How are you supposed to approach girls and get a gf in the era of #MeToo?
I just want to talk to qt girls, but I'm scared of ending up in a public lynching blog
How are you supposed to approach girls and get a gf in the era of #MeToo?
I just want to talk to qt girls, but I'm scared of ending up in a public lynching blog
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If you're not in college, on Kikebook, or famous, you'll be fine
I'm in Uni and our local facebook group has a sub-section where they "Mark the creeps"
Basically girls posting full names and pictures of guys who tried to hit on them, for public humiliation
It's a subculture. Just ignore the sickos and the teacher's pets who say they like sickos and find the normal people. The % of women who think making small talk and trying to get digits is evil remains tiny.
But hey, I never cold approach so maybe I'm talking out my ass. How about Tinder and bars? The girls are literally there to be hit on. Also
>casual get-togethers
Make dude friends and eventually you'll have a link to the world of females. SOMEONE will have a friend or a cousin or fucking SOMETHING
Sex dolls with wombs can't come fast enough
just fuck sissybois
Come at em honest, don't expect sex but don't be shy about being attracted. Engage mentally so they know you're not just about banging.
They still like flirting just respect them first. Tease it in then be bold with the invite, but ambivalent on their response. Just be cool man.
In all seriousness.
Flirting, touching a girl on her shoulder, blinking, etc, etc, is NOT what this shit is about. The problem is that the media is doing a very bad job of making people aware of what the actual fuck they're talking about when using headlines ''sexual harassment''. They're talking about people literally force-kissing them, taking their hand and literally grabbing them by the dick/pussy, threathning to end their career if they don't fuck them, etc, not this ''user was trying to go in for the kiss but I wan not actually interested''. If a chick or guy said the latter, the HR-department would laugh at him/her and could even risk their job for basically being so unserious about such a serious issue. I recommend you all go read some of the accusations. 99% of it is not mild shit.
That being said, #metoo is killing itself by placing flirting & socially inept behaviour in the same bracket as actual sexual harassment & assult .
i dont even try doing anything even slightly flirty with girls at work (light touching, anything even close to sexually suggestive or remarking about their looks at all) out of fear of getting reported
That being said again, there are some crazy bitches out there, so guys, beware.
Cold-approaching women is dead, bruh. It's been dead for nearly a decade now.
OK, "dead" may be an overstatement, but it's WAY less popular now than it's ever been.
>girl at work says something to people about how she doesnt see the point in making her bed every morning
>if im gonna come back and sleep in it again, why bother?
>asks me "right user? isnt making your bed every morning silly?"
>i say "well if you dont want to make yours ill make it for you tomorrow morning"
>now im a creep
i thought saying stuff like that is alpha...
Tinder killed it?
>t. oldfag
You could have said "By the same logic you should kill yourself because you are going to die anyway"
But no everything needs to be sexual. What a shame user. What a shame.
If you’re fit and/or have education and money, you’ll never get #metoo’d unless you do something that is actually shitty.
b-b-b-but i thought you're supposed to be flirty with women
Yep, it and other dating/fucking apps. 10/10 Chad can get easy tail and "hunt" for better lays much more easily online than in person. Because Chad now has access to hundreds/thousands of women, rather than the 20 in the bar he frequents.
And since people do what Chad does and since Chads were the ones predominantly doing cold-approaches, it just hardly happens now.
I'm sorry to say from personal experience, that's not fucking true.
I stopped sleeping with a girl who was a bit obsessive and she threatened to say I raped her. Didn't believe her and dropped that shit only to have an anonymous person start claiming I assaulted them 3 months later. Lots of people turned on me like it was expected, and although I was a bit of a slut, I had never done anything shady with girls. It can happen to you, but if anything it's a good friendship litmus test. Can't let a lie get you down, that lets them win.
>tfw 1/4 pangeet but look hella dark
You could just say your an lesbian pre op tranny
That was p good user i chuckled
You're not.
The human race is doomed, though since there are so many of us already, extinction won't happen overnight. But in the long run, we're done.
Don't believe that the internet is real life. Just fucking be assertive and normie and graceful if she doesn't want to go out.
>Being scared of females
Never gonna make it.
Learn how to use female disrespect against you to gain higher social status.
I had a female call me a creep loser online once. i told her to say that to my face and guess what she did? She didn't because she is afraid. That way i got respect from the brahs that made fun of her and i get seen as a powerful person by the girls.
keep it out of the workplace and you're probably fine.
You need to know they're down for that sort of thing before hand.
There's a smokeshow black chick that sits next to me at work that wants me to flirt with her. I would love to fuck her. Know why she continues to get and flirt with me? Because I ignore the shit out of her while a line of ten guys go out if their way to talk to her.
Women crave attention, even moreso if they are stealing it from another girl. Mention you have a gf and other girls will drop their walls a bit then try to hit on you.
Most girls don't want to get you into trouble. You can smell the batshit girls a mile away if you start talking to them, if you can't you probably don't have enough emotional intelligence for a relationship anyway.
Also actresses are basically prostitutes. I see little difference in them having realistic looking sex and getting nude on camera for a few hundred grand if that to start out. I can't see them being prudes about a director asking for a blowie to get them into a movie.
>You can smell the batshit girls a mile away if you start talking to them, if you can't you probably don't have enough emotional intelligence for a relationship anyway.
Underage bait.
>at department store
>cute girl at the checkout station
>chat with her a bit during checkout
What would have been a non-creepy way to get her number or show interest in a situation like this?
It seems like such a brief encounter to expect any results. Should I just have said I think she's cute or glowing or something and asked her number or something? This type of shit happens every week and I never know what to do...
desu you probly just looked like a pussy. nobody thinks youre tough for basically challenging a girl to fight
>go to Europe for vacation because my mom always wanted to spend Christmas in Venice
>see the sights with my parents during the day, go exploring by myself during the night
>hook up with more girls, as well as have more truly genuine interactions with these girls, in the past two weeks than in the previous four years in California
who knew the whole "american girls are a fucking meme" thing was true after all?
No it's not dead especially if you are mediocre looking and short you can't use tinder. You either get friends to introduce you or you just go sit next to them at the bar.
I'm a mediocre looking 5'8 manlet and i fugged this bag of crazy.
(before she had any tats)
Just compliment her on something mundane and ask for her number and talk about how your going to some cool bar later and that she should go with you sometime.
I was in LA for one (1) week and I found women to be very easy-going. They can't compete with Scandinavian women, though.
>can go out in a foreign country alone and instantly have sex with tons of foreign girls
wow chad
If I were Chad I wouldn't have to travel halfway around the world to find qts.
don't be yourself
It's not nearly as hard as you think it is. It's so much easier talking to them then it is a local.
1. You will never see them again if they reject you.
2. There is an endless amount of things to talk about because of cultural differences.
3. Girls that don't have english all the way down are even easier becuase they can't pick up how socially retarded you are.
ill give you a nice idea of my levels of autism related to this
>also live in california
>went on vacations almost every year with family 1-12 grade (various places in US, hawaii a few times, mexico once, italy once)
>never met a single other kid my age there even though we would stay in these townhome resort areas for a week at a time
>even went to china with mother at age 22
>never do nightlife at home because no friends or anyone to do it with, no difference on vacations, just stayed in hotel room at night
>have never been on a vacation with anyone who wasnt my parents because of not having friends or a gf
youre lucky user, at least you had the balls to go out alone in a foreign country and even have tons of sex
Just go out alone, even when you're with your parents m8. It's easy and low-pressure when you're in a far-off land where nobody will remember your failures, as said.
Kek for a second i thought kik started somee new social media
Smart girls are the best. Usually ones who have similar hobbies to you.White girls who have a heavy lisp and are rarely seen around males are the top candidates for being the kind of retards who partake in #MeToo movement.Open girls who aren't afraid to talk weird are good too. It just takes longer since you have to be really good friends with them otherwise they laugh you off.
i would instantly try to get on that list.. that way all the retarded sjw types would ignore me and i wouldnt only get with proper women
how do i make friends desu?
i struggle to to make friends have no hobbies dont know to socialize. all i do is shitpost and vidya. sometimes i think ill never get a gf desu
be like the god-emperor, just fucking own it if it happens
never apologize. If you're actually Veeky Forums and not too ugly, you'll be even more wanted by grills
t. Brainlet
>The girls are literally there to be hit on by hot guys
Fixed your post.
>universe will experience heat death in 5 trillion years
>only one having sex cause all the other beta males gave up
I literally don't believe this is legal. And if it is, doesn't it break your unis rules by associating its name with slander?
Was alright. Either you had a shit delivery or people around you have no humor
>about how your going to some cool bar later and that she should go with you sometime
do you imply that you go to this bar with your friends?
w-what if you don't have any friends?
i've traveled alone. how do you meet these girls?
>actually went to a bar alone
>every girl is with their friend group, usually including guys
what do you say to them?
>imblying earth won't blow up in the next 50 years
I can't wait for WW3 shit is going to be such a bloodbath... and quite the show. I've got jiffypop always waiting for the moment it sets off. I've even chose my own fantasy teams
>britbong chink
>very british accent
Would I be well received by grills in America?
plz respond
it's simple, don't rape them
and don't create yourself some kind of fantasy world where the entire system is stacked against you and that's why you can't get laid
that's what loser pussy bitches do
>I would love to fuck her. Know why she continues to get and flirt with me? Because I ignore the shit out of her
hahaha solid tactic there
just don't try to get with roasties.
Just be yourself
Just Anthophila Yourself broski
But to be honest, would you consider even for a second NOT fucking a model-tier girl because she has a giant Pol Pot tattoo on her thigh? Fuck no, the supreme leader's gonna watch the action from up close.
you've gotta be alpha and stay alpha
as much as I don't agree with trump look what he did
refused to play the blame game and refused to apologise
and none of these whores bullshit has stuck
gonout there and style on them and if you get any of this #metoo bullshit just refuse to care
women cannot overpower men except with acquiescence and only lowtest betas apologise
>keep it out of the workplace and you're probably fine.
This is the key. Sexual harassment is a work related thing, simply making an unwanted sexual advance is not illegal.
Have you tried being attractive?
so you wont fuck her? you weren't anyway if you didn't try
just machinegun shots like this about and you'll fuck plenty
and honestly if they aren't going to fuck you anyway theres frankly no reason for them to exist, let alone interact with you
That's dumb. That's a very clean dirty joke. The people you're working with must be daft cunts, then.
>girls calls you a creep
>go full internet tough guy
Wow ur so cool
>that tattoo
do girls actually believe this is real
>You can say anything to ugly girls and they'll still want your dick
Wow what a fucking revelation. I look average and I've had 3/10s still saying I could come over after I insulted them multiple times.
You idiots seem to for some reason never consider that the women in these conversations are almost always below average and desperate. A super attractive guy couldn't say this shit to a hot girl because a hot girl can find a guy who isn't a dick but just as good looking easily
You're already guilty. Just embrace it.
Just be Chad Theory.
being chad makes you a god, it wont matter who you rape, other girls will only hear, "Chad is now available" and other men will think you're cool for getting away with it.
people like to believe that being 10/10 stacy is easy mode but tats not true, being 9/10 chad is easy mode. 10/10 chad is god mode if you stay healthy.
Don't be a beta cuck and use a meme hashtag as an excuse to not even attempt approaching women.
>>casual get-togethers
>Make dude friends and eventually you'll have a link to the world of females
but what if I dont have any friends, and oly leave my room for gy, groceries and work?
the only semi female contact I have is, when I put on a skirt and act cute around my pillow which represents a better version of myself when I switch
That mouth breather on the left has no one but himself to blame.
Blame his parents, not like a 4 year old knows any better.
Gay alien skull vs Warrior skull
>implying you wouldn't
"Creep" is the girl way of calling a dude a slut.
If men had halls of fame called "Mark the whores" it would be shut down immediately, but its a-ok to shame men sexually in this progressive hell.
The destruction of malefemale bonding is by design. This is the exact response that they want to elicit. Please read image related. It is very applicable to the issues you are facing.
"you're pretty cool we should hang out sometime"
See #metoo for what it is - Bullshit Internet slacktivism that accomplishes diddly squat aside from giving a very vocal minority a platform to stand and screech on.
The ones that care for men won't suddenly start lynching you, and the ones that want to lynch you will signal it years in advance.
tl;dr just because some slags are too lazy to think up an actual solution to their problems doesn't mean you can't get your dick wet.
Just don't molest them? This is pretty fucking easy.
But hey, more fit guys being afraid of women just means more women for me.
many business are scared of hiring women because of it, its funny how its hurting them ahaha
She's at work, paid to pretend that customers aren't annoying so she can keep eating. Approach her at a bar, don't force her to have to do the mental arithmetic will this fuck-o get me fired if I turn him down?
>all my problems are because of le feminism
>take the red pill right bros? haha
Most individual occurrences of events in the news are unlikely to happen to you, which is why they're in the news. False charges have been around forever and are still as statistically unlikely to happen to you as ever.
Point is that men will be publicly lynched based on accusation alone. I hope you get a son, btw.
Me too, I can teach him, like I was taught, not to spend all his time freaking out over shit on the news.
The irony is that you're the same kind of person worrying about rape despite the chance of getting killed in a car accident is higher.
Do you think before you speak?