>stay natural guys, you can get a body like this with just 10 years of dedicated training and giving up alcohol and nights out with friends
Stay natural guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
>natural bodybuilding is retarded
>if you're into fitness and not using steroids then you're a retard
>I eat what i want, just make sure to get more protein, i feel amazing constantly, and i'm happier than i've ever been
>take the red pill about bodybuilding!
>fuck feminists
9 more years to go. Don't have to worry about alcohol and friends.
And if you workout for 30 years and dedicate your entire life to bodybuilding, you can look like this!
Remember, never take any risks ever, no matter how small. always choose the easiest, safest path even if it leads to absolutely no reward!
He looks good. Whats the problem? If you want to look like a roided out freak then yeah, take roids.
>Remember, never take any risks ever, no matter how small. always choose the easiest, safest path even if it leads to absolutely no reward!
Rationalization attempts by roiders are hilarious. Risking your health like a retard.
What kind of routine do you need to get this body?
>squatting more than 2 plates?
that's a risk! better not do it!
no, terrible idea for your back
:shoulders! no way!
Are you saying that benching is as dangerous as taking bodybuilding drugs. Whats your point buddy
unless you are taking multiple grams of test or piles of weird shit you aren't going to die
the side effects have been overstated massively, knowledge about safe steroid use has gotten to the point that reasonable use is very safe and all side effects are either temporary or reversible.
The same people who push that steroids are dangerous also tell you that Iraq is hiding WMDs, you should eat a diet of mostly grains with little to no fat, and think you lift smaller weights in order to "tone" your boy
I am pretty sure more people die benching each year than because of steroids.
What do you say when a guy with a heart condition taking a cocktail of caffeine, testosterone, cocaine and acid dies of a pre-existing heart condition in a sauna?
Death is not the only health problem steroids can cause.
I am 100% sure that you are not on steroids and that you just follow one of the many steroid channels on YouTube that praise them as something with no reversible effects.
Hopefully you hop on and die before you are 50.
there is nothing attractive about a guy on steroids
unless this guy is on steroids
>Hopefully you hop on and die before you are 50.
ever notice how it's the mad nattycucks that wish death on people for daring to outdo them?
Sorry you've made no gains in 5 years and your girl left you for a guy on a brospit for 6 months and a single cycle
>there is nothing attractive about a guy on steroids
yeah he looked much better natty
Nick has made it though
>Sponsored by nutrition companies
>Into bodybuilding since young age, shared the hobby with his father with whom he went to watch shows etc.
>Makes living out of youtube videocommentaries
>Has competed and won in powerlifting, bodybuilding and strict curl competitions.
>Drives a bitching Corvette.
Seems pretty comfy to me
I unironically lift for health and general fitness as part of a lfiestyle that also includes rock climbing, hiking and biking. Physique gains are a secondary benefit. I'd probably get called dyel here but that's fine because I don't have body dsymorphia like a lot of you guys.
also if he isnt shredded to the bone but is at a comfortable 12-15% bf he looks really good especially in a t-shirt and he has great arms for a natty. OP is just salty.
lol that dude is hideous fuck zyzz he's not even white. he looks like a faggot
people need to stop treating steroids like every cycle is blasting big Ronnie 2g of eq 1g of tren, 1g of test, 36iu gh
running sub 1.5g cycles of stuff like test, eq and deca won't hurt you
Life shouldn't be comfy, it should be difficult and satisfying
in fact under 650mg the side effects are all very minor
I mean compared to female steroids which are available over the counter
no3. actually looks pretty good desu
estrogen? that's a lot different than testosterone
it's still a steroid, and the health issues it causes are huge
You have people who transition genders, even then the body still tries to revert back to its original gender.
People over-estimate risk factors of moderate steroid use, you're not gonna drop dead from 8 week test cycle, matter of fact you will feel better.
Now i am not saying steroids are risk free, but most risks can be minimized with proper planing and nutrition.
Only reason why i am not hopping on test E is because i am 19.
Oh, I agree...
but I still don't think it's cool or anything
im sure there are more people benching than those taking steroid, and there is quite an overlap
I like how you ignored every other point and went on attacking me and calling me a cuck.
Are the roids getting to you sonny?
Seems like it.
Keep living in your dreams until you die at a early age, you can call me a cuck all you want on your deathbed.
Ease off the memes, brother.
There is enough challenge on the face of this earth to fill a million lifetimes and if you write on an indonesian carpet weaving forum that you want a slice of that pie then you're not clearly doing anything to pursue that dream.
Being comfortable also means you're content with where you are heading with your life and the choices that put you there. You can be comfortable with 60hour weeks of manual labor if it makes you feel you're advancing where you want to go.
Fuckin depressing
Rightmost guy looks fine though
>falling for the low bodyfat meme as a natural
>giving up alcohol and nights out with friends
I don't drink and also I don't have any friends, so boo hoo
>literally everyone gets a trophy
The level of insecurity to take steroids just amazes me. It's like telling the entire world that you're not good enough on your own to make it. It's not even the health stuff (which is completely fucked), its the fact that everything that defines you comes in a tiny little bottle. The aggression, feeling like superman, your body, its literally not you. Plus its finite, you'll eventually stop and you'll never feel as good.
Pretty much, I can't think of a bigger turn off
everything that defines you comes in a food packet, or a breath of oxygen or a glass of water
I bet you don't apply this frankly luddite philosophy to your everyday life, I mean I read your comment on the internet; why not come knock on my door and tell me yourself
oh wait you're dependant on the internet
if something works why not use it
Stay small kiddo
>come say that to my face and not online fucker and see what happens: the post
You only need test when you're 50+ and still want a healthy body and mind
> endomorph body type
Not my case boyo, I can be bigger than him with enough dedication, maybe not that aethetic but I can live with it.
> hates on zyzz
> posts some italian child molester
>everything that defines you comes in a food packet, or a breath of oxygen or a glass of water
I honestly don't know if you're this stupid or just a little stupid and his point went over your head
this is 100% true and roiders will never admit it
You accept that your body is a failure at 19yrs and planning on hopping on test as soon as your balls fully drop? Youre also using people who are fucked in the head by thinking that they were born as a wrong gender as an excuse to go for roids, because muh "almost" no side effects? Holy shit what a fucking transfaggot queer you are. Im not even hating on roids, but you sound really retarded a should kys asap
What if I want to create a work of art?
I view my body as a canvas and steroids are just a different brush to use.
I don't get why everyone assumes it has something to do with insecurities.
What if I think it's fun to create a beautiful body?
>working out for a combination of health and athleticism, realizing that exercise is a small portion of a healthy and fulfilled life, and being attractive through a combination of factors including a fit body
>working out for size alone, devoting an unnecessary amount of your life and health towards arbitrary gains, and having your self-image rely solely on your mass
>I love mediocrity
The level of insecurity to drink alcohol just amazes me. It's like telling the entire world that you're not good enough. It's not even the health stuff (which is completely fucked), its the fact that everything that defines you comes in a tiny little bottle. The aggression, feeling like superman, your body, its literally not you. Plus its finite, you'll eventually stop and you'll never feel as good.
that guy on the right looks great
natural bodybuilders (actually natural ones) are at their smallest and shittiest looking when they've dieted down to single digits, those same guys at a nice 10-15% bodyfat look great
this so much
You can stay natty, have an athletic physique that you're still able to hide when necessary (for example in a job interview or any other serious occasion in which your overall appearance creates an important first impression), or you become >that guy who's clearly overcompensating for something (small dick, height, etc.)
>you're still able to hide when necessary
if you can hide your physique with anything other than a winter coat you need to lift harder
Don't worry, that girl is about your height
>The aggression,
lol wat, what aggression? people who act aggressive on steroids do that because they think they're badass or something, it's not actually caused by the steroids, but by the type of person using it. Aggression on steroids are 100% placebo
>feeling like superman,
lol wat, you don't feel like superman. You recover faster from workouts and get more gains from your workouts. How is this feeling like superman?
>your body, its literally not you.
lol wat, it's literally you. everything you comsune becomes a part of you
>Plus its finite,
like everything else
This is the problem with the vilification of steroids, it makes people think so much shit about steroids that are not true.
I don't believe it's all good and healthy, but have a serious discussion about it rather than just to claim outlandish things.
I look better than those guys and I've been lifting for 3 years
not op, but i've done four cycles and didn't have any side effects, i felt my nipples kinda sore, so i started with 1/4 pill of letrozole and it went back to normal, my balls shrinked a bit, i took HcG and it went back to normal, liver is 100% intact, kidnees are 100% fine, heart is fine, everything is fine, but i'm 35lbs heavier than when i was 100% natty and i'm also a little leaner
i will definitely call you a cuck when i'm 75 and dying you'll have extra 5 years of the thrilling exciting life of a 80 yo american citzen
>Nothing beautiful about steroids
>I don't get why everyone assumes it has something to do with insecurities.
Because insecure faggots like OP are seeking validation by insulting people who are not on juice.
>never do steroids, might look gross like this guy
>look at this perma-virgin. I bet he never got laid
>The level of insecurity to take steroids just amazes me. It's like telling the entire world that you're not good enough on your own to make it.
there would be no point on doing anything that isn't natural of the human being, because that would be insecurity right? why buy a car that isn't the most basic one? the $200,00 1980 toyota corola can drive you everywhere too, are you that insecure that you need a new car to feel better?
people lift to feel better, people roid to feel better, breaking news everyone
>It's not even the health stuff (which is completely fucked)
if you're a regular gym rat roid user you're probably not even on the 1,5g/week cycle, that will only fuck you up if you literally doesn't take any precautions while or after using it
>its the fact that everything that defines you comes in a tiny little bottle. The aggression, feeling like superman, your body, its literally not you.
lol what? are you telling me that if i take steroids i'll become someone else? what if i take depression medicine? am i becoming someone else? should i be depressed for my whole life because i want to be my true self!!!
>Plus its finite, you'll eventually stop and you'll never feel as good.
everything is finite, good luck finding someone that will last forever
i'd much rather do steroids for the rest of my life and have a good self esteem and a great body while feeling good than being insecure with an average body and feeling tired all the time
>i don't even do steroids but i recognize that media treats it like heroin or something much worst than it is
Steroids are great. Made more gains in 6 months of eating complete garbage and drinking almost daily than I did in 3 years of natty lifting with a strict diet and no alcohol.
If you watch his video about the contest prep and cutting it's clear that he lost a shit ton of good muscle mass on that prep, and why. He stretched the prep way over time-wise and also did shit tons of cardio, no wonder he was small on stage
The think with natural bodybuilders nowadays is how they're trying to copy roiders and get too lean, looking like skellies.
Nothing is as aesthetic as young, strong and healthy-looking natural bodybuilders. Roiders all look like unnatural shit
>implying being Veeky Forums with healthy bodyfat % is mediocre, in a country thats 40% obese
>The guy on the right is natty
Steroids increase the risk fo various comorbidities at any level of supraphysiological doses, as far as ltireature has shown from what I can remember. Remember reading a few meta analyses showing just that that cropped up a few years ago, just out of interest.
I've been on for 6 years. I regret it. I'm nearly done with ym PhD and want to start a family. I don't want the constant nusiance of needles, even if its every 3 months on nebido, being around in a house. You know, having issues coming up, kids finding out when they're old enough. My wife isn't happy with it either. I'm bored of it, it taught me how much bullshit getting bigger is and how it's just a mental health disaese.
Be fit, be healthy, enjoy the sport, get stronger - for sure. But don't use PEDs unless you really need to. Stop deluding yourself into thinking it's safe just becuase you're on it. I'm on it too and it'd be naive of me to say it's safe. I'm coming off in 2 weeks time. Thankfully my dumbass used HCG and HMG throughout my ridiculous usage.I actually have leydig cells that work.
Agreed. Though, if I screw up my AI dosage, I'll sure get some mood effects. Getting the gains make people feel like superman anyway.
Still, blasting like no tomorrow, even for a few weeks, isn't great in the long run.
>Brown hair
>Brown eyes
I don't drink alcohol and I have no friends
damn his wife's bomb didn't know
Enjoy average
That looks so much better than his front oversquat double tricep pose.
Bodybuilding is the most retarded thing you can do to your body. You have to keep it up every day for the rest of your life or you'll end up looking like shit, and for what? So you can show the world what a total narcissist you are? So you can attract vapid, shallow sluts who will abandon you as soon as someone better looking comes along? If you use steroids, so you can damage your long-term health and maybe end up dead before your time like Piana or Zyzz? Stupid. You should all aim for MODERATE fitness, looking a little better than the average non-fit person, which you can maintain for the rest of your life without having to sacrifice everything else or resort to dangerous drugs and injections. That's the smart way to live.
but user alcohol tastes like shit
it wasn't a threat; simply demonstrating that face to face is inefficient in the same way training natty is inefficient
I wouldn't offer someone violence for disagreeing with me
my point is reliance on something isn't a good metric to determine how good that thing is
everything alive is reliant upon something; and everyone in an advanced society is conditioned to depend on far more than the necessities of life; car travel, internet access etc
why should our hormones be any different?
nice strawman m8
>drinks alcohol for the taste
You don't belong on Veeky Forums, you're obviously too smart to be here. People who belong on Veeky Forums just drink to get drunk/escape their shitty lives.
>strict curl
Wait really?
Like clockwork
The great thing about roiders is that they're so easy to troll because they have no impulse control or dedication.
Nick currently holds 8 Powerlifting state records including Strict Curl, and Deadlift. He also provides training videos and Powerlifting tips and tricks via the Nick Strength and Power Youtube Channel. His achievemnets include competing in 165, 181, 198, and 220lb weight classes and setting state records in all 4 weight classes!
-Best Strict Curl – 165lbs at 165lbs bodyweight
-Best Deadlift- 525lbs at 170lbs bodyweight
Taken from his site
>nights out
Roids are the easy path, enjoy filling your body with garbage and straying away from humanity day by day.
I know a roider and he's the biggest Nancy boy I know, horribly insecure and feminine
your goals aren't mine
I'm happy blasting and cruising forever, I don't want kids and wouldn't want a partner who'd nag me about my behaviour
Listenint to you faggots terminology is something else. You have fun blasting and cruising faggot.
we're literally just discussing analogous situations and why we choose to roid and you keep trying to snap zingers on us in bad faith
we choose to inject various chemicals because we like the effects; why does this have you so mad?
>Implying leaving humanity behind isn't a net positive
again why so mad? I am having fun blasting and cruising; it lets me cook more often which I enjoy and my libido is through the roof
why are you so angry?
I'm not insecure. I look like shit now because I'm a natty on a bulk, but I don't give a shit, I still act secure and whatever, because I don't care about how I look. I'm just gonna roid because I want to be a competetive bodybuilder, I want to make a living out of this. Plus I fucking hate people, so I literally wanna leave humanity behind, what's wrong about that?
>tfw have the same bicep insertions
>M E D I O C R I T Y
Don't blame your shit work ethic on muh natty potential
>1 hour of the day for 3 - 5 days maximum coupled with a diet that lead to good health in your later years
>Still have time for the occasional beer and not being an autist when comes to socials
Hmmmm, seems like such a big sacrifice to get a decent physique in your later years. Better spend your time now in video games and Chinese cartoons user.
you'll never be 200lbs shredded natty, dedication or not
and you'll never look 3d ripped
Shut up faggot. I do it because I look and FEEL good. I don‘t do roids though. Roiding is for fags.
I‘ll still look better than 99% of people, faggot.
people are mediocre
being slightly above mediocre isn't for me
good for you if you're satisfied with that though