This is what lifting gets you.
This is what lifting gets you
>a gf, any gf, even just as a friend
Sign me the fuck up
i'm so alone i'd take a rat as a gf
this is what walking training gets you
I just assume she's into cuckqueaning. But Eliot is LITERALLY insane so maybe she's the only person he connects with.
I'm pretty sure you can buy rats, they don't require a 4plate deadlift at the checkout
Even knowing this is bait the fact Hulse is a jerk, feel sad for you hollowness, OP.
Another reason to avoid the powerlifting meme. Lift for aesthetics and strength will come. Lift for strength and ugliness will come.
Honestly if that guy wants to marry a tranny who are you to gainsay him?
lucky bastard...
Mirin' Elliott's son's haircut
and his hairline. fucking hell
Fake happiness? Sign me up.
it would be fruit loops
I'll take it.
this is some grade school level psychiatry bullshit
Who cares. Once you're into the "mother of my four children territory" its not really that important whether you're married to a THICC goddess.
>tfw pure yuropean blood
In one of his vids he mentioned that they were highschool sweat-hearts, which is nice. You could do alot worse (especially with a mong like Elliot).
>literally moves up an entire species in social ranking
Don't fall for the racemixing meme
gangly 14 year old in a candid shot
Grown man who's had more work done then a Kardashian and is wearing just as much makeup in an posed beauty shot.
whoa it's almost as if 2 good looking people gets good looking children and 2 ugly looking people gets ugly looking children
the one is still objectively more beautiful than the other. also heard Eastwood’s son is a fucking cocksucker, typical new money scum.
sometimes i forget im on chan
You're litterally using a candid shot of a chubby 14 year old and comparing it to a man who's had a ton of work done, is wearing make up and is perfectly posed in typical faggot hollywood fairy modeling pic.
There is no objectivity here.
Just your opinion.
I think you don't know what 'objective' means, but that's ok since you're clearly still mentally 14.
What's that thing going on with his face? It's right around his mouth area
what about arnie?
I think his whole persona is derived from coping with the fact his wife is older masculine version of what woman normally should be.
Kids were made though, props 4 dat.
>work done
c o p e
His Mexican son looks jacked. His white kid looks white
He is 20 years old you dumb fucking racemixer.
YOU just proved my point.
are you fucking serious?
No cope.
Nigga has obviously been under the knife.
Ooosh, that ones almost a worse example
Racemixing, not even once
So fucking disgusted by these men who racemix.
Thousands of years of white heritage, hundreds of generation of whites, of unique beauty, thrown away like tears in the rain
>looks like father
literally cope you must be an ugly son of a gun
Literally pick any pics from google images of those two and put them next to each other. My point is still going to stand
One of them is genuinely beautiful, the other one looks like a gorilla
I think he's 22 actually.
lmao are you actually mentally handicapped?
bruh, even with this bad haircut
>muh huwhite jeans
it was his high school sweetheart, he lifts for strength
he would be chad if not fat
Oh, that' Patrcik Schwarzenegger in the second picture?
No it's not and you know it lmao, thats a moribidly obese teenager.
Now do as I told you to from the beginning, pick any image of Patrick Schwarzenegger and put it next to that hispanic boi, bitch.
Oh yeah? Just admit you are wrong
hes omega male bro. into that bioenergetics shit... i dont think he cares bro. he looks happy
Guys i'm mixed and girls tell me i'm handsome
>the hero of /pol/
wow, how does he do it
This is how american mulattos with 80 IQ argues lmao
It's like talking to a child
he's coming for you, europoor
Never fails to disappoint
schoopy is a retard, you should feel embarrassed by that meme quote. Nationalism is a vital part of life.
same, also who really cares about autistic screeching on a sub-saharan woodworking board?
Such genetic potential wasted on Miley.
>dyels will think that this looks good
just stop coping and accept that you're inferior
Futur murica is woke as fuck
Projection the post
Post body
>a grown man that wakes up and had cereal and watches some retarded cartoon show
It was spot on until then.
Average american family , fucking disgusting
Americans are a fucking joke nowadays.
considering the faggy sons he got with his legit wife he must thanks god every day to have fucked his ugly maxican maid.
That limp wrist lol
body dismorphia, the post
This family would looks disgusting if they were all pale and blue eyed. Mirin the lanklet in the back though.
You can't even tell who is fucking who in this pic. what if these are people who crashed a disney birthday party, because they really love disney birthday parties. you cant prove this isnt what that picture is cause that is a random group of people, and doesnt indicate any procration.
>B-but user the kids
fuck you! of course kids love disney birthday partys
More diversity means less birth defects though.
>generation of whites
>unique beauty
That delusion.
>here's an image of a product of inbreeding to prove my point
you can date inside your race and still not fuck your cousins you know
The opposite is true.
Unless you're severely inbred, breeding with niggers and sandniggers who have a history of incest is retarded.
So yes, fucking a stranger is pretty much always better than marrying your sister for 5 generations, but everything is.
>Implying whites aren't the most desirable race
Hurr let me cherry pick an image of ugly white people.
How do I turn this around? After years of being obese, playing wow and smoking weed I have a hard time controlling my impulses. If I'm hungry I eat, no matter how inconvenient, if I want to buy something I buy it even thou I can't afford it. If I want to postpone or just outright not want to do something, even if I know it'll only take 20 mins and I'll be fucked if I dont do it, I dont do it. I've literally quit my job in the bat of an eye because I wanted a change of pace. Even ended up homeless for a few months because of it.
I already changed alot since I was 20 I lost all the excess weight and even got Veeky Forums, stopped playing vidya and smoke weed, get a few girls. But I'm mediocre as fuck,, probably less than mediocre in most regards. The only thing keeping me from being succesfull are doing the small things, the grind, but I just can't seem to condition myself into doing them.
Just do it or stay the way you are. Either way stop crying because its your decision
Then don't fuck inbred niggers
What sort of question is that. You have the urge to eat? Then don't. You have the urge to smoke? Then don't. That's all it essentially boils down to
>sorry sir gonna need to see some gains
I mean at that point she prolly had 4 kids already.
Love does strange things to your vision
I'm asking.if I can recondition my brain. Ever heard of an addicts brain? During my formative years I literally only acted on impulses and kept flooding my brain with instant gratification and dopamine. My brain is literally hardwired to do very low effort for maximum results. And nobody can be succesfull if they can't follow through on big plans. I'm asking if there is some kind of habit or program or whatever the fuck needs to be done to do undo that hardwiring. I literally can't smoke, smoke weed or drink or I'll end up being intoxicated for a couple of days. That's how sensitive I am to instant gratification. This is how the brain works, this is why some people are more prone to addictions. Part of it is genetic.
Read ^. I know it basicly comes down to what you say but there has to be a way to make this easier. After a few years it's easy for me to eat clean, excercise regularly and pass down on a blunt. But I had to condition myself first.
Man the fuck up.. Try doing a cycle of steroids it will give you an aggresive drive
Listen man you are what you do the moment you realise it you will make a change.. Just take a day go out to nature and try thinking about your life. Where do you wanna be in 5 years? Are you willing to do what it takes? Man up
>The only thing keeping me from being succesfull are doing the small things
Yeah, that small thing called self-control, which you falsely equate to "grind" because more successful people seem to do things you would be boted doing on the long run and quit.
Self control is no small thing. If it was, you'd have it masteres by now. Have some humility first, to dismiss doing something hard as "grind" is to disrespect the motivation and mental backbone needed to achieve it.
You little shit.
Try to ignore some smaller impulses. If you feel the urge to fap, then don't. If you feel the urge to smoke weed, then tell yourself you'll wait a day before you're going to. After some time of doing this, tell yourself that you'll wait two days before smoking, then three days and so on. You have to regain some small form of control. Stopping things seems hard to you, so gain discipline in small steps
>Try doing a cycle of steroids it will give you an aggresive drive
Terrible advice for dealing with addiction
Your desire for easy external magic solutions stems from the very problem you are trying to solve. There is no way out that doesn't require you to do something hard on your own. Man the fuck up.
>its your decision
as a fatty this is the single most hardest thing to admit and it pains me to do it
Like the other user said steroids are a no go. But you're right about the rest.
Getting this aggresive and degrading for using a termology, that was meant positive, that doesn't float your boat.
Yeah I said grind to the small things because for me it is a grind, it is hard work. And I do have respect for the people that do it. But yeah it comes down to self control in the bigger picture not judt impulse control.
This is the only viable solution/plan I thought about. It'll take a year or two to fully master it though. I was able to turn my life around from being a complete fuck up to being mediocre, I just want more.
What keeps you guys motivated to do those things? I used to get lifting/diet motivation to get girls. Now I can get them but I keep eating clean/healthy out of routine. I see a shitload of people achieving things with support of their family, to support their family or to make them proud but I dont have family. The times I had a gf I had no problems with doing those small things. But I can't seem to do them for myself. Yeah I know I sound like a pussy but I'm legit asking for advice so I can become a more well-rounded person.
>tfw no fridgemode gf
I just want a hug