A few threads back someone was going on about grapefruit juice and lipids. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1873672/ This study looks at how grapefruit juice can inhibit the metabolisation of some drugs
Daniel Morris
Maybe I’m just weird but do you brehs explicitly go for sexy girls over cute ones? Like personally I’ll take a cute nerdy bookworm kind of chick with small tits and a small ass who doesn’t always bother to do makeup even if she gets a pimple over some porn star looking girl any day.
Yeah you’ve gotta be careful with grapefruits which sucks because they taste awesome and the juice is fuckin goood.
Jaxon Miller
Torn between buying a Shiro figure or a Rem figure. The Shiro figure looks cooler but Rem is cute.
Help me /fraud/
Michael Davis
I don't think I want to do tren anymore
Jeremiah Allen
Well boys, looks like ecurrency is in a free fall. It's been fun.
Cameron Hill
That's just the tren talking. If anything up the dose. Pussy.
Carson Bailey
Ive been thinking about kilking myself all day
Daniel Green
Yeah up the dose. You should be thinking about killing others. Plus suicide ideation is different from suicidal thoughts.
Isaiah Fisher
Ayden Martinez
Were all gonna make it brahhh.
On a side note my nuts haven't shrank yet from this test p is that normal?
Ayden Jackson
Needles come tomorrow....xmas comes early
Elijah Richardson
Came across the information from an advices radio podcast which has Jordan Peters. Pretty interesting if any of tall into that Advices Radio URL: feeds.feedburner.com/AdvicesRadio
To answer you question though. Yes it's great because their is something I enjoy about taking innocence and turning it into smut
That depends. What's you protocol. How long have you been on and bloodwork. Unless your gear is bunk though i would consider that a non issue
Gabriel Lee
I don't know if my tastes are just based on the last chick I was steadily fucking or if there's some sort of nature I go after. But recently I like not ditzy but bubbly and feminine girls.
Anthony Bell
2 months test p eod pins
>2nd week of pinning 2 in >no bloods cause I'm a retarded leaf Ill get them after cycle >400mg test p week >4 weeks then I might drop to 300mg last 4 weeks >I'm a dyel roidin b4 I go to prison >gained 5 pounds so far >got all muh pct and a trainer
Owen Phillips
if i do a 500mg week cycle +25mg dianabol a day will i get stretch marks?
Evan Nguyen
If it makes you feel any better I didn't notice changes in my testes until 7 or 8 weeks in. Depends?? I used to be a fatass so I had a lot of loose skin once I dropped down to sub 15% bf. When I put on lean mass I never gained those trademark stretch marks on the shoulder/pit areas or anywhere else for that matter
Luis Wood
>4th pin this morning
i think im FEELIN IT
Luis Jones
Oh your that guy. I dont even know where to start but assuming your gear is good and you are going to prison and you are dyel you should have really gained more weight. Pls eatnlift. Your bummy hole depends on it.
Say your gear is bad well I'm not sure you are going to habe much time to do anything about it.
Sorry buddy. Good luck
Jaxon Wright
I just drew with a 23g and tried stabbing my ass with a 20.... it's been a long day
Cameron Brooks
Reeeeeeee. I brewed mast e at 300mg/ml and there was still some in the container so I drew it out with a clean syringe but holy fuck that shit is the consistency of glue. I wonder if it’s still safe to pin.
Joseph Gonzalez
Wtf are you going to prison for mate, and how long
Owen Fisher
I have always preferred cute girls over sexy ones. Always chose smaller framed girls and I always tried to turn my previous gfs into cute girls but they always wanted to be some IG whore Kardashian clone. Tried to get my ex to wear cute short skirts, thigh high socks and collared tops and bright colours or cute pastels all the time but she always chose some fucking skin tight jeans and a crop top or some gay shit in either black, white or some bullshit biege or moody red or purple. Then she's get pissy with me because I gave her less attention.
No shit I'm giving you less attention when you look like something I'm not attracted to.
But yeah I like the cute, innocent, bashful and naive type. But they're a needle in a haystack with modern girls who are just straight up whores or psuedo-whores.
Joshua Russell
:( maybe the bottles are underdosed? I get mad pumps and I'm much more hungry
Owen Murphy
Also 5lbs in a week seems pretty roidy to me. I just need 20lbs
Nathaniel Thompson
>mfw I buy more BTC @ $6k and triple my money again
Bentley Moore
I used to have the biggest balls in the country. Like, aside from elephantiasis, they were the biggest nuts anyone ever saw. I could make chicks cum when they slapped their bumholes during sex.
... I miss them ;_;
William Gonzalez
that was rude
Elijah Cruz
ouch how does that feel
Camden Reed
FFS Just looked at the fucking market.. I have money that has been stuck between markets not confirming while this shit is going on. I just want to buy my freaking steroids not lose $50 while it tanks transferring funds.. what a garbage "currency"
Josiah Foster
That's one of my favorite parts of sex lowkey
Joshua Torres
Nah ether is doing fine. Dips are to be expected. Just buy and hold. I've already doubled my initial investment
Nicholas Taylor
So I ended up getting Shiro. No regrets. She's very cute.
Bentley Edwards
Lol I’m too scared to look and I only have $100 in btc right now.
Are those the things that obese guys cum on and then take pictures of after?
Jacob Stewart
Oh no it's only worth 14k instead of 19k, a totally expected drop in value! what will we ever do
Austin Myers
Do people seriously do this here I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Joshua Parker
not me user, i only buy high quality statues for mature collectors such as myself
i do actually own this though
Easton Ward
Yes they are. Undoubtedly they cum on fake ones, Shiro is a fake aswell but I don't care that much.
Cumming on real ones which cost in excess of $200 is retarded.
Jeremiah Flores
>coworker tells me she has a date tonight >won’t tell me who >ends up leaving an hour early >says bye to me before she leaves Is she trying to make me jealous, or is she telling the truth?
Nathaniel Russell
A currency has to be relatively stable dummy, if its to be a currency it has to be good for buying things and keeping value. How would you feel if you woke up and had 30% less value in your bank account tomorrow? Whole thing has turned into a wild investment scam with through the roof fees.
Jackson Miller
More importantly, why do you care? Either she's dating somebody, in which case she's likely off the market, or she's an immature game-playing child, in which case you should drop her like a bad investment.
Brody Flores
>he collects statues of men
Are you gay or something, faggot?
Jaxson Walker
Bitcoin was drastically unstable to begin with is all I'm saying. I agree with you completely and entirely man. You should honestly pull out everything you have in BTC and start putting it into ether. Just watch out for meme coins
Missed opportunity if you really like her. When she wouldn’t tell you with who you should said “oh right it was me, so does the (trendy wine and tapas bar) downtown still sound good? If so I’ll see you at (2 hours from now)”
Either she was just fucking with you and it’d work or she was seriously going on a date with someone else and she’ll think you’re a mouthbreathing downie.
Ayden Reyes
fuck. I can’t tell if this unlabeled vial was test or mast
Lucas Robinson
Does your vendor have a reference page for color codes?
Xavier Cruz
I made it myself. It’s light yellow so I can’t tell because I’m pretty sure my test cyp was the same color
Hunter Adams
Just got back from the lab. I wil get full lipids, alt, ast, creatinine and complete blood count. Results should be later today or tommorow morning.
Brayden Stewart
Looking at the last thread
wtf happend, why everyone had fun without me
wtf happend to Jerry. I bet he's just trolling with us to let us feel better about ourselves.
Grayson Martin
user's Guide to Enjoying an Andy Sixx Log Roll® The Original and the Best®
Step 1: Wrap your lips around Andy's puckered slop hole. Step 2: Give Andy a couple of gentle sucks to let him know you're ready for your creamy treat. Step 3: At this point inhale deeply, relax your jaw and open your throat. Step 4: Allow Andy's fresh log to enter your fucking throat. Note: Andy's logs are sopping wet to allow easy sliding. Step 5: Contract your throat muscles to work the dreamy turd down. Step 6: Burp out excess steam. Step 7: Beg Andy for another. Repeat steps until completely clogged.
Congratulations! you are now living the dream.
Colton James
Ingestion of grapefruit lowers elevated hematocrits in human subjects.
I'm on week 7 taking 500mg Test E split up into 2 pins a week. I'm up like 14lbs and I have another 5 weeks left. You should be gaining way more.
Tyler Scott
have you did your bloods again? im curious about the results
Carson Watson
No, it should be here yesterday but still nothing. Was planned to do it today without food in my stomach because that's needed for triglycerides
And probably will be closed with Christmas. Nothing goes as planned
Brayden Edwards
Thank for the update boo.
Oliver Nguyen
Holy damn. This feels good. Time to shitpost these threads into oblivion once more.
Julian Reyes
I missed you
Oliver Wilson
I missed me too.
Ethan Rogers
How's the deca, you eating?
Aaron Roberts
Nope. Nope. Nope. Sorting out a lot of life shit recently been very stressed and so I'm just cruising.
Going back to university, getting a new job etc.
Nolan Gray
The twink returned!! Did you already required muscles?
Wyatt Collins
>Did you already required muscles?
Henry Green
stop this manga pussy shit, it makes you pussy and your muscles will stay dyel
Only use big huge dbz characters as pictures
and i bet you also listen to pussy music
Justin Brown
Rem is cute!
I find myself becoming more attracted to 2d girls than to 3d girls every day, unironically. Every day, the girls I see IRL become less and less attractive.
I listen primarily to Sabaton and anime sound tracks, then when I feel like nostalgia trips from being a kid Breaking Benjamin, Bullet For My Valentine and Three Days Grace. For highschool nostalgia trips it's Chelsea Grin, Thy Art Is Murder, Bring Me The Horizon and Parkway Drive.
What music do you like masT?
Caleb Long
Can I make more gains first cycle even after I've made the expected 12 - 18 lbs?
Gonna keep blasting for a couple more weeks then cruise for 10. I wanna stay thicc.
Julian Wood
I will add though, the Perfect Cell Theme is one of the single best fucking songs in any anime ever.
Cell was such a cool villain as well. Was more of a chaotic neutral than a true evil. Just wanted to be the very best fighter in the universe and didn't care what he had to do to get there.
Noah Richardson
Cell is beast. youtu.be/GBr1p6iSU-I This usually gets me going when it comes to gym motivation. Voice actor was fucking spot on and makes Cell look even more badass
Dylan Cox
That's a fucking stupid question, yes you can.
Jayden Foster
Das mean. Also. Omg you're back
William Ross
I thought you said I was black then but yes I am back, to some people's dismay.
Levi Scott
Saw this. Decided to order a Shiro figure. God damn Shiro is fucking cute.
Ryan White
She's a W H O R E!! You all have trash taste
Joshua Sanchez
She's just loli fanservice, what do you want? She's fucking cute. She's also 11.
They recently play the NGNL:Zero movie in my local cinemas, so I went and saw it four times. Still couldn't fucking understand it.
Isaiah Myers
Also I'm disgusted that your anime pictures aren't filed and numbered at all.
Ian Cruz
Matched with this chick.... Nice first pic.
Carter Moore
Ok a little bigger than I thought...
Luis Scott
Jonathan Sanchez
David Robinson
I love thicc but this just screams skinnyfat fridge
Jonathan Long
LMAO, just what i thought. That music is fueling your weakness
cell and buu are my favorites
beste music for you would be gangster rap or metal
Michael Thompson
Was that consensual?
Austin Garcia
What the fuck is this horror.
Josiah Myers
She is definitely not my type, I'm more into literal models, but you can't deny that hip to waist ratio. If she lost 20 lb I bet she would be banging. Not fridge mode, she has curves... Covered in fat
Daniel Turner
What's wrong with Sabaton? Are you just upset they haven't done a song about the Netherlands yet? Military and folk metal is the most superior form of metal.
Not a big fan of rap, can't get passed how self-absorbed and conceited or just plain boring the lyrics are, they treat themselves like their precious individuals. Fuck Eminem especially. Some instrumentals are cool though
>You don't love thicc? his little penis can't penetrate
Dylan Martinez
Gangster rap is weak shit, you don't need to talk about being the shit if you are. Compensating bullshit. Actions, not words.
Elijah Gonzalez
It makes you fuel your anger and adrenaline. That's what you need
You think that pussy Japanse shit will do something for you, beside make you even more pussy
What talking about, i am not talking about studio gangsters.
Bentley Moore
>I listen primarily to Sabaton and anime sound tracks, then when I feel like nostalgia trips from being a kid Breaking Benjamin, Bullet For My Valentine and Three Days Grace.
A man after my own heart. Good to have you back, Crucy.
Austin Brooks
>Obvious virgin Sigh.
I wish I was a virgin. Women are a meme.
thicc is fucking disgusting. Petite is where it's at.
>Disturbed Just how fucking normie can you get masT...Lord help you. The only good Disturbed songs are Get Psycho and Inside the Fire. You might like Five Finger Death Punch if you like disturbed.
Get on board with Sabaton, plenty of Ubermensch songs for you. Gangsta rap is just funny and cringe to me. Like mate, c'mon. You're not hard, you're not special, you're not rich, you're not powerful, you're not fooling anyone. You're a snowflake with an ego.
Glad to be back.
Levi Scott
Recommendations for songs about working hard? Preferably something fast, I don't listen to slow shit, I don't really care about the genre