Christmas is over. What are your New Years resolutions?
Mine: No wheat, run and swim every lifting day, more vegetables. Nofap.
Christmas is over. What are your New Years resolutions?
Mine: No wheat, run and swim every lifting day, more vegetables. Nofap.
None, if I need it to be a new year for me to get my shit together, than I'm already doomed.
>no wheat
epic meme
Get my fat ass from 220 down to a fit 180. Start sleeping on a regular schedule, then go to the gym in the morning.
Get girls like in OP pic to fuck me in the regular.
Or just to fuck my oneitis but that's obviously less realistic.
Why wait a week to start doing that? Start now.
Oh I already started but it feels good to know that you go into a new year doing what you want to do.
gain 4-5kg of muscle and get below 15% body fat
Get myself a bubble butt
I want girls to just grapple those cheeks while i pound
Yeah. Me too. This is a good goal.
>get girls to fuck me in the regular
>fuck me in the regular
Learn some self respect.
I've been getting lead on by a girl for months now and I know she is using me as an orbiter and yet I still take the bait. I've told her off twice now and yet I still respond when she messages me.
Shit I made a typo
But you know what, at this point I'll take that too
>diet and meal prep better
>stop watching porn
>do some light cardio for a change
Continue with my cut, until I get to a satisfactory weight and/or BF%.
Do well in my studies while balancing them with some on-campus job if I can get one, since that's why I'm here.
Hopefully land an internship so I can pay for my studies for the second year, if not I'll have to apply to scholarships and I'd rather not.
>build a new pc
>buy a fleshlight
not necessarily in that order
Eat less fast food, quit jerking off so much, Like once a week for both preferably.
Oh man I miss cardiobunny threads from 2012
Agreed. Let's bring it back for 2018. Nice dubs old friend
> Step 1: Cut down on sugar and carbs
>Step 2: Vegetarian keto
>Step 3: vegan
Also do better in school, go out more etc.
Nice trips. Veggie keto is hard to do considering all veggies are carbs.
2018 is an big year
>cut to sub 190 and rebuild
>learn to walk again via rehab
>continue kicking as in uni
>eventually bodyweight OHP
>hit 1/2/3/4 again post regaining use of legs
>acquire sexual partners 17-20+ and pls no more fatties
Have higher standards for women is a good resolution. I always think about it this way. Every hot girl you see is fucking some guy. Why isn't it you?
>cut alcohol from my life completely
>create a more sensible workout schedule and follow it with no exceptions
>reduce fapping to once a week
>work up the courage to try crossdressing in public for the first time (been wanting to do that all year but haven't yet)
Not really a NYR but i guess it still counts.
Im getting fit so I can not be an abysmal state at my brothers wedding in September.
Also so I can be the man my dad always knew and hoped I would be.
Miss you dad
I would skip the crossdressing thing. Nothing against it in general but why subject other people to your own fetish? Quit drinking. Just fucking do it. Say no more alcohol and stick to it.
currently, any lady is boinking another man because I'm physically incapable of commanding my muscles to do sex
>What are your New Years resolutions?
According to proper European traditions, you can't make oaths without being drunk.
I'm only 150 at 5'11 DYEL, I think I want to gain at least 15 or 20 pounds and then cut.
>Work meat and other meat by-products out of my diet
>Socialize more
>Study better
>Work out harder
I also want to add another 25k into my savings account
Taking care of myself and not getting injured again.
Take care of yourself
I like this goal, this is a good goal.
I too should try this savings thing.
Be the best student in my school
Also moar pussy bls
That sounds extreme to me, I mean, masturbation is natural. The real enemy is porn.
Is it really that bad as long as I go to a gay bar or something?
>thinks carbs are bad when low carbs is linked with reduced testosterone production
God you're a fucking idiot but at least that trip should show you that you're fucking yourself over with these retarded goals.
Step 1 : Cut alcohol completely
Step 2 : Get life in order and resarch+avoid all estrogenic/anti-androgenic substances (which is what alcohol is)
Step 3 : Realize the urge to crossdress disappeared
Financial gainz are really overlooked here. Godspeed, user.
W-what happened, user?
I'm a girl so that's great for me...
I've been crossdressing since I was a kid my dude, no way alcohol is the cause
But you want to do it in public, not a gay bar.
Feminization and anti-androgenic properties not in evidence. Suggests you’re not looking at the right thing.
Nah man. Semen retention is great.
No more promiscuous sex. No more weed. Fuck that shit im done with it, its fucking disgusting and retarded.
A-user who is she? For uhhh... research...
Find a better job.
Currently employed, doing below my means and my family(dad ect..) want for me to try better.
I am afraid if I take a day job I cannot swing trade.
tomorrow I'm buying the Witcher 3 and ill play it this summer only if i stick to my goals
no fap 90 days
Stay consistent with gym
cold showers
sleep on wood floors in sleeping bag
get a girlfriend
get a new job
dont fuck up at college again
I like this
>tfw mega jew and saving 50k a year
I also have a pension lel
Delete her fucking number right now.
Sleep more, eat less, spend more time fishing and working on my broken shit than shit posting, stop buying gun shit.
Pls buy it from - its the site owned by CD Project so all the money goes to them. When you buy it on steam they get only 30% of the money.
Is that you, bb?
Get visible abs and get fit enough to box and compete in an amateur fight
52 books in 52 weeks.
lol fucking soyboy cuck
PS4 because im a seriously its somewhat new and the menu lags here and there
>tfw make 82k/year
>tfw live in MA so the government takes more than 32k
Quit being a sperg.
How do I into mega jew mode? I plan on traveling for a few months next year so any tips would help.
>mega jew mode
For starters, don't.
>tfw already have it and complimented on by girls but no girls to fuck
uhhh does your name start with an H
You kidding, I'd pay for that
Fit/health related stuff:
* Stick to routine(s).
* Keep eating well.
* Pick at acne way less than currently. Like, take my acne-picking from a 7/10 to at most a 3/10.
* No fapping to porn.
Solid goals
>Care less about what other people think of me
>Become the person i've always wanted to be in mind, body, and spirit
>Finish school and begin a career that helps fulfill my longterm goals
I believe in all of you and I know we can all make it.
stay stricter to my lifting schedule
try not to fail classes
make more friends
accept that my ex-girlfriend/best friend is gonna leave and things aren't gonna be the same
Go cold turkey on porn
Go back to semifrequent daily fasting and IF
Redo my workout plans and try to heal some injuries.
Put on 5-10 lbs of muscle this year.
Go full oldboy/primitive for 6months in a cabin somewhere in da woods.
Go to orgy
Finish that video game I've been fucking around with
Get deepthroat blowjob from technically legal chick
Get my dick worshipped
Pound out a nerdy chick
Hatefuck a feminist
Rape a female bodybuilder
Rape a butch lesbian
Rape a reverse trap
Stop lying on the internet like a semi sane autist and learn to talk to real people. Even if I don't like human interaction having the basic skill of carrying a conversation is unendingly useful.
Write that story I've been dicking around with.
Do cocaine just once.
Post ad on cl. Will just be a picture of my penis next to a ruler next to it.
*be better about diet
*no more vidya
Don't go to orgy
>find out what I want to do with my life
>leave my shit barback job
>get closer to finishing school
>eat better
>save money
>work out more
>stop watching porn
>stop jerking off
>stop falling in love with every women that shows me attention
>learn how to act my age (24)
I really just get my shit together. I keep forgetting that I'm not some 18 year old high school kid anymore. I'm always seeing all my old high school buddies finishing school, getting better jobs, getting married, having kids, buying homes, and going on vacations. All I do is sit around and not do shit with my life. Shits been killing me and I need to change this shit.
Be 12% body fat for the first time since my childhood
Not drinking soda
Draw 8 hours per day
Getting an A on my Cambridge exam
Lose my v card in my vacation to France (if any girl is worth it)
Absolutely zero alcohol
Absolutely zero smoke
Stay another year clean of drugs
Write another movie/book
Finally get a qt redhead gf and watch Over The Garden Wall and listen to Fat Old Sun while we watch the sunset
>do way better in second semester first year uni
>find out what exactly I want to do and focus on studies in that area
>stop being antisocial and talk to people
>actually fuck girls
>be more sociable
>workout 5 times a week
>cardio every other day
>build a dope body
>make bitch that cucked me a while ago regret ever doing it
>job that works with uni hours
>jerk off 3 times a week
>noticeable gains/visible abs by end of semester
>>stop falling in love with every women that shows me attention
This has been my resolution for years
Hmmmm I haven't given much thought.
>increase protein and cut carbs and sugar
>workout everyday in my home gym
>apply to grad school to get a masters
>socialize/network more
>work on saving and investing
>improve on hobbies
>be a generally more interesting person
I'd like to find a female I can wife up and breed this year too. Preferably a girl who didn't get a meme degree. I feel like this is the year that this can happen now that im Veeky Forums and have a decent career but where do I find her?
Get down from 245 to 220.
No porn.
Eat better.
Go heavier, and longer.
More cardio.
Do you like being cock slapped in the forehead or getting plugged?
>making general resolutions
>not adding realistic steps to your daily routine in order to move towards a better future.
1. Breakfast before 6:30am.
2. Walk to work.
3. Get into bed at 9:00pm.
4. Read in bed.
5. Add calories after each meal.
6. Hit bi-weekly volume.
7. 2+ hour freelance work each day (after post-gym meal or after work on rest days).
8. Set alarm and plan tomorrow before bed - do not look at phone in bed.
Ofc it's a girl who wants become a fucktard vegan
Repeal the 19th amendment when???
Keep up with the no fap,no porn.
Continue with no sodas and junkfood.
Get the muscle up,get the front lever and the V-sit.
fucking this
started losing weight in october, am now 20 pounds down, another 20 to go
If anything my resolution is to keep on doing what I did so far
I said orgy, not an excuse to have indirect gay sex aka a gangbang.
Never again
>fix my disc in whatever way is necessary
>start therapy for you know what
>avoid anorexia
Raise my self esteem and be more confident. Gotta beat this dysmorphia, friend said she didn't wanna date bc both of our mental issues could cause us both to spiral
As of right now? Hadn't really thought about it, but I guess:
>focus on aesthetics, while maintaining current dead/squat/ohp
>continue skincare routine, get to a point where 9's initiate with me. Better clothes needed.
>find church girl, or give in and fuck one of these random chicks, this oneitis shit is getting old, my faith in girls is basically gone so that sucks
>get a couple more job offers, graduate and pick one, and move out
>sports car? saving money? If anything I have a problem not spending at all, which makes me not desire to go out and earn more.
>become a flirty motherfucker
>stay the fuck away from pol and politics, not useful anymore, just a source of stress
>better sleep schedule
>find some solo outside sport thing biking/rollerbladin for cardio.
Alright ok, you've been warned
>HIIT and gym
>stop being an autistic NEET and go to uni
>stop vidya gaems
>make friends
>get a gf
Get back to what I did in the first place
>1800 calories
Worked before I just need to do it now
There's nothing wrong with taking tune to reevaluate and set goals.
Yes, and?
>told her off
LOL pathetic beta male