Would you rather weight 75lb or 300 lb?

Would you rather weight 75lb or 300 lb?

an adult male weighs atleast 200kg

hello there fellow beaner

300lb is the answer. 75 lb is less than auschitz tier

hello fellow bizraeli
75lb but also like 4'11 so I can be a twink I guess

300. At least you can look big and strong at 300
Pic related is like 310 I think

My dear brothers.

You'd be kinda intimidating to women thugh

I'm 6'5, so 300

yeah, and at anything less than 100, no women would even be able to see you, you'd be so small

What if you want strong men to notice you?

>implying that the goal of getting fit ISNT solely to intimidate females

Then I'd just have to start going to a black iron gym to find me a 400lb powerlifter bf

How about FULL?

>F U L L

At 300 lbs you are probably disgusting but 75 lbs is literally a death sentence
I weigh 140 and look like a skeleton and have had girls I really liked tell me to my face that they liked me but I was just to skinny for them to date.
I can't imagine 75 lbs.

Had a 7% body fat at 156lb at one time. I'd probably be dead at 75.

my brother is 5'7" 100lbs

do you pound his boipucci?




wtf is wrong with you