How would you fix him?
How would you fix him?
fix what?
He is already perfect.
Looks strong desu
Remove the retarded pants.
He’s built like a barn door, literal perfection
This. That kind of frame allows for a shit ton of skeletal muscle mass and strength without ever having to think of frauding.
He's full shatner mode.
For gods sake he has on a girdle.
Lose weight
Work on the arms and back do a bit of leg work or simply wear something that covers it up.
But that's just to make him beach ready.
The reality is he only has two choices now.
Keep up the faggot emo with the body of an out of shape 40 year old thing or go full lord of the sith and go swole as fuck, fuck your shit I'm vader 2.0 mode.
>rey built like a twig
>kylo built like a brick wall
Perfect match
This is a picture of me btw.
damn i looked like this 2 months ago but now i look normal thank god i got my shit together
You just look like a fat lazy cunt. How are you going to compare yourself to this other guy?
rey was beautiful thicc in this movie though.
give him proper pants
Actually, this is me.
''ugh can u put on a shirt or something''
This. Would impregnate.
Beautiful hips. You're going to shit out a couple of 12-pounders no problem.
a single one of the op's pecs looks as wide as your entire frame
All this nigga needs is a thicker neck, his pencil neck on his wide ass frame looks ridiculous, if this dude had a thicc neck he would look like a fucking monster
Some guys have naturally wider frames and barrels chests there is nothing to "fix". Not every guy's bodies come to a natural v-taper, no matter how low they get their body fat.
Think of it this way, the wider your lower back, the larger your lower back muscles are. The better you'll be at shit like deadlifting.
I'm built the same way. Wide shoulders and wide hips, so deadlifting feels great.
Damn, how to achieve that neck?
His core's probably strong as hell, he'd actually might do good in combat sports
Can't improve on a 10
How do i get wider?
Is there any starting wider routine?
Target your lower back and obliques.
Neck curls and pulling your neck through the deadlift.
5X10 Force Push
He's perfect.
Adam Driver is an ex-marine
Delts need work but other than that this boi thick as fuck