Is IFFYM bullshit?

Is IFFYM bullshit?

I'm bulking right now and I basically want to know if I can keep slamming burgers (tripple a day) if the rest of my diet is clean and my macros are on point.

Thanks guys.

Also I'm taking 15mg RAD 140


I do the same just make sure you get some good meals in as well, plenty of fruit and veg my dude

Team fortress 3
Alright sounds good user.
The rest of my diet is pretty on point.
Lots of almonds, sweet potato, protein bars, protein bread, almond milk, etc

Who is this angel?

i need healing

Works every time

Thanks for the bumps guys

IFFYM is fine but the main thing is make sure you include 30-50 g of fibre from natural sources and include it as a macro.

Is that just to keep everything flowing properly or is there another reason?

Good idea regardless

Yes it’s bullshit
Also don’t date doctors

If Fit Fits ?

It's BS but fits as a good guideline for most people trying to lose weight.
Pay morre attention to glycemic index than you already do.

How much would my gains improve if I sucked her tits every day multiple times a day

oh my FUCKING god this makes my dick tungsten carbide

Veeky Forums is fucking pathetic.

is that your girlfriend in the picture with you?

refined sugar is fucking dogshit for you and iifymfags tend to eat tons of it.

It works for weight gain because it's actually very hard to eat 4000 kcal worth of boiled chicken and rice. Not so well for weight loss for the same reason; it's also very hard to achieve satiety with Big Macs. A lot of nerds on this website will probably regale you with stories of their iron will but the fact of the matter is that the best diet is the one that you stick to.

Shit was SO cash

It's good for bulking.

If works for cutting too, as long as you still eat some "super foods": As in stuff that has an extremely high concentration of vitamins and minerals and maybe supplement the rest. I used to eat wheat bran to get my fiber, kiwi to hit my Vit C or just eat chicken breast or protein powder to get my protein without having to eat too many calories. As soon as I would hit my micros and protein goals, I would eat like shit without going past my calories.

It forces you to have a healthy diet and also fibre itself has a thermodynamic reaction. Hell if anything when they compare muh vegans and meat eaters if the meat eater consumed similar fibre levels they had no difference in longevity, cancers and other diseases.

me on the right


youll be fine. The only people that fail on iifym are people that eat candy all day.

Kelly Jean