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Shit name
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Shit routine

another meme routine shilled by blind fanbois

> doing 5 reps of 65% of 90% of your 1rm once a week
>calling it a working set

Why not just use memes lift afterward for hypertrophy?
>ohp and shoulder
>deadlift and back
>bench and chest
>squat and legs

>he thinks this is 5/3/1
read the book, faggot

>low frequency
>Low intensity
>Making up for volume through accessories
>"Do your conditioning with my invention, The Prowlerâ„¢"
>1000lbs squat by the author achieved using an entirely different system
>Shilled by Reddit
>"It's a general strength/athletics program, that's why it's not good for powerlifting"

Despite all this, it probably works because most training systems do

training each muscle group once a week is shit

I did BBB for 6 months and FSL+JS for 2 months. Worst decision of my life

>1000lbs squat by the author achieved using an entirely different system
and some roids

I'm doing 531 but instead of A/B/rest/C/D, I'm doing ABCD/rest/ABCD and skipping the deload week
I'm unemployed so it doesn't really tired me out