B R E H S....
yeah i think she really is a smartass
>generic instagram whore #48282873
woah, 1000+ (You)'s
straight out the Whore™ factory
This would be superb if you weren't at fault for coming here
It's just a girl
she looks like someone who has a sub 100 IQ
She got some dark crystal face going on but that body is “yum yum give me sum”
i'm coming here because i'm a junkie addicted to imageboards
hating mediocre whores is a side effect
She's just so beautiful my dudes... I'd give up everything just to speak with her one time.
>Those nails
yuck. They look like they belong to the white boy who wears DC clothing and drinks Monster in my class
t. virging
That only makes her better
such a fucking waste
>not being able to hold a conversation for longer than 10 sec even about the easiest things in life
yeah truly amazing
if ugly people are smart, why are you stupid?
These are the nails of an athletic person
List of people who have shit nails:
thanks I guess
Being intelligent does not make one a good conversationalist
Please more kind sir.
while thats true, it's still easier because the chance of your partner understanding the matter is higher
Isabela Fernandez @belafernandez btw