>talk to this girl for a while
>really like her and get signals she likes me too
>daydream about going out with her
>man up and ask her out today
>"ehh no" , walks away awkwardly
Idk anymore man.. I know this story is very cliche but just fuck
>talk to this girl for a while
>really like her and get signals she likes me too
>daydream about going out with her
>man up and ask her out today
>"ehh no" , walks away awkwardly
Idk anymore man.. I know this story is very cliche but just fuck
go ask another girl out, no need to dwell in the past
this. sadly this is the only solution
Hurts now. Attention elsewhere. Time heals all. Opportunities for growth everywhere.
Now try again until it works.
Im actually proud on myself strangely because it really really got to me and i said to myself if i dont ask it ill never know and i did it
First time ever 21 yo btw
This is normal OP
>like girl in uni who is in my organization
>she goes out of her way to talk to me
>have friendly banter back and forth
>friends tell me to go for it
>"dude she also likes you!"
>go for it
>she says yes
>ghosts me
Find another girl worthy of your seed.
You should be proud, just keep it up with other chicks and you might succeed another time
Fucking bitches man
>down dumps
>accepting rejection
Beta as fuck lmao
It had to be done either way
the only way to get over this is to talk to 10x the number of girls. but people who meet 10x the girls never have this problem
It happens to everyone, man. Listen I'm this shitty Board's ideal alpha(6'3, Swimmer-fighter physique, pretty face and eyes, chin, brow, all that jazz). Also iq higher than 130 and pretty socially intelligent. I get blown out like 75% of time, in situations like yours. So don't sweat it, , keep lifting
this is infinitely worse than her just saying no
rejection from a crush is a relief (not desired obviously and u may feel shit for 2days if you were really thirsty), but you get to move on. and she won't hold it against you, if she did, its a bullet dodged
Delet this
Like all hunts, it's a game of stats. Even with an 80% success rate, which would be solid as fuck, you will still regularly experience rejection/ghosting.
I find that girls find it weak if you ask them out in a way that seems significant. It's a vulnerability modern women don't make allowance for. Just casually invite her to something where you can make a move on her, and always have multiple lines open so you don't care if one of them drops out. It's a catch-22 situation you have to slide your way into
ask out more girls until you forget about her
I fucking hate this shit so much. Why are people so rude and cowardly Veeky Forums? Don't say yes and break off contact to avoid conflict. Just say no.
women are chickenshits dude, it is what it is
Post pics faggot
it's because you're fat.
She's probably a lesbian.
Der U go
That filename
Straight outta google
Yeah dawg thats the right attitude
>meet a beautiful, inteligent, funny girl through friends
>ask her out, shes excited and says yes
>go out couple of times, french kiss couple times
>say something retarded by accident and she gets butthurt
>she no longer cares
>try to repair what I have damaged. She no longer cares, she no longer feels anything for me
>she tells me shes not interested
it hurts brehs... I had a chance and i fucking blew it :(
Cunts indeed. One of my female friends in the organization told me about how she ghosted some guy too and I went off on her. Her defense was "I didn't want to hurt him"
Here it is
What the fuck did you say to just out right kill her feeling for you?
She was only talking to you to make fun of you
Your friends were making fun of you too
Never mind im projecting my own social paranoia.
I lift my dick in and out your mom
straight outta BAITED
No you don't
What did you say
what'd you fucking say dude
can't just drop that and call it a day
Well we were getting frisky
Me: you kiss like a black girl
Her: uhhh... what does that mean?
Me: well I uh wouldn’t date a black lol
Her: wtf
Me: not what I meant wait
what a disaster
dodged a niggerloving bullet
I knew it went like this before you even posted
What the actual fuck you retsrd
>this guy talks to me for a while
>really like him and get signals he likes me too
>daydream about going out with him
>one day he asks me out
>im in shock. i never felt this nervous in my life. oh my god, oh my god. what do I say? is this a joke? he can't be interested in me, right? i misinterpreted it all. ok, play it cool.
>say "ehh no"
>walk away awkwardly
>palms are sweaty
>go to the bathroom
>why did i say that? fuck
>eyes start welling up with tears
>im so sorry, user
> Not being able to handle rejection
> Wasting time on someone that rejected you
Real alpha amirite
How can you be interested in a person that reacts to a date-question with "ehh no" and walking off?
Sounds like a basic bitch.
why do girls give all the signals that they are into you but in reality they arent
how can they even do that
You are a fucking legend for nuttin up and asking her out. Just at it again mate. Girls, dating, hooking up, it's all a social SKILL, as with all skills, it needs practice. With practice comes failure, but also success. Just forget about that bitch and move on to the next one.
>being this new
Your sword (dick) is enough to slay a thot like that.
Bump for thisp
tfw actually done this
>crush on a girl from uni
>afraid to ask her out
>if she rejects me i still have to look at her every day for the next 5 years
wat do Veeky Forums
I'm sorry friend. Rejection is part of life. You'll find your qt
>Veeky Forums made me incredibly blunt in conversation
If thats ur arm it looks nice op you just thought i'd point it out no homo
Damn man this motivated me too.
There is this cute girl who seems really shy. Seen her all the time in library studying at my uni(engineering).
When I look at her in hallways I lock out eyes with her but she always autistically looks down on floor when she realises.
>tfw il ask her out after winter break and i just dont care
>oneitis approaches me and tells me she likes me
>start dating
>too pussy to kiss her
>she starts ghosting me because of it
>not even friends anymore
Rest days are a living hell. I NEED to lift to forget her if only for a few hours.
Good job dude dont stress it just keep trying. Even if it's with women you're not interested in, just talk to them and get their numbers and stuff so youre ready when the right one comes
Do it. Trust me.
Yes senpai its mine lol
Have to admit my forearms are not bad.. i work in construction and do weightlifting
You do realize that talking is not the same as creating attraction, right? You probably just talk about boring/friend shit and she thought you just wanted to be friends and rightfully so told you to fuck off when you clumsily tried to make the switch.
legit how i tried asking one girl out
(somewhat understandable tho since she was just after breakup or something and i wasnt aware of this)
>see her walking through corridor, shes heading home
>"hey X, what are you doing this weekend?"
>"nothing really"
>"would you like to hang out sometime?"
>mfw she instantly turns around and walks towards exit
>tfw born with HEIGHT FRAME but ugly FACE
>after winterbreak
She might be taken by then, dont wait bro
Because you faggots fuck up. Just because she was interested until a point doesn't mean she'll forever be.
>too pussy to kiss
Doesnt oneitis mean you destroyed her one night? Why afraid to kiss if u fucked her
Where did you get that definition from? A oneitis is just a crushingly deep crush. A girl that you could actually consider to be the one.
Oneitis is someone you're borderline obsessed with, a huge crush
Oh man.. ive always tought that it is another world for "one night stand".
where do you think we are?
i'll be broken if she says no
What the fuck, are you literally retarded?
Trust me when I tell you that regret feels worse than rejection ever EVER could.
Women are super emotional and flaky, and the less time she's invested in you, the easier it is for her to do a 180 and just drop you, even if things were going well up to that point.
Usually if she sees that you hesitate or do anything kind of "beta", her interest will drop instantly. Make too many of these little mistakes and suddenly all the great interaction you've had with her will be lost.
If shit fails, just try to figure out where you fucked up and acted like a pussy-ass bitch, and then try not to do that next time. There's plenty of holes out there for everyone, so don't give up
Good. You need to learn how that feels, because she's probably not the one anyway, and the earlier on you learn to deal with rejection, the better it will be for you in the future.
Don't be a faggot. Just take a deep breath, walk up to her, and say whatever stupid shit pops into your head. All you need to do is make her laugh, it doesn't really matter how.
basically what you described happened to me
still trying to cope with feelings now
>kiss oneitis on a magical night after months of pining over her
>over the moon with her the rest of that night
>two days later i've revealed my autism
>cant stop myself from texting or snapchatting her, now she doesnt reply to me at all
your body looks like you dont even lift tho
youre just slightly better than average normie from this pic
face is most important anyway
It’s a genovaism
>Actually revealing your powerlevel
Law 38 boyo
You cant constantly text them dude gotta give them space. Better luck next time.
You kissed her. Did better than me.
Yeah and now I will replay that moment for the rest of my miserable existence. What couldve been...
Wow user it's almost like there aren't billions of women out there
Dont go 0 to 100 real quick nigga. Just dont talk to her for a week or two and see if she messages you at all in that time. If not, GG. It might not all be lost though.
That's not autism, that's gross neediness that makes shit like incels exist. Chads overcome this by realising it's just one girl
Yeah I know what it is and I fucking hate myself for it. I only do this to women I actually have feelings for, the ultimate self sabotage.
billions of women but only oneitis
shieeet Veeky Forums, never fail to surprise
Always expect nothing, then you can never be dissappointed. Its better to be rejected than ignored.
nice wtf dyel get off my board
Youve got to be kidding me