Tried it for the first time in the gym today, worked up to 60kg (135) for 6 reps. Why is this lift such a big deal on here? You're all weak as shit lmfao!
I'm a pretty big guy btw
5'7 200lbs
Tried it for the first time in the gym today, worked up to 60kg (135) for 6 reps. Why is this lift such a big deal on here? You're all weak as shit lmfao!
I'm a pretty big guy btw
5'7 200lbs
you're fat dude
>OHPing 66% of your BW
>only have to move it a fraction of the distance non manlets have to move
>being proud of this
You grew up without a father, didn't you?
> 170 cm 91kg
You are either very overweight or so advanced a lifter that 1 plate OHP should be a joke to you
I'll go ahead and guess it's the first one and that you're retarded and did Push Presses.
Quality b8 my dude! Nice maymay
>135 a joke
>6 reps
Closer to a max than a joke
you probably push pressed it, but i guess good job?
a 60% BW OHP is not that impressive anyways
poor bait. sage in all fields.
>an overweight untrained person can OHP 60kg
let me guess around 150lbs and don t look like you lift?
It’s a big deal because it is a cool as fuck lift. People make about as much of a big deal about 1plate pho as they do 3 plate squats—neither are very impressive but are pretty good strength benchmarks for novices to aim for.
You didn't strict press fat fuck
stop push pressing faggot
OHP > Bench desu
Thank you to the user, suggesting that I have my grip too wide and thats why I was stalling.
OP during his lift
o hey that looks like a crossfit gym
>serving pho on a plate
>for you
For you
Also manlet
>man with stubby arms does 2/3 BW push press with back breaking form
>boasts on Veeky Forums
would say bait but it's almost new years so anything is possible
Quality shitpost. Checked.
3 plaet squat is way harder for me at least
All lift weights are relative, comparing yourself to others is the most foolish thing you can do. Compare yourself to your self past rather.
>5'7 *inhales*
>200 lbs
>1pl8 standing bench press
In other news: what's y'all's standing BB OHP to DB ratio?
I'm stuck at 60s for a few reps. I suppose I can't claim 1pl8 status until I get 65s?
I did 6x145 a few days ago and I'll be aiming for 6x150 today. Real ohp no push press bs. My shoulders have always been disproportionately strong. 5'10 182.
DB OHP is dumb. just do circus presses, they're more fun
Has noone noticed how dumb this guy's shorts look?
200lbs at 5'7" is a pretty big motherfucker man
What does that have to do with him being so strong? Can you OHP 135 for 6 reps?
also fat people are usually weak as fuck so he's obviously got alot of muscle
Lmfao 5’7” at any weight you are a little boy
>little boy is bigger and stronger than you
STAY jelly Lanklet
Because these lanky faggots are weak as fuck and can't even OHP 185lbs and they've been lifting for years
Is this how everyone on here talks about their ohp?
I thought most people use dumbbells and your max was the weight of a single dumbbell.
mfw 190lbs and only 90lbs OHP
>135 OHP
>200 bodyweight
>67% of bodyweight OHP
>Thinks he's bragging
Most guys that lift around that height are alot bigger than tall guys m8
>bigger than tall guys
Just googled push press. Never seen this lift done in my life. Push press accusers are coping
I do 145x5 but I'm 40lbs lighter than you and I don't regularly do The Press™ just incline and flat bench
Little boy hasn't posted a pic
>Why is this lift such a big deal on here?
Uh, cause it gives you big as fuck shoulders? Are you stupid?
Yeah way bigger most tall guys are scrawny and dyel
>your max was the weight of a single dumbbell.
lol no.
>Can you OHP 135 for 6 reps?
Yeah, it's not difficult for anyone who has trained for more than a year unless they weigh nothing.
gay as fuck. if you're not lifting to be the strongest motherfucker at your gym why even waste your time
I could OHP 135 for 2 reps my first day in a gym so yeah id fucking hope someone lifting for a year could OHP 135 for 6 reps
Using your legs during ohp is a push press you utter newfag
Listen fatty, you're doing it wrong. You're not supposed to use your lower body to push the weight up, use your shoulder/arms and try again.
6 feet 190 lbs
I can OHP 225 lbs x 3
>tfw 5'3" womanlet
>can barely 3x10 with only the bar
If you’ve been training for more than say a year with bench than a 1 plate ohp isn’t that impressive, especially since you weight 200 at 5’7 (and probably are pretty strong)
mfw thinking of you hurting
Who the fuck actually does that?
Watch some porn before posting again.
Be glad man I was pressing just the bar when I started
>6'2" under 250lbs
OP the king fag
>pretty big
5'7" at 200lbs is beast mode if you aren't a fat fuck
>it's another dubious OHP claims with questionable form thread
I also bet all those guys claiming 1pl8 OHP after a short time are far from 2pl8 bench because they cheat on the movement. And yes, this is always the case when the proportions are off
>any height
>under 205 kg
Not living it
guys I OHP 145x5 for 5 sets strict reps I'm so proud of myself we're all gonna make it right?
>6'1 185 lbs
not really
t. 215 5'7.5
Nice. I did an amrap with 135 today and got 12 clean reps.
Christmas is gonna fuck up my 3rd week of this training cycle coming up though.
>fat people are usually weak as fuck
get the fuck outta here you fucking dweeb
you mean most tall guys are attractive and dont have to overcompensate?
Leg extensions wont make u taller fgt
>home gym mustard race
>the my ceiling is too low so I have to hang 25s with bands so I don't smash it
It makes it harder but I bet the hanging/instability is helping my strength
Why not just do Z-presses?
stop fucking doing 3x10 garbage and you'll be pressing 0.5pl8 in a year, and 1pl8 in ~3 if you do it right
>5’7 200lbs
>1pl8 OHP
You’re the weak one here OP
Because you can't press as heavy doing Z presses and I already use them as an accessory.
DYEL cope
What do you recommend I do instead?
OP I am 63 years old, with osteoporosis and cancer. Even I can do that.
PS you should be ashamed of yourself for being such a fatass.
Can you do 20 pull-ups like I do?
> I thought not
Typical aggressive, frustrated manlet.
Good job! I bet you can do 150x5 user
Tfw when almost 200lbs as a manlet at 5'6
Im at 195lbs. Goal is 220,
Dream goal is 240.
SS-style LP, then TM (with push presses and paused presses as accessories), then some sheiko routine for bench (but do OHP as main lift, keep bench as an accessory)