'An adult man should weigh at least 200 pounds'
Was he right?
'An adult man should weigh at least 200 pounds'
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That ain't rippletits.
I thought it was 200 kg
Yeah 200 lb makes more sense
Damn Mark Rippetoe sure is ripped
Really makes all the guys who make fun of him look stupid
not rip
thats jordan feigenbaum, not rip
Im a manlet so weighing that is super hard. Ill be a man one day. I
no it isnt
That's retarded. I weigh like 140lbs and could realistically put on another 15lbs-20lbs of muscle natty at a maximum. Why would I want another 40lbs of bodyfat on top of that?
are you a woman or a child?
how tall are you
i'm 6'3 240 pounds and strong fat and peope constantly have to move out of my way/ be aware of me
feels good
Every fat person thinks they are strong fat. I bet you're just fat
please be 4'10
i'm like 25% bf. still better than being skinny as fuck
>That's retarded. I weigh like 140lbs and could realistically put on another 15lbs-20lbs of muscle natty at a maximum. Why would I want another 40lbs of bodyfat on top of that?
yes it is
Girls don't agree with you
i get treated like shit either way honestly, and i get the same amount of looks. at least now girls have to move for me
>confirmed for being a womanlet
200lbs natty sub 15% body fat is easy mode.
Only 30 lbs of fat, a little extra work would put you sub 12%.
Oompa loompa doopety doo
It's obvious that you're five foot two
This is 14 years old Sheiko in pic actually
>present celestial movement
>caring what girls think
It is 200kg
Agreed unless framelet or manlet
kys twink
Its 200kgs
>200 pounds
>90,7 kgs
Seems like a completely arbitrarely chosen number because Ameridumbs are still to retarded to use a proper measurement system
A pound: 7000 grains
A kilogram: literally a block of metal in France
Which is arbitrary now, faggot?
Lmao fag
Get your hands off our freedom units dirty europoor.
No, most men should not weigh 90kg as they would be severely overweight.
>tfw 5'4 and was once at 31 bmi at 184 lbs and obese.
>tfw 135 now and more Veeky Forums (lowest was 123 but bulking atm)
>still an undesirable manlet
fuck this guys just shoot me and put me out of my misery
Even more if you are tall.
Stfu twink
>being american
most people aren't 160cm
Actual males are +180cm
one scales nicely with the other measurements in it's system
>the irony of relating Estep to rippletits.
>freedom units
How's that net neutrality treating you kek
I'm 5'11 and 176lbs, I'm aiming for 200 carefully but any heavier than that and I'm certain I'd start looking like a fat fuck
>7000 grains isn't an arbitrary measurement
1kg = 2.2lbs
What the fuck, Eurofags?
Additionally, we know that the metric system isn't accurate either way.
>calls an entire country dumb
>doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too"
I agree imperial measurements are dumb as fuck though
As a 6'0" former 120lb skelly, 200 is my goal. I maxxed out at 185 and looked good but depression and a back injury got the best of me. I'm stable around 175 now but i want that 200.
internet was doing fine before a set of regulations instituted 2 years ago and will be fine after theyre repealed
>let's not try to prevent obvious outcomes ahead of time, let's wait until consumers have been fucked in the ass to protect them
The knot trumptards twist themselves into to defend every single thing his administration does is truly laughable
>the biggest and ripped dudes at my height all compete in 77kg weight class
am i fucked?>
It's 200kg
>Not counting in grains
How are you supposed to measure small weights precisely then commie?
Never existed until two years ago
No, it's prolly just some funny thing he said in passing because all his powerlifting buddies are just serendipitously over 200 lbs.
There's nothing magical about being over 200 lbs, lol.
The autism here, I swear.
Poundlet detected
it is roger estep
200kg at least
KG not LBS
I'm 17 stone, friendo.
fatlet detected