Why does Veeky Forums down play the hugh difference muscle makes in attracting women?
Most of the guys here dont even fkin lift, they get their negative shit from sluthate/pick up forums, they believe the "its all about the face" meme and give up before building a good body
>lifting for women
This. Let me tell you OP, a great body, some sort of style and most importantly confidence and charisma will take you far in life, in every regards
Lotta salty DYELs here
Do they downplay it? Since I got Veeky Forums I slay. Can't go out without being approached and end up with a few numbers or a strangers appartment.
Who is Hugh?
If you can pick her up banestyle you've already won.
Hugh Mongus
Bait thread, do not respond without at least putting SAGE in options field
Everything we do is for women (and other men)
Do you live in a big city or something?
Im near a lot universities so I get attention from those aged chicks but when I go to smaller places, I dont even get a look from anyone
Is that sexual harassment?
h-how do you slay?
>tfw 32 year old khv
>tfw lift and like my body, but natty and can't even tell i lift with clothes on
Hand in your natty card faggot, it's not like you have anything left to lose.
Wear more fitted clothes?
Also, you can get a great body natty. How long you been lifting for? Arms and shoulders stand out more in clothes than chest and back
Be honest with me boys, if I'm a skinny 6'1 think and I become jacked or at least ottermode, how much of an increase in success can I expect with women ?
I've never met a muscular man named Hugh.
>Just be confident, bro
Below average facelett here(6'1, 80kg,
>one is a doctor
>the other is a faggot who looks pretty for a camera
It's sad how kids think the faggot is superior
Nothing will change until you stop being an insecure pussy
Getting fit may help you there but no promises.
Yeah lets compare a below average non lifting guy with a legit good looking guy.
If you lift then the chances are you will be more attractive than most men to most women, unless you live next to a models studio or something were every guy is handsome.
Basically lifting helps alot.more about the face but girls will notice your gains and because of biology will be more attracted to you. Thing is,men who say lifting didnt help them are most likely deeply insecure beta males who cant hold a conversation without being SUPER awkward. Literally just a little bit of confidence and muscles get you laid big time unless youre flat out ugly.
When your only metric of a man's quality is his ability to get pussy, it makes sense that they think like that.