>Hamil drinking milk
>Kylo "Permabulk" Ren
>"Lifting rocks"
Is this /ourmovie/, guys?
Hamil drinking milk
No, J.J. Abramowicz-Wars is exclusively intended for nu-males and, fittingly, small children.
>70% of the movie was useless shallow void
>the remaining 30% was about cutting of your past while being romantically interested in your oneitis and emo af
yeah sounds Veeky Forums af
No we already have /ourmovie/
>there are people on this board, right now, who havent seen this
Pretty sure someone else directed it. Irrespective, Kylo Ren is definitely /ourguy/
>25ish years old
>Lonely angsty social autist
>"Starting Strength + GOMAD" body
>Spergs out regularly
>Dresses all in black
>tfw no gf and can’t resort to AI robot qt3.14
This is the short version, which is basicly a documentary of /fit.
>Dennis, by Mads Matthiesen
What film is this?
Blade Runner 2049
That looks kinda painful. Like she's pulling it out of her body way too far.
The best kino of 2017
Mark Hamil hates the new star wars and its got like 48% approval on rotten tomatoes. Its filled with SJW tier bullshit and tons of stuff that is in no way "cannon". Its basically just a fan-fic movie produced by disney.
I unironically lift for Ana de Armas now because of this movie.
The Last Jedi had some neat moments, but it shat all over itself in the journey there, and did abstract art on it's own face with it's feces.
It doesn't stand up to inspection at all, unless you worship deconstruction above all.
They didn't tell him that they killed Luke until he saw the premier.
I'd have pitched a massive screaming fit at Rion Johnson if I were him.
There's no way that's true. Source me the fuck up.
It has a 91% on rotten tomatoes but try again.
>reviewer scores
>75% of their websites are owned by disney
>the other 24% is given money by Disney
Go to sleep Cr1tikal
what are some Veeky Forums-approved movies?
whoever made this trash should be shot and killed
She's absolutely perfect, I'll go to Cuba one day to find a girl just like her
>Is this /ourmovie/, guys?
No. Disney Wars is garbage
>Hamil drinking milk
>Kylo "Permabulk" Ren
Is not portrayed as being way stronger than some tiny manlet grille.
>"Lifting rocks"
With next to no training.
>Is this /ourmovie/, guys?
>marxist theme of destroying the past
>mary sue doesnt need hard work to be stronk
it promotes the opposite of bettering yourself through hard work
hell there is even gibsmedat for Finn in the form of a free asian gf
also porgs being gains goblins shaming chewbacca for eating meat
>kylo ren kills snoke
>luke dies like a bitch
>rey betrays kylo after he saves her from snoke
>wheyfu bounty hunter bitch dies without even fighting anyone
>hacker guy betrays black guy and asian
Lol, yeah, that's surely a fit movie.
They don't even squat
No, Jurrasic World is /ourmovie/
>Chris Pratt's dude if Veeky Forums and manly as fuck
>literally called Alpha concerning the raptors
>spends most of the movie protecting the children and women
>contrast is the absolute beta in the control room
>literally gets friendzoned and has a numale look
Was there ever a more Veeky Forums movie? Everyone even panics as the manlets (dinosaurs) leave their pit (enclosure)
Boku no 2049
>deferring to the Tomatometer
>not the audience score
>in the last days of the year of our lord: 2017
You forgot the best part
>natties win out over the fraud
also the best dino is the t-rex with no arms and huge legs
Same here senpai
>space mary poppins
What was that even about? 2deep4me
Watching it right now, because of y'all.
Did the same thing with Drive and loved it, let's see if this is as good.
It's the best one in the Goose Autism trilogy.
>that x-wing submerged in water
haven't seen the movie cause after seeing the first one in the series I no longer gave what little fucks I had about Star Jew Wars
Judging by that poster alone, my guess is Kylo "Not A Men" Ren lifts it up in a fashion similar to when Yoda helped Luke lift his out of the swamp. Except Luke is Yoda in this case and Kylo "Still Not A Men" Ren is Luke when he was on Dagobah
To anyone whose seen the movie, was my guess right?
What's the last one? Drive, 2049, _____ ?
I mean he's a chad in the Nice Guys
You are completely wrong. The submerged x wing gets maybe 5 seconds of screen time.
Don't bother trying to predict shit. It is worse than you could possibly imagine lmao
Only God Forgives and the Place Beyond the Pines
This movie is so bad it makes the phantom menace look like a masterpiece. Kys my man ffs.
Actually its Lars and the Real Girl
if you watch any other star wars movies than the despecialized edition of the original trilogy you are a pleb
everyone in the theatre cracked up laughing at that shit, except for one retard who tried to get everyone to clap
They never even meet each other in person
And btw they have a lightsaber fight anyway
I would trade every single Guardian to bring Yondu back for Infinity War
/tv/ semi-spoiled this scene for me and I knew it was coming yet I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. What were they thinking ?