I'm thinking of taking the trenpill Veeky Forums
What results can I realistically expec and is it worth the side effects?
I asked on /fraud/ but couldn't find anything out
Realistically expect depression when you realize you spent money and risked your health for a shallow reward instead of finding your natural limit and reaching zen
Depends on how much you take.
So death?
Guy at supplement shop said i have to substitute it with test prop and estrogen blockers. I forgot the dosage he said
side effects include acne, increased libido, possible gyno but that's fine if you block estro. If you're worried about acne get some accutane. If you have a history of heart problems then don't do it, if you don't you'll be fine so long as you cycle conservatively, don't cruise on it like zyzz. Remember Piana did roids, hgh probably, and coke and he lived until 45. If you don't go that hard, you'll be okay.
Also roid rage is a literal meme, there's never been a study indicating that it exists past increased confidence and placebo.
Tren shouldn't convert to estrogen. I think any gyno will come from progesterone or prolactin.
Roid rage is a meme. Tren rage, however, is not.
>is it worth the side effects?
Yes and no, depends how well you handle sides desu.
600T and low dose of tren should do you good.
What do you guys think of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) in pill form?
Is it effective or will it just destroy my liver?
Side effects include brain damage, mate.
Fuck Zyzz - you'll end up a Jason Genova.
>Rich Piana probably used HGH
He took 24 units a day for 10 years mate
I hope you're not serious. Sounds like you've never taken steroids before. You don't even know what you're dealing with and you come to a Thai transexual porcupine groping forum to ask about it. Literally kys...
As a rule of thumb, if you have to ask, don't do orals you moron
Man if only there was a link to a wiki on fraud that you could read you insipid puddle of genetic waste.
If only there was a link in that wiki that you could use to find out what other people's experience with a given hormone is so you wouldn't have to ask STUPID fucking questions.
You dont need tren as a beginner, if you really wanma do roids just start with test
I csn tell youre a beginner or a kid tho so stop being retarded and eat snd lift. If you dont know shit about diet and training itll be a waste
What GNC do you go to?
You can expect dramatic recomp
Wow the guy at the supplement shop.
If you are going to do this. Talk to your Dr and get monitored while doing it. The Dr will advise against doing this, but it is his duty to help you if only to minimize long term damage and keep an open line of communication with you to help you get off.
Seriously talk to your Dr if you live in a bigger center look for a Dr that specializes in mens health.
Roid rage is real when dealing with supra physical dosages and is intensified by the combination of roids.
Basically the absolute best one can say about roid rage is that men who’ve used steroids are not more likely to be convicted of violence after accounting for other drug use. So it puts roid users in the same demographic as hard core drug users.
No clinical studies on tren or deca, but it is well accepted they can cause limp dick.
As to Estrogen to little = limp dick and joint issues (dry) along with bone density issues over the long term. To much = rapid mood changes and can leads to gyno.
Guessing your AI dosage without blood tests is just plain old stupid.