>liftan 3 years, good frame
>Chad from outside, blonde hair blue eyes
>"user you're so lucky you can get any girl you want tehe"
>can't even look people in the eyes, let alone approach a girl or new people
>people have high expectations of my because of the way I look
>tfw I wish I was a normie sometimes that could just have fun
Veeky Forums feels thread; Holiday loneliness edition
>good frame
When will they learn
Found the manlet
>>"user you're so lucky you can get any girl you want tehe"
Lol i know the feel
Friends talk about me being attractive and how easy it must be all the time
Little do they know i only get laid occasionally and when i do i just stumble into it
I'm in pretty much the same boat, OP. The absolute worst part is the eye contact thing imo.
Autism is something you’ll never cure
Wow your life must be terrible, how can you live with that much agony. Fucking kys faggot.
gee. being called attractive by people all the time and "only getting laid occasionally"
must be a rough life. my condolences
>always looking forward to have a good christmas family time
>since 2010, not a single christmas was good
>either I travel to a small town and it's boring as fuck
>either stay at home and have a quiet dinner with my mom and dad and my sister
>sister isn't even going to be home, because she's gonna spend christmas with her bf
>not even christmas spirit because it's summer in the southern hemisphere
>would like to have a big christmas dinner with all my uncles, grandparents
>19y.o kissless virgin with no social skill
At least I still have my parents and sister around and healthy, and I'm getting out of DYEL mode, could be a lot worse
thats a lot more than you think
Family falling apart, oh well another holiday alone
It's terrible because we've been given great opportunities and we feel like we are wasting it because of autism. I envy extroverted, likeable people because they are self assured. I am not
Sorry, you're too tall to participate in feel threads. Head over to the bloatmaxx general instead.
>walk into room
>no one looks at you
feels good to be dyel again
my mom and grandmother are already sleeping and its only 9pm, so ill spend the midnight in my room, alone, on Veeky Forums again
been like this for years so i dont really care
Yeah but we're here. What else do you need. Smile and wish us a Merry Christmas. Same time next year.
Turning 30 soon.life is changing again
Growing up mentally and NY priorities have changed this year. Life is good.
Merry Christmas
>not recognising the inherent superiority of hot southern hemisphere xmas
>never bought a christmas gift in my life
>no friends in decades
>no gf ever
>only child
>mother never used gifts we got her
>father gets pissed getting gifts he doesnt understand how to use like technology and it became a fight
m-m-m-m-merry christmas
>spent the past week modding and soldering a fighstick with sanwa silent parts
>turns out my pc was a toaster from 2009
>have been planning a ~3k build for the past couple of days
>gym has been closed
>going to buy some resistance bands for times like this
>boss still owes me 2 checks, over $1k when i check back in next week
Worked out pretty good
wow dude how have you not killed yourself that's honestly really rough, what sort of quality of life is that
keep it at though maybe one day you'll be able to say you get laid 'not infrequently'
>personality matters
Its actually not a meme
>15 minutes into christmas day
>already had a wank
what now
go to sleep so santa can come
he came right next to me, a couple of seconds earlier even
thought he would be too busy to stick around for that long 2bh
Genuine question(s), OP: As a kid, did you have regular play time with your peers/siblings? Let's say after school, all through out week-ends, and in breaks?
Or were you more of a "vidya after school, do home work, play some more vidya, than off to bed" type of kid?
cute :3
Normal playtime. My first memory ever was my mom holding me and me being shy when a distant relative tried to meet me. I've always been Autismo
If you can't get what you want in life with all that, then it really is your fault.
2 of the big 5 personality clusters are "extroversion" and "openess to experience"
sounds like you are low on both, that doesn't make you a bad person, that's just the defilements that temporarily sometimes cloud your luminous mind.
you are 'perfect' user. only temporary causes and conditions. once you embrace them, and shift your mind from grasping/avoiding to being one with, you will change naturally. don't make it a big deal. work on being more social and really feeling your way through social interactions.
I can relate to that. I was just wondering if kids my age in more developed countries used to be good with people before their autismo kicked in. And if you're curious, I also was extremly shy growing up, but, that didn't effect my 'social' life as a kid and now it's like the shyness has turned into a life thing that will be with me for the rest of my life, if that makes any sense.
>break up with ex some months ago
>lose a lot of direction and motivation because of it
>getting better
>wake up some days and feel crushed by my insecurities but on most days I'm happy
>friend told me he saw her at a party
>apparently after the party she spent time with a mutual friend of ours alone
Holy fuck Veeky Forums I haven't been able to function properly since this. I know I shouldn't care, it shouldn't phase me.
If she is fucking this guy then they're both shit people for doing it. She's already been cut out of my life. But regardless I can't stop focusing on my faults and I hold a deep resentment whenever I think about it.
It's not like I haven't gotten laid since either, this just broke me down this week. I'm not sure what to do.
Anyways, merry christmas. We'll be here all of next year too.
[Redacted]. I am struggling a lot with this, and with us. I almost feel like I'm in limbo. So often I'm reminded of what we had before, and, sometimes, it feels like it again. But I know that what I'm feeling is just stupid, and impossible. This isn't fair to you and I'm sorry. I wish I could put a word to describing how I feel. I would say it's love, but I'm not sure I know what that means. If the movie you showed me is correct, and it takes 30 months to know, then I'll know in April. I told the last person I was with as much, and that all went to hell. I don't think I ever really moved on, and I think that's part of why my last relationship ended. Please understand that I'm not blaming you for any if it. All I could feel afterwards was relief. And us talking about me coming in May... I'm not sure we want it to happen for the same reasons. Right now you're one of the few people- who I can count on one hand- I have any interest in having in my life, so believe me when I say this is incredibly difficult for me. I would want nothing more than to have you in my life, regardless of whether it's as just a friend, or more. But I don't think I'm strong enough, not for any of it. I hope you find someone deserving of you. Don't settle for any less than what you know you're worth. I'm sorry things can't be different. I will never forget you
Bro same shit happened to me. Broke up with my girl last year she comes up this year to visit me at school we partied and shit and made ammends but at the end of the night she still fucked a friend of mine and it pissed me off so bad for some reason. I figured it out tho. Its a deep rooted insecurity thing on your part. Basically, you subconsciously feel lower than your friend now and also think about the girl you once loved fucking your friend and liking it more than w you, and at the same time it makes her seem like she completely disregards your relationship with her if shes willing to do that. Makes you feel like nothing mattered. Either way,move on. I mean dont eventhink about it. Dont care if she fucked him and it was awesome. Dont care if she doesnt give a shit with you.mentally block her out right now in any way.
You're absolutely right about it being an insecurity problem. Blocking it out is hard, but I'm trying. Worst part is I might have to see both of them in a few days. If I don't then that'll be for the best.
Trust me. If you were secure you wouldnt give a shit about a girl you no longer love or loved you.
we are men not because we suffer but because we can handle it. Your ex couldnt withstand half the shit you been through. She lives on easy mode so of course she would move on.
>Family out of town for Christmas
>had to work so i couldn't go with them
>not such a big deal, still have a tree and gifts for tomorrow
>what bothers me is that i wish She was here
>haven't had a crush like this in a while
>frustratingly attracted to this girl
gotta make it, senpai. gotta do it
I have a can of dip and some sips in the car. I don't want to go outside in fear my neighbors will see me..I really want to get that can of dip though..fuckkkkk
>"user what are you thinking about? You look upset?"
>"I'm ok haha"
I gotta stop thinking about her. I can never be with her, I should just get over it.
Well your surroundings and especially the people around you have a huge impact on your shyness and confidence. I went from being a really shy guy who couldn't even look a girl in the her eyes to an extrovert that can talk to and charm anyone. And this happened in my early 20s when I moved to the other side of the country to get away rrom his family. Placing myself in a new challeging environment and having nobody that talked down on me made me confident af.
Erase her from your memory.
it's because your outer Chad has surpassed your inner Chad
work on yourself from the inside now and ur gud
I gotta figure out what it means to be secure. There's the obvious stuff, but I mean what I'm missing. Admittedly being told to remove her from my mind helped a lot. I think I viewed the choice as immature or something other's wouldn't do. Whatever, she's dead to me.
>tfw she actually liked you back
>tfw screwed by circumstance
>tfw alone on Christmas
Merry Christmas Eve fit! I love you all and I hope you’re all having a wonderful time with your families :)
May we all make the most glorious of gains in the coming new year.
lol idk why my Christmas tree is sideways :P
>sitting in basement on radio talking to random people
>hear comfy crackle of radio noise and christmas tree in corner illuminating the room and dim desk lamp on next to me
>have window cracked open and cool air flowing in
>finishing gallon of milk while on radio talking and listening to people
>lifts going up during winter bulk
>feeling confident and like myself for once in my life
>tinder is going really well for me after changing my pictures, been on a few dates already
>almost done with my associates debt free
>don't think about ex of 6+ years anymore after she dumped me
>being with ex made me feel like i wasnt desired by other women, i had no game and was ugly
>seeing otherwise on tinder and in person after lifting and getting therapy to get my old self back
>feeling overwhelmed by this type of attention for the first time in my life
>excited to eat christmas dinner tomorrow
I hope you anons have a merry christmas and to keep lifting hard. 2018 will be a great year if we try. I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel but I see it now.
How do I into HAM radio
>she liked one of my posts on social media
>day is overall better
fuck lads im in over my head
>buy radio
>shitpost over airwaves
>wait until FCC shows up to fine you
Oh, did everyone do their exercise stuff today? :)
I did my routine and still had time to wrap last minute gifts before family stuff started. Feel pretty proud of myself for it!
Merry Christmas, guys. I hope all of you are nice and comfy. I've been slacking on my workouts this past week since coming home from college, but starting tomorrow I'll be getting back on it. Over the course of this year I've escaped skeleton-mode, but come 2018 I want to get a lot more focused with my work and actually get my lifts out of the DYEL zone. I feel pretty optimistic about it all, desu.
>comfy browsing while listening to christmas music
>snow falling and glistening with the only light being the christmas tree
>friends might pop on to play some games later
>surrounded by family today and tomorrow
It really is the best time of year, I love you guys, merry christmas lads
If you can't make eye contact, you may as well be a 400lb neckbeard. Learn how to make eye contact and practice it. You'll find that not only your conversation partner will enjoy talking more, but so will you.
You need to study for the tests, take the exam and you will be issued a call sign in the FCC database. You will start with the technician test which is the entry level license. The privileges you get with that are using repeaters (imagine talking in a local area) and some HF privileges but very minuscule. The next license is general which opens up the HF spectrum (allows for world wide contacts with people given the right conditions). I would suggest studying for the technician and general exams. If you pass one test you can take the next one for free, so get two for one and get into HF. HF can be kinda expensive to get into price wise for the radios involved and space needed for antennas. But you can put up a simple 1/4 wave vertical and it will do you just fine on digital modes if you're so inclined for that. Dipole antennas work great as well, a perfect beginner antenna. A lot of the local radio clubs have people with stuff they will sell you. Ham's are notorious for hoarding their equipment. Take a look into that if you want to go that route. There's just a lot to explore within the hobby. Here's some links for you user:
Plus you can talk through fucking satellites and run around with an antenna in one hand and radio in the other. Your imagination is your limit, you're given a license to experiment, build, and use equipment on these frequencies.
Pic related is one guys antenna farm, it's fucking amazing the towers these guys put up and cost over $10k+ and they put in some serious work on the air.
Hope that helps user.
>tfw ugly
>tfw self hating gay
Life is not fair to some people
JFc I totally underestimated the amount of work that goes into that hobby, no wonder people are obsessed with it. Thanks user I'll check it out
dude be thankful you have it so easy. you only have one real problem and that's just because you're a sad sack of shit
I love you guys. You are my best friends and my greatest motivation to improve myself and believing in me.
Merry christmas from some user.
>school semester pushed back due to strike earlier in semester
>didnt do shit for 2 months
>trying to catch up on work now
>overwhelmed, probably gonna fail
uh oh
shit bro
>also 26
>buy $20 gifts for parents only
>no gf on Christmas since 2008
>father hates getting gifts
>no gf on Christmas since 2008
>gf n I just broke up
J J j just
I cut ties to my father.
I, for one, am just thankful we can finally say merry christmas again. President Trump keeping promises like he said he would.
Trump train: 1
Cosmopolitan Jewish elite: 0
>21 year old kv
>no friends
>haven't spoken to a woman since 11th grade
>have to work my soulless retail job from 10am-4pm on Christmas morning
I wish I had the balls to kill myself
Are you in Ontario and in college?
i have never been anywhere where saying "
merry christmas" is banned and i live in the bay area
keep watching fox news and listening to tommy laren, snowflake
I broke up this year, I feel you my man. You are not alone.
First christmas with no gf in 5 years.
>be 25
>no gf
>families either in another state or has their own family
>try and ignore it's Christmas and go lift at 24/7 gym
>gyms closed
>well starting the next year at rock bottom. Only up from here
I get the banter every singe day about this for work. I fucked up:
>Start working
>Find some cool guys/girls to go out drinking with
>Qt 3.14 half asian bar lady
>Kind of flirting i guess
>I must be doing something right being she's smiling/ laughing etc
>We order our drinks and leave
>Feel someone pinch me from behind as i head to my table
>it's the Qt, with a free pint of a drink we were talking about from before
>Say thank you and sit at the table
>try to play it cool, she's not going anywhere drink a little bit
>Head back to her after maybe 10 mins
>She's gone, totally vanished
>Been back a few times
>Never seen her again
What happened? i will never know
>so ugly and autistic that at work i have to physically refrain myself from doing "flirty" touching of female coworkers or making slightly flirty suggestive comments
tfw 22 and it seemed like I was going to have a bf on Christmas for the first time but he dumped me on my bday
>guy i've been talking to on tinder for a bit took time to wish me a good xmas and asked how i was tonight
>so unused to kindness i stared out of my window like an angst ridden preteen for a few moments afterwards
>Losing hair
why me man
ontario boy whats good. you got this. and the profs will be lax and understanding as long as you say you're genuinely stressed from the strike. trust me.
Not to be a dickhead but how do you guys even get yourselves into situations like this. I would never date a party or (perhaps) even fuck one. I'm so averse to the idea of cheating, pregnancy, child support, alimony, divorce rape, STDS that I avoid party girls like the fucking plague. I would rather be alone than be with girls like that.
I've been with family all day yet still feel so empty, planning on going to the gym later to not be so pissed at myself. my friend got me a nice gift and wrote a card that almost made me cry cos he sees potential in me.
apologies for blog, Merry Christmas
I would never date a party girl*
>slim frame
>gross face
>speech impediment
>boring, beta personality
heh he he he he
most of the profs have been except one, who is notoriously a dick, unfortunately this is the class im doing the worst in and the way its taught is so fucked that im better off teaching myself
I just realized I forgot to get a gift for my niece, who I'm seeing tomorrow, but I got gifts for my other nieces and nephews who I saw today. I can't find anything that's open tomorrow and I'm now considering not going to dinner tomorrow. What should I do?
dude walmarts and targets will be open
Yeah sucks being single for Christmas lads.
Was supposed to have a girl come round on Boxing Day but my mum won't let her stay in her house. Really regretting committing to staying here for more than a day now.
Also no food in the house and i'm not sure if this counts as a cut or I'm just losing gains.
hahaha gay
>What happened? i will never know
Interesting conundrum.
Moved out of town and was looking for a quick no-strings shag before she left?
Nah dude, they're closed
Cut them out mate
My mom left my dad for a day yesterday, but she came back tonight. was weird man. Unsure if they'll really be able to patch it up.
other than that, I really want my wrist to heal up so I can being oly lifting again.
ya it sucks man my parents have been divorced for a while and im from detroit so all my family and brothers are poor and live there so all i have is just my mom for christmas and thanksgiving every year. All my friends where i live around now are rich and go on vacations to hawaii and shit
>hook up with older chick I like
>she says we aren't compatible we had a spat about condoms I don't like them
>don't talk to her for about 3 months
>wish her merry christmas
>she sends Christmas tree and santa emojis
Should I write anything back or let it go?
Don't respond unless you wanna learn to deal with condoms. Definitely not as good as rawdoggin it but still pretty good
Let it go. Also don't be daft, wrap your shaft
Ignore. She'll come around if she wants your dick.
Just 'cause someone goes to a party doesn't make them a party person. If someone goes to say 3 parties a year does that make them a party person?
I dislike the stereotypical girl who parties 24/7 and goes to edm shows as much as you, but your post was silly
The party isn't the point bruh. It's choosing girls with dysfunctional personalities.
well lads I haven't had sex since June of 2015. I've had a few happy ending massages since then, and they were pretty nice. I'm debating getting a full service massage done some time this week. Any one have any experiences? Or advice? Should I not go through with it for moral/ethical reasons? Let me hear your thoughts
Lad some girls only want you to wear a condom because they are infected... consider that
I don't think I've met a girl with a functional personality lol