly responds better to sex on the days I pump.
>Jelqing... does it actually work?
NO, dumbshit, you'll just break your dick and it'll NEVER heal properly.
user, how tiny is your penor if you actually consulted a medical professional?
no it doesn't you fucking retard. you're the same guy who made the 'bad genetics' thread, aren't you? well - you are stuck with that minipenis.
>what is cardiomegaly
>Jelqing... does it actually work?
does it reduce blood flow (hardness) or damage the tissue?
>Fuck I dunno kid, maybe it would get thicker but shit
my sides. where have they gone?
it absolutely works. like lifting it takes time and courage.
>Jelqing... does it actually work?
>tfw dick is exactly average
>tfw my wife is naturally really tight, to the point where sex gets unbearably painful for her very quickly
>tfw she's developed vaginismus on top of that, so 9/10 times we try to have sex now I literally can't get it in
smol dick niggas don't really need to complain as much as they do.
akshually the only way to have a more robust dick is to have lots of sex. when i had gf my cock had harder erections and was longer than at any point in my life. test boost plus using the organs is your best bet. pussy juice and the grip from her organ is good for your dick bros
how get gf?
step 1: get big pennis
for help with get big pennis, see
Still as strong as ever, though I do have to work harder for them. When I've had to stop for various reasons though, it gets easy again, and I pop boners every where like usual. Just pay attention to the sensitivity of your penis. If it starts getting too low, take a break for a few weeks.
>what is pathological condition
>what is striated cardiac muscle
>Tfw 6.5” erect
>can get to 7” if I haven’t done anything in a week or so
>penor looks small as fuck in the mirror
>I am 6’3”
thats my dick natural, how far could i go?
are you me? 6.75inch dick, 189cm
Is it because of body dismorphia from porn? Like by the number alone I’d say that I’m fairly well endowed but the fucker just doesn’t look that big at all.
I got one of those years ago but it kept sucking in my ballsack and squeezed my balls, which was painful as fuck. I stopped using it after a week or so. Is there a way to prevent this?
If you didn't mouthbreath in the first place I don't see that mewing will have any noticeable affect on the position of your maxilla.
Thinking about it rationally, it makes sense that if through unnatural mouthbreathing you've shrunk what your body was meant to have, but forcing your body to change beyond the blueprint seems unlikely or marginal at best
Gained like an inch in length, gained nothing in girth. Shit takes forever to progress.