ITT : People you thought were jacked as fuck
ITT : People you thought were jacked as fuck
Stop hatin
was he roiding?
Why do these fuckers look like they were born in Photoshop.
First guy has a detached neck and has never used his chest in his life.
Second guy got hit with the shader too hard in some places and got a spike set glued to his head
you know what they have in common? They are both Italians and their names starts with an M..
To be fair, The Situation has really good bicep bellies. He has nice looking arms in general, and his chest isn't too bad either.
This manlet used to really impress me when i started lifting
I kinda respect him for being natty.
You have no game mike, but at least you're honest
>both Italians...
You sure about that user?
I was around five years old the first time I watched this movie on VHS and I thought ol' Jack Burton here was yoked as fuck.
>Implying there's a difference between wogs and niggers
None of them is italian
I cant believe I (and most people) thought he had great abs like wtf, he keeps lifting his shirt but his 2 pack looks like shit
It's because we were normies. That's why girls think that you look like a god even if you're only ottermode.
100% this
After a couple months lifting, everyone who you thought looked good actually looks meh and the average guy looks like shit
Brb lift for 1 year
Brb stand out most of the time
Brb look like a god compared to most men
Brb girls think youre on roids
>either one
I think it's great. You don't have to put in that much effort and everyone still thinks you look amazing. It sucks if you start hanging out with gym obssesed people and you get this skewed view of what a body has to look like.
If you're like the situation and walk around thinking you're the shit you're endlessly more attractive to women than if you walk around feeling bad about yourself because you don't have good enough 3D delts to impress some faggot on Veeky Forums that jerks off to trap porn every night
2017 and Veeky Forums still is inundated with misc immigants.
stay on your gay forum, faggots.
Has he always looked like that? What the fuck dude..
My abs are 10x more defined than his. How do I get a fucking TV show?
Get as much pussy as he did and maybe you'll be a bit closer to that deal
I used to think the jail Nazi leader was huge
This should be stickied. I just realized that My body is amazing compared to non lifting People.
>tfw when i thought he looked shit even in high school
>i was fat back then so i couldnt say shit
Good for you user, it's good to get some perspective on things once in a while.
his fucking abs always looked like shit.
i don't know what the deal with them was.
that mexican from twilight
But he’s actually Native American tho
Also funny enough the character he played was supposed to be 6’7 but he was only 5’10 Lel
lmao wow does this fatty even lift?
Is that boogie
it's even funnier because one of the promo images for twilight of him shirtless isn't even him.
yeah man divorce does weird things people
He's not even 5'10 he's like 5'8 or 5'9
Nonlifting people don't matter and their opinions don't matter.
Guess what? You're also smart compared to retards and rich compared to hobos.
Is 50 a soyboy?
He looks like he has breeding hips, but doesn't? It's gross
Wtf i used to think he was massive when the album came out
Wtf does this mean?
damn them some big tiddies.
Probably ran test with no ai ,nigs already have high est but goddamn.
>tfw born to early to be an insta fitness """model""" and get paid to shill garbage to retards
Instagram wasn't a thing when I was 22 and accused of being on roids. Now I'm almost 30 and to be cool.
>anyone in new jersey
kek m8
Holy shit what sort of physique is that
He's not jacked but he's peak otter
he is pretty big. norton has as much mass as 50% of Veeky Forums in that flick and dude dwarfs him.
mine is pic related.
why is he a flounder
He's so cute!!!
weird abs
neck and traps are pretty good for a fuckboy though.
i never could put a finger on why he looks so gross
Why do all bloatlords have tattoos typed in Impact?
Wtf when did he get so small. I think its a mix of me thinking everyone was jacked as a kid and my current body dysmorphia.
Solid candidate for the absolute worst tattoos of all time.
Come on, for Tobey McGuire that's awesome fitness level. I would never expect him to be more than that so hitting the gym for a role did him good
I use to think Sawyer from lost was so jacked when I was young.
This one is fucking with me wtf he looks like a bobblehead with gyno
he wasn't really ripped or shredded
but he ripped and shredded
Defeat me
fuck off
you read the book didn't you, ya faggot
Haircut and weak jaw
I cringe when I think back and remember how swole I thought I was after I made my first noob gains. Nowadays I am much bigger and depressed, because I still feel tiny.