I've been lifting for two years and i'm still a virgin, clearly i'm approaching this from the wrong way. I was thinking, people don't see my muscular body casually, so wouldn't it be better to just train the face to look better? I heard eating rye bread makes your jaws huge, i'd image that'd make my face look more alpha right?
I've been lifting for two years and i'm still a virgin, clearly i'm approaching this from the wrong way. I was thinking...
Lifting doesn't cure autism.
OP, if you're so desperate that you think eating rye bread will make you lose your virginity, you're too far gone.
better than eating dozens of onions.
Just lift for yourself man.
Neck training will make your face look better tho
Will it? How does training the neck improve my face?
try jumping from a building with a rope around your neck
Pro tip: Nothing does. If you haven't gotten laid it's probably too late
girls dont give a shit about body. So yes do whatver you can to make your face better. lose face fat/ chew gum for jaw gains
Lifting for women only gives you a slight edge when talking to them unless you're aesthetic as fuck and at a socially acceptable area to be shirtless
If you think that lifting will get you pussy on the street out of nowhere, you're immensely wrong. It gives you a lot more confidence and let's you know your "market worth" but the dating game is still a lot of work where for the most part, you have to take the initiative.
The obvious exception would be any kind of club but even then, it's just a little bit easier because nearly everyone there is drunk enough to open up a bit.
Dang, not as dramatic as going from skelefag to muscular, but still an improvement.
Will girls like me even if i have high functioning autism?
yeah if you are good looking girls will worship the ground you walk on
Good looking autist is probably the worst life you could ever have. You just know you have everything you need but you just can't make things work out, life is nothing more than a tease and deception
Pick one. Unless you're actually diagnosed with autism, lift for confidence first. Seeing yourself progress, shed some fat and gain some muscle goes a long way for increasing your confidence. If you have friends who go out from time to time, join them to get some "exposure", maybe get mildly tipsy if you feel like it (not drunk, mind you). It helped me a lot and the rest was just "fake it until you make it".
There's really no be-all-end-all in that matter, you have to find out what's best for you.
not really. i know good looking autists that do well in life and women. its just luck
I want to trade autism for being a manlet. I'd even get easier gains
trust me you dont. being a manlet is absolute suffering. I put it over having a terminal disease. at least they get to die
Same with autism. I wish it came with a mandatory heart attack at 20 yrs old. You can survive if things worked out for you but otherwise you can just leave this shit world
What guys think sex means: As a man, I've overcome the primordial chaos of reality to forge my own destiny. Like Marduk slaying Tiamat, I've overcome the numerous negative influence within and without me to build a life I can be proud of. I've strengthened my body, mind, and will power. I communicate this to girls through my physique, dress, demeanour, and accomplishments. While I will eventually decay, I've temporarily ordered myself so that I can bring a woman into my life, and allow her to be herself. My visual aesthetics are an example of this process on the molecular level, stretching back to my earliest ancestors.
What girls think sex means: Hehehehe he sang "Backstreet's Back" with me and called me a sushi whore before he blew raspberries on my stomach and made me lick his ass
it's not that bad really
Did you think that there was just a Wilks threshold where suddenly women were going to throw themselves at you?
Nah dude, you still have to talk to them. The lifting=girls thinking is because lifting is part of giving a fuck about yourself, and girls find that attractive.
Plus, strength training is hard, and if you're doing it right, it never gets easy. Putting yourself through that day to day, week to week, should develop enough mental toughness to withstand any of bullshit you're afraid of when it comes to dealing with women.
you lose your virginity by having sex. not lifting weights.
>not doing LORAD Loaf Of Rye A Day
Op those are both dudes, just letting you know.
download tinder, get help from friends on making a good bio and photo choice, lower standards, talk to girls, done.
eating rye bread won't do shit the only thing that can help is chewing really tough gum because it works your jaw muscles and gives you a chad jaw
Fuck tinder
Everything seems in order here.
you mean
>Veeky Forums
Try LSD...google up experiences, apparently it can help.
You do realize those are both guys right?
what makes you think so?
try actually talking to people fag
I've watched the show.
>be with colleagues
>drinking and chatting
>topic turns to exercise
>qt boy asks me about weightlifting since "I obviously lifts"
>even though I was wearing a loose hoodie
Nah you're just a twink DYEL lmao.
So did you fuck him or what?
What's wrong with her foot?
Soon. Problem is I don't see him often since he's in another "department" roughly speaking so I don't have nearly enough time to get close to him.
>I've been lifting for two years and i'm still a virgin
Lifting doesn't get you laid. It helps get you laid. I was getting pussy before i started lifting. It can't help you if you dont help yourself.
the fuck? are you serious?
Can confirm. It's a popular with /lgbt/.
Anime website
How is something like that even shocking? Any artist can just draw a girl and just say it's a guy.
Thanks potion seller.
>be me, inna 9th grade
>fucking loser, have no friends, girls literally laugh at me when I am passed in the hallway
>i was just really fuckwithable, had no muscle or bodyfat, wore bootcut pants with white newbalances, vidya t-shirts
>literally fucking dread going to school every day because the bullies will just fuck with me
>one bully actually started humping the shit out of some other faggot for some reason so I stratigically just sat by the teacher all class so I wouldn't get humped
>middle of 10th grade develop a serious onitis for some girl
>onitis is so bad I stop masturbating completely, cum in sleep at least once a week
>last semester of 12th grade, finally decide fuck this shit
>sit next to onitis and her friend at breakfast one day
>just straight up say "do you guys want to go out some time?"
>they look at each other, I can tell by the look in their eyes that they are just holding back the laughter
>"user... we really can't... haha"
>they continue on a conversation with me until the end of breakfast out of pity
>this event caused me to go fucking insane
>next day went to Army recruiter to try to join special forces, they said I was too young and I had to be 20 to get the SF contract
>now live in a minivan (completely by choice) and have officially gone full monkmode. I shave my head every day. My only job in this world is to be a fucking lifting machine
>have literally had girls (you can obviously tell teenagers) come up to me to feel my biceps
>have fucked 3 of them so far in my minivan
you're gonna make it brah.
Great larp. Would read again/10.
lmao you have to actually initiate action to get what you want. you don't just "look good" and draw people in to you like a magnet, unless of course you're top .00001% of humans. if you want something go get it retard
Keep your disgusting tranny hands off my Hinata.
he goes from a creep to a bro
>Traumatic childhood
>Lives in a van
>Fucks "teenagers" in said van
Not creepy at all.
Does not work trust me if anything it will make it worse