Do anorexic girls like muscles? Or are they into skinny numales?
Do anorexic girls like muscles? Or are they into skinny numales?
I'm anorexic-bulimic and BMI of 17.3.
I prefer fit guys, because they are just as vain and willing to suffer and obsess as I am.
But I'm too shy to ever talk to them.
They are usually intimidated by muscular men, which in this day and age can only be capitalized on with immense amounts of game.
>lego ads
Oh boy
>shy thin Ana gf I can save
When is a guy "fit" ?
what is the context of this?
I love muscles. That's part of why I have to be so skinny. I want to be the littlest girl for him.
every girl likes muscles
The game begins a new.
I'm not sure... It would have a lot to do with strength, and level of discipline, and their fitness routine.
I wanna make protein shakes and chicken breasts for a fit guy while I sip on sugar free energy drinks.
This. When do you girls consider a guy to be fit? Genuine question.
Honestly sounds like a dream.
I can bench over 100 kg and OHP 1pl8 for 2 reps.
Is this enough for a cute, meal making gf?
I'm diagnosed anorexic, bmi 16, and I find muscles kinda gross? I like lanky/scrawny dudes or chubby dudes, personally.
Having a gf like that is literally my dream
myproana is an eating disorder forum where mainly mentally ill chicks go to exchange tips on how to lose weight
includes stuff like
>fasting for HOURS
>stuff shit into your dicktrap for weigh-ins at therapy
>mono chocolate diet
Many are also blatant whores, self-harm, prone to drug abuse, rape accusations and aborting children. They got really up in arms when well-meaning Veeky Forumsizens advised other anons to never, ever fuck a mentally unhinged semi-fat uggo with immense self hatred, too little self-awareness and 25 kilos too much on their hips
This is exactly what i want from a gf. I want a gf who will feed me, whilst staying needy and dependent upon me. Im pretty huge and on a cut, id make you feel tiny next to me. My ex was anorexic, her lowest was 34kg when she was in hospital, then she stabilised at 44kg then went up to 70kg.
Im pretty shy myself so i doubt I'll ever meet another anorexic girl, although if i did i would dote on her.
>being baited this hard
I've dated a lot of anorexic model types and they'll be into your buff body and looks until a few months later they'll try to change some shit like your clothes or your haircut or some shit and then eventually they'll ask you to stop working out or try to get you into their mom's essential oil ponzy scheme. The neediest craziest population.
My first gf developed anorexia when I started lifting.
It was basically this with her spending hours cooking godlike meals that she'd only let herself taste then spit out. Then we'd go run tough mudder together and skip across the finish line covered in mud and holding hands.
>try to get you into their mom's essential oil ponzy scheme
>Veeky Forums body dysmorphia makes them feel too small
>Anorexic body dysmorphia makes them feel too big
Who are these stupid whores?
Yeah i think your experience is a little too esoteric.
I have an ED, have been with my boyfriend for 5 years, and I haven't ever tried to change anything about him. Probably because he's amazing on his own. If you've had a girl try to change you, it's not because of her ED. It's because she's a bitch, or you need to change
>lego ads
Why did the mods shoah the last thread, are mods anorexic roasties?
Go to Gallery>Photos of members
that would explain a lot actually.
Anorexic girl here
some anorexics really, really love the "painfully thin couple" look
others only like bigger/muscular guys because it makes them feel smaller
so there you go!
You're not making any sense sweetheart, I think you might be delirious. Have a sandwich and get back to us.
>you load up the bar with 225 pounds, for the first time ever
>today is the day you will reach 2pl8 bench
>you get under it, no spotter
>as usual
>you are gripping the bar as hard as you can, driving your feet into the ground
>you lift it up
>its heavy, but not as heavy as you would think
>the bar descends and just before it hits your chest you push it all you can upwards
>you are finally leaving dyel territory
>you hurry home to meet your MPA gf
>sitting in the couch as you walk in with a huge grin on your face
>"What is it user? Good day at the gym?" she asks, while coming over to hug you
>you tell her about your PR
>she is proud of you and gIves you a kiss on the cheek
>"i'll go prepare your chicken and broccoli now"
>you eat dinner while your gf drinks a glass of water for her water fast
Oh god I know both of those people they're huge on myproana
might have to do with the fact that this thread mainly exists so spergs can feel like they are talking to women. Women they just talked a ton of shit about too. Both sides are pathetic and should get the fuck out of this board
but you guys realize myproana is an EATING DISORDER site not an ANOREXIA site right? yes there are anorexics on there but it has the full spectrum of eating disorders. expand ya arm and ya mind
why did you type this? motivation?
Just had to post on this because I don't think many of you guys have sufficient perspective to understand these types of girls. If you've known any girls with eating disorders, this will all make sense, and you won't find any of it surprising or appealing.
These girls all have severe borderline personality disorder. If you don't know what that means, it usually means they got raped or abused when they were kids so now they have zero emotional stability. I mean ZERO. These girls have major mental problems. They tend to be prone to impulsive behavior like self harm, drugs, alcohol, and yes, sex.
Looking at a site for girls with borderline personality disorder, yeah they are all going to have fucked around a lot, because that's part of how their mental illness works.
A lot of guys like dating them at first because they're so sex hungry, but then they start playing twisted mind games, flipping out on you over nothing, threatening to call the cops and say you raped them, causing trouble for you in any way they can if you displease them.
how does this happen, I can press 1pl8 for 8 reps and can only bench 90kg :(
They're unstable mental cases. Perhaps you won't understand until you know a few, but you really don't want anything to do with them once you do. These are the girls that would fuck you and then call the cops the next day and tell them you raped them. Just for the hell of it. Or because they regret it. Or because they're in a bad mood.
Fucking mental cases. I've known a few and it's been enough. Even if you have the option, you really shouldn't touch these with a ten foot pole unless you don't value your freedom or reputation. They will destroy it without thinking if they get the idea to. It's truly playing with fire and it could even come back to burn you five years later when they have time to "think about it".
Glorify a nice LTR with a smart stable girl who loves you and cares about you, or even a ONS with a regular girl off Tinder. There's some good to that. Don't glorify these types of nutcases. They're just plain dangerous in our current society where women have the power to destroy a man with a single false claim, and truly the bottom of the barrel of the female gender.
fuck you cunt
>having a nice thread on Veeky Forums discussing macros
>a bunch of anorexics ruin it
>go back on Veeky Forums
>more literal skeletons ruining everything
also no, every individual on mpa doesnt have borderline. yeah there is a high correlation, but not every single person? i mean really? thats also a really warped inaccurate explanation of the disorder
Um I love my obese boyfriend, but not because he makes me feel smaller. I love him for who he is as a person.
This is an extreme oversimplification... My eating disorder is mainly rooting in my OCD
I'm a virgin who has never touched alcohol, drugs, and who has never hurt myself other than through losing weight
You'll find as many Type A anorexics as you will self-destructive ones
How dense are you?
As a person who is a lot bigger than you and happens to make you feel smaller?
Us on MPA: shit posting, memes, trying to keep members as safe as possible, not promoting ED behaviors
Veeky Forums: finds the old af pro-ED threads on MPA and threads about people who suffer from drug addiction and other mental illnesses, screaming "THESE GIRLS ARE INSANE!!!11!!!!"
Yes exactly. Wait no.
LMAO, nice coping from Veeky Forums
They don't like muscular men. Go to the /thinspo/ thread on Veeky Forums and ask them if they find your body attractive.
Anything past ottermode is revolting to them
can't even quote newfag roastie
Veeky Forums is a bunch of fags though.
Every other post on myproana is like "get help, take your vitamins, and calm the fuck down"
the rest of the posts are "kek we're killing ourselves look at these clothes"
That's not true mate. As well as my ex being anorexic, I've treated more girls with anorexia or BPD than I care to remember as part of my job. Girls with AN or BN are more likely to have BPD but it is not anywhere close to a 100% correlation. In fact there's an equally strong correlation with overachieving, perfectionist personalities as there is with the emotionally unstable self-harmers
No. I loved him before I relapsed. I met him online, didn't know he was obese until we met in person. Didn't care then, don't care now. Most people make me feel smaller. I don't need an obese BF for that.
I love fire, it turns me on
I mean, that's fine, I'm not judging
Well thanks for that then I guess.
imagine going on a cut with your ideal myproana anorexic gf who can teach you how to restrict calories to 0
hi chad
I never saw anyone past 13 who liked levos and wasnt a sperg
op pls
It's hilarious how pathetic this board gets when a stranger types 2 sentences pretending to be a girl.
Every Army leader's worst nightmare.
OP here
Lego is awesome.
this. Veeky Forums is one of the worst boards on this site, 99% of the posters there might as well wear a fedora
All experience is esoteric man.
Anybody in this thread smoke weed
no, weed is for middle schoolers and black people
I had a thing with a model for a while. She wasn't anorexic but she was very thin, and had an absolute perfect body. She was attracted to ottermode with wide shoulders and great muscle inserts, pretty much the body type of other male models. There was a clear emphasis on face over body.
post face
That sound pretty anecdotal, not all models are crazy.
I'll post nudes if you livestream kill yourself for everyone in this thread. The ultimate sacrifice.
As someone who has to work with people with BPD. Do NOT underestimate this post. He forgot to mention that people who suffer from BPD are self-saboteurs who will fuck things up even if you do everything right to save them.
I've known some anorexic girls. Everyone of them was battling a difficult home life and saw anorexia as their only means of control. Is this your experience in MPA?
>copes right on cue
Not surprised at all. The /thinspo/ thread has a lot of girls, many with eating disorders.
Seriously, go post a picture of your body in the thread and ask if they think its attractive
Should say, control of their own lives.
Fuck off Veeky Forums you aren't invited to this party
No... I'm overall very happy an have a great family. I just have body dysmorphia for whatever brain reason
The girls who are really obvious about their anorexia are the crazy ones, because they're doing it for extreme reasons/attention. The less crazy ones are harder to spot, because there much better adjusted
I thought Veeky Forums doesn't lift for girls anyway. Isn't that what is always said here.
Why would you get into lifting seriously if you like anorexic girls lmao
this is the true face of myproana... cease your judgment... we are holy souls
Knew a shut-in, closet gay, BPD guy and he was a fucking mess to deal with. I was attracted at first because he was cute, silly, and funny, but at the same time he became very unhealthy to deal with because of being a basket case.
Same with some I've met. One girl showed me her food journal (lots of celery) but I was too young at the time to appreciate how vulnerable she making herself then.
What has stuck with me is what is the difference between a standard diet and anorexia? In some contexts her discipline would be applauded. In others its a problem. The individual I'm thinking of did not have an unhealthy bmi.
That's proof that you're human garbage, failing to deal with your role in encouraging the self-destruction of others.
My cousin has bulimia. It's fucking sad to watch her destroy herself.
I liked it
It's the addict mentality
People with eating disorders don't know when to stop. They choose a goal weight and once they hit it it's too heavy all of the sudden.
People "just dieting" know when to stop, when they hit they're goal they stop, they care more about being healthy than they do about shinking
I think about food and my weight 95% of the time, I can't imagine anybody dieting to become healthy does the same, at least not for as long as I have
I was always worried about being fat. I was a skinny kid but I always felt obese next to other girls, many of whom I was skinnier than. I started hating my body around 4 years old.
I often joke that I came out of the womb saying "I need to lose this baby fat"
I think I'm just wired that way. I'm not self-destructive otherwise. I'm a sophomore in University with a 4.0. I'm endlessly polite, I'm helpful, I'm just really, really hard on myself
"avoid backlash from our actions"
I wanted to say, "ya, healthy" but I wouldn't expect anything else from a board dominated by women.
If she's not an unhealthy BMI that would make her EDNOS. The difference between anorexia and regular dieting is of course the amount of calories, but I feel like it's a combination of the calories with the intention that people ''diet'. Diet being a real diet or anorexic tendencies. It's difficult because I guess most anorexics won't be truly honest about their intention, so if they're at a healthy BMI, the seriousness of their mental illness might not stand out as much. Idk if this makes sense.
Ah yes that one sentence out of context makes the entire post evil, ok
"how dare you try and prevent other people from going down the rabbit hole you skele-thots"
Hey fuck you buddy, Lego is awesome. Especially bionicle.
No, I'm straight.
Why did someone have to bring FLOMPA into this. She just gave birth a few days ago and isn't here to defend herself baka
FLOMPA is a goddamn angel and these fools are worthless if they cannot realize that
heis and flompa are shit
That plays into she driven mentality, but that doesn't lead to ED.
What is the typical BMI you see on that site?