/PLG/ Powerlifting General

We all know who runs this shit Edition

>We all know who runs this shit
>non powerlifter
>looks like Bobby Hill
>stalks a manface commie
>will never have a non triggered political conversation
>has never touched a boob
>wasted college shitposting and playing video games
>stalks a short fat balding boy named Joe because he is jealous of Joe's breeder qt girlfriend and his big bench press

Haven't posted on plg all day and I just logged into Veeky Forums to see panzer used my year or two old picture I randomly posted

nice tyvm I feel like I was acknowledged by a famous person


I treat my fans well

If facts are projections, then I hope you enjoyed my presentation, bitch.

was that supposed to be clever?


Acne covered by clown makeup.

Hope she taped her large clit down so her dress wouldn't bulge.

shhhhh shes a young lady thats to be expected

Only good post I've ever seen in this sad excuse of a general

wats ur total rn panza?


6x2 pause squat at 80% going to test on saturday
finger pull ups 5xf
ohp 5x5
cable rows 4x10
incline curls 4x20
something for pinch grip
wrist curls 4xf

pre workout will be kidney beans with rice and broccoli
post will eat canned fish and a burrito

dead inside. i feel miserable in uni and i feel miserable during break. no friends in uni and i have nothing to do at home. i woke up today and just lied on my phone for a few hours and fapped a bunch of times.

like 195 lol

we are getting me back into training oly 5 days a week though as opposed to 1 day a week so if all goes well that should be going up

nigga that best be your bodyweight what the fuck. did you have an injury or something?

Squat 5x4, +1x5 at 355
Snatch Grip Deadlift 3x7 at 275
Ab rollouts. Pullups.

we were moving me up a weightclass for 15 weeks and only had me train oly on saturdays

and the cycle before that was a strength cycle for another 16 weeks and I did do *some* oly related stuff once or twice a week but I only ever did full clean and jerks and snatches on saturdays

but now we're getting me back into the swing of it again

>tall snatch 3x5
>tall clean 3x5
>tall jerk 3x5
>dips 10x4
>pushups 10x4
>5 rounds 1 min plank 1 min rest

reminder my program is better than yours

>my program is better than yours
Your coach is fattening you up, then having you sprint around the parking lot hoping you'll die of a fart attack.

I'm a bit like I can eat literally everything but freezing food is a nono for me, shit makes the meat lose it's flavour and no covering it up with 20 billion spices doesn't make up for it.

when I ask for a total in a plg thread I mean squat, bench, deadlift combined not oly shit or whatever that 195 is son

I'm confused, why are you here if you do oly now?

>tfw qualified for raw nationals next year but still don't namefag

do you think I'm some kind of powershitter

if being consevative with my deadlift my PL total is probably 520

thas wut im sayin

idk who you are but now im wondering why you posting about oly in a plg thread. silly me to assume powershitters post in powershitter threads I guess

wow raw nats is SOOOO hard to qualify for

a whole 353 wilks points

>if being conservative with my deadlift my PL total is probably 520

wtf last time I was here 6 months ago you were weak af compared to me so that's bullshit

360 to qualify here buddy

1144 POUNDS AT 220 LBS.



shit I'm 220 and my total just got to 1100. I'm pretty happy but want 1500 in 2 years.
>pls no bully

For the 93's you need 610 which is a 383 Wilks

>wtf last time I was here 6 months ago you were weak af compared to me

well that's just not true

I have a projected 1RM of 200kg on squat, my 10RM,5RM and 3RM squats all project to 200kg or a few kilos more so I am going to go ahead and assume that I could squat it considering we never did a full 1RM test at the end of my strength cycle, I am a whole 15kg heavier now than when I was when I hit those rep maxes though so its probably more but I wont over assume and will only use what I have done

I have benched 120kg

and if I am being conservative with my deadlift I guess I could do 200kg now considering I deadlifted 240kg when I still trained for PL

ever have should pain on your bench? it's a problem for me that started when I got heavier.

why dont you make owg threads and post about oly there

that is for the open

I assume most people here are under 24 years old but hey who knows

to be fair my total was also 520 @85kg, I have no idea how much more I could lift at this bodyweight cause we havent done any strength stuff yet

>well that's just not true

We literally had a conversation of (You)'s and my lifts were higher that yours.

>I have benched 120kg
me too buddy

Then again you weigh like 20kg more that me if you're in the 93's so oh well

all of those numbers where before my bulk when I was an 85

you can never assume

>changes to sport of pulling from the ground
>deadlift likely dropped 40kgs

Any videos? Not bashing you now, I just want to see your lifts if you have any

well I don't do sumo anymore and that was kind of my specialty so that alone would be enough to significantly impact my deadlift, I have gotten stronger at pulling from the floor but conventional and me never really mixed well

I dont really post vids for obvious reasons, I've been training for quite a while and I don't think my numbers are that unbelievable MA has a similar training age to me and is stronger albeit he does train PL dedicated while I do weightlifting but still


Posted this in QTDDTOT yesterday but didn't receive an answer.

Is there a certain point where I should think about investing in knee wraps/sleeves? I can squat 3pl8 for 2 reps but past my point of strength, I see a whole lot of dudes wearing sleeves/wraps.

My knees feel just fine, and I have never really had a problem with them while doing squats or while playing football... so I'm just wondering if I even need them at all

>sumo anymore and that was kind of my specialty
No wonder why you can't get laid. You're gay!

If you compete in your IPF affiliate then knee sleeves are allowed in classic (i.e. raw) competitions. So you may want to get a pair for that, but they're not a requirement. I have a pair of SBDs & I find them super comfy. Makes getting through volume a lot nicer imo. I haven't sized down either, I'm a twink & I wear mediums. Though they probably do add a few KGs to my squat.

I don't know much about wraps so I'll leave that for another person to answer.

It's easier to get laid as a gay dude than a straight dude

whenever you settle into whatever weightclass you feel confident you will stay in is when you should buy them cause you wouldnt want to buy them if you currently weigh like 70kg but want to be a 93 eventually obviously

but if you are a 93 who wants to compete at 93 then buy them, you will need to eventually anyways

and by need I mean *need* but most people myself included prefer to squat with sleeves

no, plenty of dudes squattong over 300kg without anything

>it's another "panzer could technically outlift the combined rest of the general but just doesn't want to try, literally the 'I have a girlfriend b-but she's in, in... Canada!' of strength sports" episode
>I'm on a cut so I can't even have popcorn with it

>tfw groping my lower back because it feels muscular and wide af
Who knows this feel

Is there a specific function for knee sleeves or wraps? Are they congruent to wearing a weight belt when deadlifting or squatting near 90-100% 1RM?

520@85 is like a 342 wilks


same user

Thank you for the answers!

You can wear them every time you squat. For me they just give me more knee stability when i squat, plus they're comfy af.

Maybe add 2.5kg onto a squat so not essential.

Make your own, air popped popcorn is pretty low calorie desu

Mostly for comfort, don't come close to contributing like a belt. However, if they're tight enough they might add a tiny bit of weight

Used in equipped lifting or lolfeds, actually adds a significant amount to your squat. Actively fight you on the way down and store and release a lot of elastic energy.

off day, loads of volume squatting tomorrow, gonna be fun

homemade burgers with way too much cheese

seething disdain for someone I don't like, who yet again proved why today

Knee sleeves mainly provide compression and warmth. Some say they add kilos. If you size down aggressively enough then maybe. They also help with proprioception I find.

Alright sweet, thank you for the info!

I might go grab some tomorrow if it just means more comfort than anything.

Would this be fine or will it mess with my recovery

Thank you for the comprehensive answers, much appreciated

I got calf doms from powerwalking today

As Dave Tate says if they don't anything and you don't need em why wear them?

>340 wilks
lmoa thats like 1 year of lifting

>call everything that hits a touchy spot a projection
>gets boner over arguably unrealistic projected maxes
ahaha go suck a fat one panzy

tfw 32 inch vertical and 1100 pound total

Some people like them and they can be comfortable. In Twink's case, they allow him to squat pain free from his Osgood, iirc. I personally don't wear them and my knees feel fine. SBDs definitely do add something though, especially if you size down.

I hate myself and i dont care who knows!

only if you're promiscuous

t. romantic tfwnobf homo

okay dreamer

splendid idea, never thought about air popped

kill yourself you obese manlet

Looking for some flat shoes for squats and deadlifts. Any recommendations?

you should wear knee sleeves from the start, they keep your knees warm and provide a small amount of compression (or a lot if you go down like 3 sizes like people do)

think of them as a preventative measure, they will reduce the risk of injury


Not sure if this is the right thread, but I need a new barbell. What brand do you all recommend?

Preferably under 200....I don't need a 1000lb rated bar, I doubt I'll ever lift that much, ha.

I want a fellow bear to cuddle, not seven different kinds of aids from some random club toilet fag, is that too much to ask

not at all dreamer lad

If you want a bear why are you competing in powerlifting, won't it affect your twink aesthetics?
Who am I kidding we're getting literal SS kiddies in this thread. It should be renamed to shitposting general

Worst meme

Wrestling/boxing shoes have very thin soles and work great for squatting/deadlifting.

Mine are currently busted, but I could buy some more if there isn't anything else worth buying.

>Preferably under 200

>Who am I kidding we're getting literal SS kiddies in this thread. It should be renamed to shitposting general
only if we refuse to tell them to fuck off
do your part for your general lad

ignore the 'rated to' its a load of shit, ive had cheap shitty bars for £100 'rated to 1500' that bent with 250 on it

buy a good powerbar or you end up spending the same money on 2-3 cheap bars

rogue or elitefts, the latter has INSANE xmas discounts but not sure if you can still cop them on short notice. inquire personally via e-mail about shipping, the rates they give are standard snd you can save if you live in an area where the delivery guy will be at some point later

strengthshop for eurotrash, breddy nais too

>under 200
amazon lmoa

Why is my squat higher than my deadlift?

Rogue and Eleiko are pretty darn good.
>Under 200
Idiot spend money on your bar it's probably only thing you need to spend on.

>flat non compressible sole
>used to lift some of the biggest weights ever

They work fine for squatting but they are terrible for deadlifting.
Massive sole on those things.

why has my last serious LTR been three years ago then ffs

>twink aesthetics
I said a FELLOW bear, I'm a strongfat hairy cunt myself. that's kind of the point, most people are into the whole bear/twink dynamic, but I refuse to date people half my weight kek

short limbs

Should I switch to sumo?

yeah but i dont like slippers and reebok dont do the mark bell shoes anymore afaik

you cant drive into the side of slippers

wrestling shoes are good for deadlift but a bit too lightweight for squats in terms of foot support, depends if you want one shoe or a few

Obesity, short arms, bad form?
Hard to tell without a video.

Either short limbs, high squatting, bad deadlift technique/programming, or you're advanced enough that your squat caught up and over took your DL iirc Louie Simmons mentioned that everybody their squat is stronger or at least box squat.

Are there any non-branded alternatives that is you would recommend?

£40 is a bit steep for what they are.

please be bait

dreamer im not hear to listen to your problems Tbh

>£40 for something that will literally last years and years

Rogue OPB is pretty reasonably priced (at the actual rogue store anyways, don't know the online price) and is one of the better ones on the market.

Never had a problem with "support" when squatting in wrestling shoes, probably individual.
Pulling chucks is pulling from a deficit though and that could be the difference between a pr and failing a lift.

adidas hvc

Like I said, mine were busted after a few years of regular use.

Thanks senpai - I keep seeing Rouge mentioned a lot but I'll check out the other brands as well. Guess it was stupid of me to ask for a under $200 barbell - I have a somewhat big gap between my next pay period (switching positions) and I won't be getting paid for almost a month. Was hoping to get the barbell now, but I may just wait until Jan.

Thanks again.

reminder that 3 waffles and 4 eggs is the preworkout meal of champions

You mean two cups of coffee and a garlic