Did lifting give you a gf, Veeky Forums?
Have you asked her out yet?
Did lifting give you a gf, Veeky Forums?
Have you asked her out yet?
lifting made the girl interested, and i was still too insecure to make move and she naturally gravitated to dyel chad
im still mad at myself because i could have landed freckled blonde qt in glasses that studies econometrics
Had a gf before I started lifting
She cheated on me with a skinnyfat manlet.
>tfw girl might like me at the gym
>she keeps looking at me and smiling
>she asked for a bar all award and kind of sperged out
>when i walked inside the gym she's always making eye contact
uncharted territory for me.
I was about to ask out my crush yesterday and as I was approaching I heard her talking with her friend about how finally got a date with Chad the night before and she's planning to spend the whole week after Christmas at his place having having sex
>tfw I haven't had sex since last January
>haven't had sex for 15years now
in 2 years I will be a virgin again?
>be me, all I do is class and lift
>6ft 195lbs 12%bf
>tons of girls approach me on campus, in the store, etc
>tfw I'm still too autistic to talk to them, let alone flirt
How to make social gains Veeky Forums?
This is all women, don't ever forget.
>abandoning your family at Christmas to fuck Chad for a week.
He's not Chad if he's abandoning his family for some random diamond dozen thot.
I have met an extremely qt girl, whom I'm going to ask out soon, or at least I'm pretty sure I will. We've only talked once, but there was something special about her, and if our second conversation is like the first one, I will certainly ask her out for a coffee. Or tea, I don't drink coffee. After we had talked, I seriously smiled like an idiot the whole way home; I almost stopped some random lady just to tell her that I had just met the most lovely, interesting and wonderful girl. That's probably a pretty good sign about her, as I don't think a girl has ever made me feel this way.
She studies sports science and health education to become a teacher, so I'm sure she considers me going to the gym a bigger plus than girls on average do. I don't think if it would be an absolute deal-breaker if I didn't lift, as I have other redeeming qualities, but me lifting and being interested in health etc. certainly gives us a lot more common stuff to talk about. Maybe the memes will come true and lifting will actually give me a girlfriend, or at least make getting her easier.
She looks a bit like the pic, but is even more pretty. As she is very short (4'11), me being a manlet doesn't even pose a problem. Our children might be pretty short, though.
It's a good thing that I'm sure to meet her again, because we go to the same church. The earliest possible time will be two weeks from now, but even I don't see her then, I will some other time. Wish me luck, we're all gonna make it.
>be me
>noob lifter
>been going to local community center for a few months to work out
>limited equipment, dyels everywhere.
>decide to sign up at local golds gym instead.
>new members get a free session with a personal trainer
>sure why not
>show up for PT session, spaghetti begins pouring from my gym shorts.
>PT is an absolute qt3.14
>short, brown hair, brown eyes, fit AF
>find out she used to be a competitive powerlifter
>tells me I have great body control, encourages me to pursue a more difficult routine than the one I'm using
>I'm awkward the entire time, can barely look her in the eye
So Veeky Forums, how much do I need to lift to get a qt ex-powerlifter gf?
you didnt dl 4pl8 at first time ever lifting
you will never impress her
You are going to get really fucking hurt, man.
You're getting way too invested way too quickly.
this but also,
better act fast
i waited too long and girl moved on
same but haven't had sex since 1993
>Did lifting give you a gf, Veeky Forums?
getting a decent paying job and not being fat is what got me a girl friend.
I'm saying this for your sake, and this is coming from somebody who's been head over heels before.
Get a grip faggot.
You are like that crazy bitch bringing up marriage on the second date. Your level of attachment is completely inappropriate for somebody who's literally talked to her once. Women do not like men who are more attached than they are (or really attached at all) and you will scare her off because you come off like a fucking psycho.
There are age old stories about this sort of obsessive infatuation, Romeo. They never end well.
Hi Rob
Yeah i got one the other week so far regretting it miss my single life, hastle free
Not a serious gf but many one night stands. I have cream pied so many married and taken women Im sure I have many kids out there.
Gf actually said a few times that she thought I looked like fucking Hulk when we first met and she was pretty impressed.
Not sure if we would be togehter if I had been a fat piece of shit.
Lifting got me a bunch of bros and hoes love it, but I was never more alone than now.
Low life
haven't made it yet, but asked 1 girl out that i thought was a sure fire yes. but i missed my chance in person then asked her out like a pussy so she ignored
No, if anything people notice me less
There’s a girl I like and she’s shown plenty of signs that she likes me back but she’s a very shy person. I won’t be able to see her for weeks because of the Christmas break. The last time I’m able to see her is in less than an hour, what do?
>we’ve talked once
>our children
I have met an extremely qt girl, whom I'm going to ask out soon, or at least I'm pretty sure I will. We've only talked once, but there was something special about her, and if our second conversation is like the first one, I will certainly ask her out for a coffee. Or tea, I don't drink coffee. After we had talked, I seriously smiled like an idiot the whole way home; I almost stopped some random lady just to tell her that I had just met the most lovely, interesting and wonderful girl. That's probably a pretty good sign about her, as I don't think a girl has ever made me feel this way.
She studies sports science and health education to become a teacher, so I'm sure she considers me going to the gym a bigger plus than girls on average do. I don't think if it would be an absolute deal-breaker if I didn't lift, as I have other redeeming qualities, but me lifting and being interested in health etc. certainly gives us a lot more common stuff to talk about. Maybe the memes will come true and lifting will actually give me a girlfriend, or at least make getting her easier.
She looks a bit like the pic, but is even more pretty. As she is very short (4'11), me being a manlet doesn't even pose a problem. Our children might be pretty short, though.
It's a good thing that I'm sure to meet her again, because we go to the same church. The earliest possible time will be two weeks from now, but even I don't see her then, I will some other time. Wish me luck, we're all gonna make it.
I'm probably more depressed than when I started, so no
I'm not getting too invested, I'm just reporting what I'm feeling. I can't help it: there just was something about her. Comparing this to what some married guys have told me about first meeting their wife, it seems pretty similar. Of course it's very much possible that we won't end up together, and that's fine.
I will.
Is having a crush on someone considered being too attached or obsessive? Is it really weird to ask someone our for a coffee after two discussions? I think not. If I understand anything about women, she seemed somewhat interested as well, and it was clear from both her words and body language that wants to talk again.
I'm not stupid, I'm not gonna act like some madman. I talk to new girls on a weekly basis, so I've gotten somewhat good at it. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Well, our hypothetical children.
See the picture and contemplate on it.
>Did lifting give you a gf, Veeky Forums?
LOL no, I already got plenty of action without any of that, but I enjoy lifting and how it makes me look and feel so I do it anyway. Some of my lifting buddies aren't as good looking as I am and lifting hasn't done shit for them other than make them bigger, and some other buddies who only go to the gym casually, but are considered decent-looking and/or interesting have no problems with getting women. I have to conclude that lifting doesn't do shit for you other than make you bigger, and occupy your time if you're one of those sad-sacks who whine about not having a girlfriend.
had 2 girls before i started lifting. and 0 girls after. if you're a desperate person who'd settle for any girl your best shot is talking to as many as you can via online stuff or at clubs. if you want a decent possible wife gf idk
Oh shit
wasnt me
>has lifting given you gf
>or have you turned into gf for yourself