This guy broke down his muscle too much and had to be hospitalized for 5 days. This is crazy:
Crossfit claims another victim
Yeah one of my friends got rhabdo while on vacation RIP.
You can get it from any intense workout though, even know a few other femanons who got it from overdoing it at spin class
Yeah, but it seems like this is more about endurance type workouts. Isn’t this also how the famous first marathon runner died?
Have had dozens of dipshits roll through my hospital with rhabdo, mostly marines doing crossfit.
Any regimen that demands you do an arbitrary, high number of reps can do this. Don't be a dipshit and do a real routine.
This can cause long term damage to your fucking kidneys.
lol I meant RIP ironically btw but I see now that this could be greatly misconstrued.
too much kipping is what causes rhabdo 99% of the time, no actual muscle tension causing blood to flow around the tissue rather than pumping it, it also fucks up the joints because that interia pendulums all the force on the pivot
Crossfit, not even once
Can't wait to sit back and watch the impending class action lawsuit against crossfit for the kipping meme.
Can you imagine veing a fully grown adult who works out by throwing a ball against a wall and then flailing on a bar.. and the making excuses for said retardation after being hospitalised because of it?
So how does this differ from doing reps until failure?
Kipping is so fucking shitty it pisses me off. People who kip should be exterminated. Seriously wtf, do them right or don't do them at all.
Several members of a college handegg/niggerball team got rhabdo a few years back, coach made them do a punishment workout for not showing up in shape, 100 total squats with their bodyweight on the bar, no reps per set requirement, just 100 total in as few sets as possible. Many were hospitalized.
Not just going to failure, but either repeatedly going there in a single session, or even not to failure but excessive volume. See example above, that's probably 10-15 sets or so for a hs handegg player to make those reps.
How likely am I to get this when every last set I go to failure?
>So how does this differ from doing reps until failure?
It has to do with total reps. If I do a limit set of 5 and miss the fifth rep, everything is fine. If I do 30 poorly executed pull-ups in a row until I “feel the burn” and then do 50 of something else, I’m asking for trouble.
So doing a shit load of pushups and sit ups is dumb?
this dude is also on TRT that's why i recognize his face right as i clicked on the video
i think it's very very easy to overdo it with exercising when you're on roids
trust me the difference in how you feel after a tough workout on vs off is insane
i've blasted for 2 years and never felt sore after any workout and i was doing weightlifting full time - 2 a day mwf once on t,th and sat
off i was very sore after a day of bodybuilding 45 min workout lmao
Yep, unless your name is Goku, high rep sets are not your friend. Most injuries are caused by too much volume.
you can do 100 pushups a day in a single set if you're fit enough, and over time that number may increase without much risk. that's not what we're to talking about here. take the same guy for example, doing a total of 500 over 10 sets within 30 minutes, and that's asking for trouble when done consistently. crossfit does just that, but instead of a well-conditioned individual you have a dyel or if the individual is conditioned he continues to push past that 500 limit per day, continuing despite obvious form breakdown all so they can complete their wods
Reminder to all crosstards: Prolonged high-intensity cardio is literally shit for your health. Go look at the fucking science.
"They tracked 9,889 athletes with a known age at death, who took part in at least one Olympic Games between 1896 and 1936. Together they represented 43 disciplines requiring different levels of exercise intensity and physical contact.
After adjusting for sex, year of birth and nationality, they found that athletes from sports with high cardiovascular intensity (such as cycling and rowing) or moderate cardiovascular intensity (such as gymnastics and tennis) had similar mortality rates compared with athletes from low cardiovascular intensity sports, such as golf or cricket."
Yep you read that right. Fucking Olympians in high cardiovascular intensity sports have the same life expectancy as fucking golfers because prolonged high-intensity workouts have enough negatives to outweigh the positives.
Light cardio is not only all you need to be healthy as fuck it is actually BETTER for you in the long term.
Know what gives a perfect amount of it? Simple ass weight training.
Unless you are trying to be a triathlon champion stop being a fucking retard and wasting your time with these dumb ass workout routines that are actively negating the health benefits of working out.
>between 1896 and 1936.
Got anything just a smidge newer?
> Got anything just a smidge newer?
Yeah, I wonder why we don't have mortality rates for more recent Olympians. It's almost as if to get the mortality of a group the majority of that group has to die. It is surely a mystery why the group in the study is from roughly 100 years ago...
More like
>heh, w'ere looking at a generation that had completely different health standards and manners of training, they smoked to expand their lungs, completely applicable today.
what if i told genetics is what matter
>never did an exercise before
>go full yolo even when you feel sore af
he's a coach too
>went partying and drinking that night
what a normie fagot
totally different medicine too
before the 60's everyone living with diebetus or w/e other issue would just be dead
U probably dont lift enough
>100 reps of bodyweight back squats
That honestly sounds kind of like a fun workout
user don't get rhabdo and die I love you
>doing butterfly pull-ups
>biceps hurt like crazy
>notice my usual easy wall balls are suddenly much harder
>might as well go and do some more butterfly pull-ups
>it's not like my nerves tell me useful information about my body
Why do crossfitters do this?
what I am getting from this is that he should have taken 3-5min breaks between squat wall ball and criket kipping pullups and he would be fine, right? taking breaks prevents rhabdo?
Why don't these people just do normal workouts?
These are the same type of people that “virtue signal” in sjw groups. They base most of their self worth on social approval. They are highly susceptible to peer pressure.
This tendency causes them to push themselves until they break. It is like every workout is a competition. Most workouts should be about building strength and endurance, but these fools make every workout a strength and endurance demonstration.
Can someone give me a short summary on this crossfit crap? From what I understand its supposed to be endurance weight lifting right? High reps lower weight with no regard to form. This is what I've been told.
Why did this become a thing if this is true? Why fix what isn't broken?
>mfw i max out every workout, every single day, and never get hurt
>mfw i don't have anyone to show off
>Fucking Olympians in high cardiovascular intensity sports have the same life expectancy as fucking golfers because prolonged high-intensity workouts have enough negatives to outweigh the positives.
Even if this is true what matters is that it still gives you a stronger and more attractive athletic body. With golf you could be a fat fuck like Trump but you'd still be a disgusting fat ass.
So even if there is no net gain here its still better to have the athletic body anyways because it gives a status boost.
'Athleticism' is literally 90% dependent on genetics. This is what CrossFit and its legions of easily duped morons don't understand.
Training according to CrossFit's stupid randomised model doesn't make you a better athlete - it doesn't even make you better at doing crossfit. It sure as hell doesn't make you stronger, either. What makes you stronger is training for strength. What makes you more athletic is nothing. Sorry, you just get what you're given. That's why pro handegg players get paid big money to throw a piece of leather around and you don't.
Maxing out in terms of weight lifting won’t give you rahbdo.
The real problems are mixing intensity with high volume. Maxing out will strain your muscles. Overdoesing on volume will kill them.
ah yes the "i didnt drink enough water" disease
He looks fat and like he has bad cardio, probably pushed too hard when he wasn't in great shape to begin with
low volume master race
You get rhabdo from excessively stressing muscle tissues past their capacity to maintain their normal functional structure.
At the molecular level, your muscles are composed of (among other things) overlapping layers of actin and myosin. The concentric contraction of a muscle occurs when those layers move across each other one way, and the eccentric occurs when they move the other way.
Excessive ECCENTRIC effort is where the problem lies - since the layers of the fiber are moving AWAY from each other in the eccentric, there's potential for them to essentially be ripped apart from each other. At the macro-level, this is how muscles usually tear- when you've loaded them too heavily, you get to maximum eccentric contraction at the bottom of a squat or bench... and the muscle can't deal with the tension it's been placed under and rips apart.
Rhabdo is the other end of the spectrum, where a bunch of extremely small tears occur across the layers of the muscle to the point where the body simply can't deal with repairing them all. Think the difference between cutting a side of beef in half, and macerating it with a blender or something.
This doesn't happen when you lift heavy loads - because (a)you just fail if the load's too much without putting yourself under excessive quantities of stress, and (b) you can't lift heavier weights (relative to a hypothetical max) enough times to cause the kind of tissue damage required for rhabdo.
What DOES cause it, however, is extremely excessive and repetitive motions at relatively LOW intensity. Lower intensity lets you accumulate more eccentric stress over a very long period.
Basically if you're working out normally in the gym, this is unlikely to happen - you'll stop long before you get to the point where rhabdo is a risk. It happens to crossfitters because the atmosphere of the classes encourages people to push WAY beyond where they'd otherwise stop.
>killing your muscles
>not your CNS
Fucking hell, this is the best post I've read on Veeky Forums for a long time. Shitposts are great and all but it's really refreshing to see an actual answer for once.
Good info.
Lmao that pic is highly advanced shitposting 10/10
tfw you've been doing 7 reps
Nice, this is the kinda succinct information on rhabdo and crossfit i was looking for. Made my day.
> highly advanced
But you'd legitimately have to extremely stupid to not spot the image as satire straight away
so hiit is bad? i saw this in a another article or video too i dont remember where the guy from his own experience recommended light cardio instead because hiit in the long haul even takes some of your muscle too
No, just don't do an hour of HIIT every day, every week.
Wait a second. I have been training using cluster (a set of 3 pull ups followed by 30 seconds of rest then another set of 3 and so on).
Doing that I accumulate about 120 pull ups in about 25 minutes. Way more reps than I can do with sets of 10-8 reps, am I going to die?
>Kipping is so fucking shitty it pisses me off. People who kip should be exterminated. Seriously wtf, do them right or don't do them at all.
Because that’s not effective when it comes to social media approval and Instagram likes and comments.
Black Mirror should have a Crossfit episode.
Cluster for like 5-7 mins max. 25 mins is a long fucking cluster set
thanks nigga
Every year
how about kettlebell lifters where they do shit ton of reps either jerks (150)or longcycle (100) with 2x32kg for 10 minutes
thats that bdawgs guy or whoever who does the pranks and pretended to be clay thompson
I haven't seen this quality in a while, thank you
>Black Mirror
Man, season 3 was much worse than the previous ones. Didn't even bother watching all the episodes.
That's why I train in my room and don't tell people that I exercise like I did before. Also, I stopped being that fag that posts every book he's reading. Those are my secret hobbies now. I only seek social approval in an anonymous Mongolian ice-cream sammich appreciation board.
>Man, season 3 was much worse than the previous ones
well Netflix bought it, imo it was overall worse but 2 of the best episodes are from that season, the VR one and "shut up and dance" i didnt even finish the others
Really? I have seem good improvement in my back and went from being able to do 12 pull ups in a row to 16 in just a about 2 months (I work out like that 3xweek). Maybe I should increase the amount of reps per set, I just love doing lots of pull ups. what do you think?
If its working keep doing it till u stall but Do u ever add weight?
I thought Nosedive was in one of the previous seasons, I actually liked that one quite a bit. The VR one, Playtest, was pretty good, I guess. The last one I watched was Men Against Fire, and it was okay. Maybe I should take a look at the others.
bro just watch Shut up and dance, it's the best episode of all of them
this guy isnt even fit i just see a fat person talking
and those "pull ups" look like a guaranteed way to fuck up your neck
no more crossfit, NO MORE
>kipping requires "so much control and muscle tension"
top giggle
I have been playing with adding weight by using a backpack on the front but it feels uncomfortable. Buying or making a dip belt is also out of the question since I live in a 3rd world shithole and I'm poor. The only option I can think of is transitioning to something harder like archer pull ups, if you have anything else in mind I am all ears
Who remembers when Crossfit first got popular and you'd see Rich Froning on magazine covers and everyone thought all crosfitters we're super ripped. Fast forward and now everyone knows they're dyel manlets with shitty tattoos and patchy beards. Most women ive met who say they do crossfit weren't even in decent shape
Can you hold a dumbell between your feet? But if what your doing now works stick to it.
>be me
>live in college town with crowded gyms
>do cluster sets to get in and get out fast as possible and avoid having to share or lose weight station
>100 bodyweight squats is enough to give you a disease
Absolute keke m8
I take one rest day a week
Its a social club where you hurt yourself to show how badass you are.
How can you not like Nosedive?
What do u think is harder Bodyweight squats for a tall nig nog or bodyweight squats for a manlet like yourself?
Have you ever seen a pushup contest? Always someone who throws form out the window in attempt to win. Crossfit took this global
If this is the case then how is running for long periods of time not dangerous?
damn, I do high reps to train calves, 25 with high weight supersetted with 50 with low weight
Can this shit happen to me?
You already have it. Call an ambulance
>stuck to the 5 rep range forever
>started doing 6 rep sets
>confused the shit out of my muscles, massive gains
The trick is to never go above 5 unless you're desperate. If you do sets of 8-10, the 6 rep range does nothing
The problem is im doing pull ups in a public park. Cannot pay for a gym or get a dumbell. I guess I'll try the backpack again, the problem is I think my form deteriorates with the back pack on (I don't feel my scapula doing it's work correctly even with the backpack in front). Anyways thank you for the advice!
not even once
You can get this shit from spin class too
Not a single post in this thread understands rabdomyolisis.
This happens to people who take long breaks from excercising and then do extremely hard sessions when they resume their training.
it normally happens to middle-aged men who decide to get back into shape and try to do the same training routine they did back when they were young.
It also happens to people who abuse steroids. They do a steroid cycle and get used to doing intense workouts. When they stop using, they continue with the intense workout forgetting - as most steroid abusers do - that they are not superman and in fact they are weaker as their bodies are dependant on higher androgen levels due to homeostatic compensation.
Depending on the steroid cycle it can take years for the body to readjust to healthier levels. (They will never reach the precycle level)
So as a young man I am at low risk despite pushing myself to a limit practically everyday?
it also happens if you're extremely dehydrated
>>do cluster sets to get in and get out fast as possible and avoid having to share or lose weight station
lol same
works ok for ohp honestly senpai
partly working up to it over time, partly not that much eccentric loading (controlled lowering)
crossfit doesn't make you better at anything, its just a workout for that day for ADHD people that cant stick to a real program
Is it bad that every set I do is to failure? I thought everyone did this until I came to Veeky Forums
>his happens to people who take long breaks from excercising
like 1 or 2 months
I'm by no means an expert, but people run marathons and don't get rhabdo so maybe you'll be fine
Sounds like a great way to work your biceps in small doses and not retard no breaks shit. If I could deal with the stigma of not actually doing pullups that is. I felt a similar pump to what he's talking about with one workout of that benching for bigger throws routine where my arms were as big as they've ever been with high speed benching.
I'm going to try doing really fast weighted chinups today and see if the pump is huge.
user, what are you doing? You're supposed to reach failure. You just need to use an amount of weight that will make you reach failure within your target rep range.
It depends on what your body is adapted to do and your overall strength. Stronger muscles will be less succeptible. Muscles adapted to running long distances will be less succeptible.
The reason this happens in Crossfit so often is crossfit more or less combines the perfect storm:
1. People who have no understanding of their own bodies, others bodies, or their own physical limits. Most people are NOT capable of judging their own fatigue, reserves, or ability on a given day (because they are not experienced in doing so.)
2. People who THINK they're much more capable than they are (both in instructing and performing the activities they're doing). Crossfit tells people it lets them 'train like athletes' and that it's 'functional' and that it makes them 'strong and athletic' and good at 'endurance'. None of this is true, but that's a different post.
3. EXTREMELY high-rep exercises performed for very long periods of time, sometimes 4-5 days or even more a week.
4. A self-reinforcing group mentality that encourages people to do silly shit like work out till they throw up. Not saying that if you really go all out you too won't throw up after heavy deadlifts, but it's neither necessary or beneficial. (this isn't always a bad thing, but with the other three, it leads to perfect conditions for rhabdo.)
Nobody tries to run a marathon without running shorter distances first, e.g., so it's unlikely a given runner who's decently strong (and 'decently strong' for a distance runner isn't the same thing as 'decently strong' for a football player) won't get rhabdo from their training.
Marathoners do OCCASIONALLY suffer from it due to overtraining/environmental factors/bad luck. But the kind of people who run long distance are a heavily self-selected group of people who (a) want to do it, and (b) are able to tolerate the pain and tedium involved in it, which is evidence of ( c) genetic suitability for the activity in the first place, meaning they'll probably be fine.