>I like Alpha destiny
I like Alpha destiny
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That's really not bad form for a behind the back deadlift you fag keep suckling elgintensity
what the fuck
Holy shit lol
Spinal flexion is ok but this is straight up fucked up form
That’s actually acceptable form for a behind the back deadlift. The leverages you have during a behind the back deadlift allow for more rounding in the lower back during the lift.
mainly i'm just impressed someone that skinny pulled 4pl8 off the ground
he got a boner
hey i watch elgintensity too
>his bar bends at 4pl8
still better form than most people in my gym
pretty much, I was almost expecting something to snap.
>Oh yeah guys look at this shit form haha
>Oh me? My conventional deadlift PR is 112,5kg
Twinks getting mogged and talking shit is the funniest thing.
I did these for the first time last week. You really don't feel anything in your lower back at all.
>t. 2pl8 conventional deadlift
Dicklet detected
I dont know if behind the back is harder or easier than a regular DL. but for the fact that he looks like a twink I think its pretty impressive that he can pull 4pl8 if you disregard his form.
its way easier, especially if you round the back
1. bar is directly under the center of mass
2. rounded back shortens the leverarm for the hip extensors
theres a reason why bugenhagen wasnt as good at conventional DL's and why alpahdestiny(really gay name) never does conventional dl's
i hate manletdestiny but people here seems to have never done a hack squat. they dont tax your lower back that much, not even close. i love it because it's an amazing quad worker, instant recovery and grip is pretty much the only limiter.
a hack squat is done with a straight back and upright torso, these guys are doing rounded back behind the back deadlifts
its an ego thing
i said nothing of proper form, merely making the point that proper form is not as important for hack squat not even close than it is for deadlift. Bulgarian style lifters and by extension bugenhagen egolift all the time, no one gives him flak
>forn doesnt matter
ur a dummy
my point is that its not a hack squat because the hips arent low, this doesnt recruit the quads properly so your point for it is gone
>clarence kennedy
>this dude
what's up with all those swole hapas that appeared after St. Elliot died? Did his last curse involve making all hapas insanely strong?
you sound like a pedantic guy so here goes.
there is no competition that includes hack squat. as far as i know from doing it myself and seeing some of my friends do it, leverages dictate that hip position is not the same for every people. work is not done until you actually pull the bar, but the position where this happen is not the same. im 1.73m and when i initiate the pull my hips are slightly above parallel. you can argue that adjustments in terms of grip can be done to meet your definition of "proper form" but what is the point? wider grip is harder sure but also less stable
>doesnt recruit the quads properly
i have no idea what you mean. ive done them with varying grip from conventional to slightly larger than clean grip, i feel quad usage is the same bar greater exertion on wider grip
Daily reminder strength training is a fucking meme
seriously what's the difference between behind the back deadlifts and hack squats?