Is lifting weights still cool? I feel like it's more of a 2008 thing and the new shit is being skinnyfat with face tattoos.
Is lifting weights still cool...
>treating health like a social trend
Make like your image and get fucked.
Maybe you and some tatted up bugmen could get together, take pics with your open mouths and fuck each other in the ass? I bet that's cool in the Reddit crowd.
I personally dislike tattoos, especially on females that otherwise have nice bodies.
im not really sure what a bugman or reddit is, but theres way more chicks that wanna fuck the dude in my pic that zyzz or arnold or whatever. i feel like the guys still lifting are MBAs or medical students
>falling for normie 'social trends'
Never gonna make it
nah dude bodybuilding is so fucking 2013, now it's about running and eating vegan
Just get tattoos and have a good HEIGHT FACE and FRAME and you can have any body you want. See pic related, and people like Ragnbone man
Lifting has never really been cool and should be treated as a shameful secret such as playing video games or posting on Veeky Forums. The fact is that while people in general tend to like muscular/athletic/strong men, they want them to be that way "naturally" and thus are repulsed by gymcels (i.e. us)
Disagree, see
So all im saying is thse are the guys i see lifting:
-med students
-finance guys
-(increasingly) programmers
I.e. guys decisively known for being 'uncool' and having really big egos cause they do something people pay for
Yes it's about having visible tattoos. They show you have a that edgy mystique image that girls get stupid for
>finance Guy here
I can confirm, i lift with law and medicine guys
Finance and med students are usually rich Chad kids
>dude reddit lmao
u wot m8
Pretty close. I'd say it's like brushing your teeth or wiping your ass- most people are glad it gets done but don't want to hear about it.
MBA here, am lifting and have no trouble with girls lol it’s nice to have money and looks
I didnt say mbas didnt get girls
Shhh... let the Humanities kid have his coping mechanism, he needs it.
I try, but those fuckrrs are fast and gangly. They tend to tire down quickly though, due to lack of B12, after a long chase.
This whole thread is b8 but anyway...
It could be where you live. When I lived in the city the biggest guys were blue collar that came in before 6am. Otherwise you could see anyone in the gym. Now I'm out in Appalachia and the gym is full of literally the same white guy listening to the same music who drove up in the same truck at every rack and bench. The all bench 245 every day and then move onto either bi's/tri's or shoulders.
programmer here.
I lift because I don't just want to be the smart nerd. If you're smart AND attractive, the world is your oyster.
math grad student
one goal is to be the huge math ta all the undergrad girls fantasize about
skinny fat twink modo only works when you're youthful and cute. these dumbfuck soundcloud 'rapper's with facial tattoos are gonna hit a wall of regret when (if) they get to 30
the guy(?) in your pic looks like an apex beta faggot. disastrously ugly. Is he 14 years old or just cursed with an awful facial structure?
btw if your anecdote is true, the chicks you interact with are retarded gutter trash
there are more girls willing to fuck the rock than basically any other man on the earth, but thats because of his status, not because of his huge, toned, chieseled body
he also has a good body, developed traps and shoulders, arms aren't tiny, not fat, also ultra handsome
I've had great success catching vegans with traps. You set a trap up somewhere you know vegans hang out. They will be unable to resist trying to fuck the trap due to low test from not enough animal fat. While they're busy fucking the trap you knock them on the head. It's the most humane way.
Thats funny cause he's probably one of the most attractive guys out there to 16-24yr ols girls right now. So apparently your evaluation of guys is not based on how females are attracted to them, but your own tastes. Thus, i conclude: nigga you gay
This is 100% true.
This is why crossfit is popular too.
Pre med here, can confirm
> Thats funny cause he's probably one of the most attractive guys out there to 16-24yr ols girls right now.
my sides