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Shit name
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Shit routine
another meme routine shilled by blind fanbois
> doing 5 reps of 65% of 90% of your 1rm once a week
>calling it a working set
Why not just use memes lift afterward for hypertrophy?
>ohp and shoulder
>deadlift and back
>bench and chest
>squat and legs
>he thinks this is 5/3/1
read the book, faggot
>low frequency
>Low intensity
>Making up for volume through accessories
>"Do your conditioning with my invention, The Prowler™"
>1000lbs squat by the author achieved using an entirely different system
>Shilled by Reddit
>"It's a general strength/athletics program, that's why it's not good for powerlifting"
Despite all this, it probably works because most training systems do
training each muscle group once a week is shit
I did BBB for 6 months and FSL+JS for 2 months. Worst decision of my life
>1000lbs squat by the author achieved using an entirely different system
and some roids
I'm doing 531 but instead of A/B/rest/C/D, I'm doing ABCD/rest/ABCD and skipping the deload week
I'm unemployed so it doesn't really tired me out
He still worked hard you fag. He was equipped running conjugate though so I think that it's strange he writes for raw lifters now
Jim Wendler is a cult leader
5/3/1 is a program for cult members
Stop being in a cult
You could probably salvage the thing by doing 3 sets with each percentage or upping the reps to 8/5/3. Out of the box though:
>Too light for building strength at a reasonable pace
>Too low volume for building size at a reasonable pace
It's easy as shit to recover from and if you're a beat to fuck old man it's probably exactly the thing to do. If you're in your 20s or 30s you should be doing something harder.
I didn't want to offend you
>Reminder that reddit's favourite strength routine is 531
>Reminder that their favourite variant is so drastically different from Wendler's book that it only shares a name
N-sun's 531 in case you're wondering
Slow progression and if you're trying to cut it'll ruin your lifts more than any other program
This doesn't sound too bad honestly.
Could a 3x8, 3x5 and 3x3 program be better? Except for the deadlift, probably a good idea to keep that 5/3/1.
Maybe make a 4th week of AMRAP With the exercise weight used for the x5 set?
>Worst decision of my life
i think that not kys every morning is the worst decision of your life
You're supposed to be doing 8 to 12 reps not 5 lmfao
There is an 8/6/3 variation from t-nation. Everything is done the same as regular 531 except the percentages on the third set are slightly less.
>If you're in your 20s or 30s you should be doing something harder.
like "5/3/1 5x10 BBB" or "5/3/1 10x10 BBB" or "5/3/1 5x5 BBB" or *insert any of his other programs except "doing jack shit"*
jordan feigenbaum is honestly the best part of the Starting Strength organization. Probably because he isnt afraid to criticize rip and crew
But TL;DR, Texas Method and 5/3/1 are bad intermediate programs because the don't have significantly greater training variables than a novice program
one of the worst programs available. wendler himself doesnt even do it. dickriders defend it with their life
this is a cop-out argument. if you have to modify a program to the point where it barely resembles the original because "it's SUPPOSED to be changed", that tells you that it was bad to begin with
Can you make hypertrophy gains on the BBB? I was considering doing 5/3/1, but wanted to do some assistance work after each workout
maybe. but its terrible for strength gains
>not adding assistance exercise as laid out in the book
Fuck off.
Literally retarded.
n-suns 5/3/1 is a slight tweak to 5/3/1 spinal tap, you mong.
>not hypertrophy
Funny how the author claims otherwise, but everyone here universally says it's bad.
I'm not sure what program to run next desu.
There's plenty of variations though and it's built like a template than an actual routine. Plus you can easily program mix with it as well.
I do OHP with 531 BBB and just did 160x5, paused, after two cycles. Its especially great if you split up the sets, so two days OHP with one day doing the main sets and the other doing BBB. I only use 531 for that lift though.
meant for
>actually thinking you can do this with a weight heavy enough to disrupt homeostasis
>Jim, your program is too low volume
>Jim: Does the laziest fix possible.
Sure at the end of the day the thing to be learned from 5/3/1 and it's infinite variations is that: "shut the fuck up and lift" works just fine.
At the end of the day though the core of the program is insufficient. You don't get enough time with heavier weights. No, adding a couple of joker sets doesn't solve this problem. If you want to be getting stronger at a decent rate than you should be spending at least 1/3rd of your training lifting >80%.
well of course jim is not going to say its bad. but why doesnt he do his own program? because he knows it's bad. that's why he has modified it so many goddamn times
>being this bitch made
If not 5/3/1 what should I be lifting as an intermediate lifter?
how can you even use a keyboard with fat fingers like that? is it custom made or something?
Tell that to Sheiko
Well you can't do a program forever. You gotta switch it up from tile to time. But I used to hear a lot of good about it, but here it's getting shit on.
if you think doing 100 reps in one day is better than spreading out the volume over several days, you dont understand the concept of excess fatigue (fatigue that doesnt contribute to the strength adaptation or muscle protein synthesis because it's already been achieved). Probably because you dont understand programming, which would explain why you like 5/3/1
>current year
>not doing one lift per day with 100 percent intensity and setting a new PR every day
barbell medicine had some of the best intermediate programming around
>what is GVT
gvt and 10 set work can be appropriate for advanced lifters who need lots of volume, but NOT for intermediate lifters who don't need as much volume. And since 531 is an intermediate program, 10x10 is a terrible choice
Not to mention you can accumulate more volume by spreading it out through your week
Okay a little under 1/3rd still works but for each plan you're still doing between 20% and 30% of your lifts above 80%.
Still doesn't change the fact that without Joker sets 5/3/1 NEVER goes above 81%.
>5/3/1 not enough volume
>GVT to much volume
5/3/1 is silly, 5x5’s are silly.
Adapted versions of these programs can be effective.
The 2suns le reddit program has 4,5, and 6 day variants. The five day added some wieght to my compounds.
yeah, gvt originated as programming for highly advanced olympic weightlifters, not some kid who just finished SS and is wanting to move on to intermediate training
you forgot
>written by an exoskeleton competitor
>what is 5/3/1
would it make sense to do for example 8+ to set rep maxes on this variation?
How so? Care to elaborate.
>5/3/1 is silly
>5x5’s are silly
>recommends 2suns
fuck off
and we've established that 531 is a bad choice for the early intermediate because the training variables in 531 are not significantly higher (and in some cases, lower) than a novice program
I don't understand your question.
there is nothing wrong with doing 5 sets of 5
a amrap set at the last set of the main lift
Ive stalled too many goddam times on my LP program, but i still have very low stats.
Would an "early intermediate" do well with 5/3/1 BBB ?
>what is BBB etc.
you still do amrap on the last set, same as you would do with base 5/3/1
>t. reddit 531 dickrider
can you fucking stop? BBB is trash. ALL 531 variants are trash. confront the argument head on instead of spouting out a deflection, you pussy
>confront the argument
>just repeat that all 531 variants are trash
It depends what your goals are. I personally wouldn't use 531 as my only program if I was entirely focused on lifting, but would if I had limited time or was doing a sport, etc. I think canditos 6 week program is much better, but supplement the bench for 531 BBB, or something of that caliber. A lot of people just want to bash it because of the Jack shit program or because you don't do a lot of heavy lifting but it's all about raising your volume and then using a parking program after. I don't get this mindset where you either have to do peaking programs constantly or just do volume oriented programs only.
Peaking, not parking.
Idk, 5/3/1 looks good cause it seems simple, and i have routine ADHD, really hard time sticking to one routine.
I'm not really a powerlifter, i just want to be strong as fuck and maybe look a bit better but its completly optional.
if you don't think there are any arguments against 531 ITT and in my posts then you haven't been reading the posts. If you think any of the 531 variants are good for any lifter than you fundamentally do not understand programming, likely because youre from reddit and have never read a book on programming, attended a programming seminar, do not have a background in coaching or exercise science, etc.
you are not entitled to an opinion on a topic that you misinformed on
>no arguments
>only "muh knowledge"
Then go for it, man. I only meant don't do it if you have more time to dedicate in the gym or are competing, etc. Its fine to run as is but the gains are guaranteed unlike a lot of other programs, just a bit slower.
What does reddit have to do with anything? People from reddit have actually read the book and other programming books as well.
What are your lifts anyway? What programs would you suggest?
>not a single argument was found
What about GZCL stuff?
I'm doing 5/3/1 Periodization Bible with some added shit. I like lifting heavy and I like doing 10-12 rep sets. I hated doing a pure strength program and I hated doing a pure hypertrophy program. 5/3/1 PB is the perfect compromise.
Fuck the noise.
More like find a redeeming quality
The only reason I'd ever do this is to maintain muscle if focusing on cardio or something
So 5/3/1 is trash for an intermediate lifter.
What about texas method? Is that decent?
see and
I unfortunately wouldn't know too much about that style of programming as I haven't ran it and it didn't appeal to me too much. Not to be ironic but your best bet is to look on reddit or read about it yourself. A lot of what I know I from finding what I like and how I adapted to it, plus finding programs that matched my goals.
Made for the BBB
so what's a better intermediate routine that I can do 3x a week that doesn't have me squatting every single day?
Shit article by a SS shill. Not falling for the kike tricks.
It's good for squats, shit for everything else. Classic rippetoe.
>ss shill
>criticizes the Texas Method on the starting strength website
you didn't even click the link. Jordan Feigenbaum is anything but a rip dickrider
Greg nuckols 28 free programs
Feigenbaum got kicked out of a family medicine residency, hes gotta sell his program to pay back the 250K+ loan debt he is in. The best way to do that is to copy 531, change it slightly (RPE instead of % of 90%1RM) and then sell it to novice lifters that are always looking for the new fad program.
Last year 531 was considered the best, a year from now people will be shitting on his Barbell medicine program and some other powershitter will be spamming their program all over Veeky Forums and reddit.
>read Beyond 5/3/1
>this is the new shit, old 5/3/1 is garbage
>lol just work up to one heavy single once a week, do some back off sets if you feel like it
>5lbs a month on your bench is totally good
>you need at least 2g of protein per pound of body weight though
>if you need me to tell you what accessory work to do, you're not ready for Beyond 5/3/1
>come back next year when I release a newer version of 5/3/1 where I call explain how everything in Beyond 5/3/1 is garbage just like I did with the original book
>but you should totally run Beyond 5/3/1 despite that
>got kicked out of family medicine residency
where in the hell did you hear that
jordan left residency to run his business, you liar
and bbm has lost of programs, none of which resemble 531 because bbm have expressd extreme dislike for 531. another lie
How did he get kicked out?
meant to say LOTS of programs, not LOST
This. I've gotten great results from 531.
>>criticizes the Texas Method on the starting strength website
He wasn't harsh with TM you fucking illiterate, he just said that the based TM program is not recommended for older trainees due to the unbearable tonnage of volume day and he recommends the 4-day split TM.
I followed the routine for many months and didnt even get stronger.
Is there such a thing as a worthwhile intermediate routine? Texas method was kind of shit. It was ok to do for a short while after starting strength but not for long.
The only good routine I have experienced for a long time is Smolov jr for squats and bench press at the same time.
holy fuck you actually didn't read the article. The focus of the article is EARLY INTERMEDIATE TRAINING and that TM is a bad intermediate program. he has said in other videos THAT HE DOESN'T RECCOMEND TEXAS METHOD FOR ANYONE. And you're calling me illiterate? The delusion
>I think Texas Method is inappropriate for most, and that 5/3/1 is one of the worst programs available.
In context, the author thinks TM is not appropriate due to the intensity of Volume day which unless you're a healthy young male with proper rest and nutrition will have problem sustaining it.
He then continues...
>My recommendation is the 4-DAY UPPER/LOWER SPLIT FOUND IN PRACTICAL PROGRAMMING FOR STRENGTH TRAINING. Another option would be a correctly implemented Heavy, Light, Medium (HLM) program advocated by Starr. It might also be reasonable to run one of the DIFFERENT MODIFIED TEXAS METHOD PROGRAMS or the General Intermediate program I’ve published on my website
If you actually read PPST 3rd edition, the 4-day split as said from that article is literally TM but volume days and intensity is split into two with accessory works done after the main workout on volume days.
The author is still a shill towards SS and the crew, there is hardly any criticism other reducing tonnage during the based volume day. Learn to read nigger.
Also for those tldr, 5/3/1 is bad because it lacks volume, intensity and frequency on the core lifts.
>5/3/1 is bad because it lacks volume, intensity and frequency on the core lifts.
>What is joker set?
>What is FSL?
Why is people this stupid?
I am still on the fence about 5/3/1 on here leaning negatively but people who talk about Big But Boring dont know what theyre talking about. 5x10 at 50 % is worthless nonsense. even at 55 % it is worthless