What is the secret to eternal youth? I want to be as healthy and good looking as possible for as long as possible.
What is the secret to eternal youth? I want to be as healthy and good looking as possible for as long as possible
Take the h2o pill
2ltrs a day. Don't drink anything else
Won't you just flush out all of your electrolytes?
intermittent fasting or calorie restriction
Would OMAD for the rest of my life work?
Not with 2ltrs a day you won't.
You can also add some extra salt to food too if you're worried
The more you damage your cells the more they have to repair and the more worn out they look
There isn't eternal youth.
None of us are going to make it out of this life alive. Our goal is to improve ourselves and society the best we can.
Keep your stress levels as low as possible, keep your bp/heart rate in an ideal range, eat 2kg of vegies daily or failing that an arginine/citruline supp and like 10g of vit C a day.
>and society
fuck that one way ticket to an early grave. Every man for himself
>fuck that one way ticket to an early grave. Every man for himself
as my cup runneth over
Wat vidya
Healthy diet and cardio
Find a way to switch bodies with Rob Lowe
Ask him, he is 51 years old
Second pic,he looks 20 as a 51 year old
Xenoblade 2
Forgot image.
Dude's flawless.
>90min workout 3-5x/wk
>no caffeine
>no cigarettes or alcohol
>durian fruit of the gods
I drink way more than 2 liters a day even when I am inactive. Am I going to die?
What game is this from?
Xenoblade 2, vagina belongs to Kora.
what the fuck, asian genetics OP
Vitamin a,d, b complex
Zinc, magnesium
What is GH? General Health?
Also, why those specific vitamins?
Unironically being vegetarian and applying sunscreen every single day
also hydration and low bodyfat
Chuando was the owner of a business I worked for in singapore. Dude is super intense. He's a def a homo Chad. Successfull ex model photographer with several business going. I never met the guy but heard he can be quite arrogant. But then most people are crabs in a bucketish