In the vain society we live in where people judge you on your appearence instantly...

In the vain society we live in where people judge you on your appearence instantly, why is attempting to change your appearence for the better looked down upon?

I've made and am currently making an effort to improve myself by lifting and getting braces at age 22 to get jaw surgery in a year, and my friends look at me like I'm weird.

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The biggest mistake was telling your friends.

You're not wrong. Improving your looks is what every celebrity in the world does. It's one of the easiest ways to get more social rewards for yourself and make your life better.
Let's say you wanted to get really good at beer pong. So you practiced. Watched youtube tutorials, filmed yourself, and challenged yourself for weeks until you could easily wipe the floor at any party. If you told people how much effort you put into it, they would think less of you.

Think deeply about it, and the answer will come to you. That answer will fundamentally change the way you behave forever.

>jaw surgery
plastic degenerate


Because it makes them feel bad since they're not as driven towards a goal?

Bucket of crabs. One crab tries to get out of the bucket, but the other crabs clamp onto his legs and pull him back down.

Your friends are trying to keep your down at their level. They would rather you stay as miserable as them instead of being supportive and seeing your prosper.
You'll usually never hear discouragement from others who are also trying to improve their lives.

Dumb fucking nigger take off your wizard's robe and just give us a straight answer gosh.

It's because you're being a 'try hard' by improving yourself in any way. Low brow people have attachment issues and want you to be 'like them' forever.

They feel shitty when they can't accomplish anything, and then someone goes to gym a few times a week and eats right and looks better as a result. They feel shitty for not being able to do that themselves and they must give you shit for it, because that's how they cope with their own failures.

crabs in a bucket

i honestly think braces are the biggest thing. basically no one's going to end up with that perfect, movie-star smile, but having shitty, crooked teeth looks really bad, and it's totally fixable.

It's not plastic surgery, its corrective surgery to fix an underbite (move maxilla forward)

its an osteotomy you fucking normie

Misery loves company.

had it right, effort is unattractive. Don't know why, it's just not. You could be dying inside, but always put on the face of having life come easy to you.

>That answer will fundamentally change the way you behave forever.

48 laws of power nigga.

This is the biggest lesson I learned this year and it hurts but it's true:

Most people want to see you do good but never than them.

Surround yourself with people who try to improve than people who rather do nothing and moan how shit life is, you will be surprised about how much better you feel and about how much more you will accomplish.

Look into orthodontics. You may not need surgery.

I meant orthotropics.


I mean, you can do it alone but you'll make a lot of enemies. Negative reinforcement will get you where you want to be, but eventually the grudges will kill you.

It's not crabs in the bucket in this scenario. People are angry at you because you're genetically inferior and making serious adjustments to your body in order to feign a higher genetic fitness.

"Crabs in a bucket" is regular cope from delusional gymcels, as if indulging in narcisistics fantasies like body building are doing anything to show you have higher genetic fitness that other people. Bodybuilders put SO MUCH effort into projecting their inside insecurities outwards in an attempt to protect their fragile ego.

Just face it, genetics is the only thing that matters, and by undergoing cosmetic procedures you are proving you are insecure about your looks, something that should come naturally. looksmaxing has greatly diminishing returns, and easily returns negative gains when taking greater risks, like cosmetic surgery.

Because beer pong is a fucking waste of time and you are spending time in something that they find useless.That or because it wouldn't be a natural thing and people fucking love to believe that some people are born with certain magical traits that make them good at something just because they were born that way.

Trying hard isn't that appealing compared to being naturally good at something.But who gives a shit 2bh

You are a retard,an insecure retard,your brain has so much shit inside that you are really thinking about getting jaw surgery holy fucking shit my man congrats on the brainwashing you did great and congrats on having no backbone at all.

>My friends think it's weird

I don't even know you and I can tell you it fucking is idiot,I don't know how are people my age that are this retarded out there.

Lifting,braces?cool man that's the middle point nothing wrong with wanting to exercise and fix your teeth,you need them,but jaw surgery?how retarded.

Hope your daddy and mommy aren't rich so you can't do that dumb shit before common sense comes to you.

Pic related is what OP is getting fixed. Can you stop being such a massive faggot by assuming his surgery is for cosmetic reasons only?

doesn't matter, still trying to fix subhuman genes

>muh genetics

Funny that you use the same arguments as people who believe in thin privilege. Fuck off, retard.

>Doesn't have any proof that this is genetic and not developmental
Can you just fuck off already.

Oh wow, I didn't know you could go from 5/10 to 8/10 with hard work? are you legitimately fucking autistic? You'd have a valid point if there were millions of people who successfully went from a 5/10 to an 8/10 by doing the equivalent of simply reducing calorie intake, how ever, no one has done this because it's the results of looksmaxing is negligible, indicating that
"muh genetics" is actually a valid argument.

I didn't write this one>Muh genetikz
Fuck off already some people are unlucky so what,leave this board /pol/tard

Anyways if it's for health purposes I'm all for it,I thought otherwise.

I've been fat my whole life and have been getting pussy on a consistent basis because my face is very attractive, and I'm tall. Sorry user that you have to undergo this surgery trauma, I would be terrified to go through something like that especially being unconscious during the procedure. Jesus Christ, could you imagine if the doctor messed up on your face while you're knocked out? I'd blow my brains out.

Not him but you faggots don't realize that the main point is that you shouldn't care about muh lookz so much,unless you are really fucked and you were very unlucky with your face or whatever and even then that's what you got so what?

I had surgery and I think it's very common to have these concerns even when it's not your face but there is a very low chance of the surgeon fucking it up.

In the other hand you are a cunt, fucking fatties, even when you are a fat piece of shit you have to make it clear that you are better than someone else and then try to intoxicate people.

I pity you, fat shit.You deserve no better.

I dont get your point. No one gets big or strong without training. Yeah, maybe some people are born with wider clavicles or have a naturally thicker neck, but everyone must work to some degree for a nice, strong, capable body. Unless you believe it is all pointless and only the face matters, in which case I think you are missing the point of the thread

Fuck breh are you me? Currently 22 and waiting until I graduate to get braces for a year to unfuck my teeth so I can get jaw surgery. They are going to move my lower jaw back and break my upper jaw to widen it and move it forward as well. Feels bad man

Lmao sorry bro. Not everyone is meant to get all the pussy they want in this life. I will pray you do better next life, hopefully you won't need a surgery in the next realm.

That's because most of the population can't be fucked not eating figurative shit and/or dedicating 3-4 hours every week to something remotely difficult (see: obesity crisis)

Because going to an extreme such as jaw surgery for the aesthetics is counterproductive to an efficient life. Lifting is good for you in more ways than aesthetics, but enlarging your jaw? You're just as much of a fag as these two:

This, there's nothing wrong with self improvement even if it's some bullshit like beer pong, there's especially nothing wrong with trying to fix something you don't like with surgery. And the people who look down on OP after he told them are not his true friends. But at the same time, I also agree with the whole "think about it deeply for fundamental change" part, it's very true. Social skills is very technical with complicated mechanics, but once you understand why people react the way they do to talking about self improvement you'll become a smarter person, not that it's wrong to express your self the way you want, but knowing the right time and place to do so. Unless you're a rich person who gives a fuck about nobody or famous, then expressing more outwardly on self improvement would be more accepted by others because they know you're worth more than them, but if you're the average person, you have to watch your social skills.

Lmao sorry about your shortened lifespan bro. Hopefully you live longer then 40 years in the next life.

t. stupid retard
Jaw surgery is to correct bite or fix a bunch of problems that will happen later in life that can be disruptive like TMJ or uneven wear on teeth.

How am I missing the point of the thread?
Op is talking about getting jaw surgery, an invasive, risky surgery that will have a significant impact on his looks.

I am providing some insight on why his friends might think he's weird for wanting it. It's not jealously, it's the subconscious response to someone cheating their genetics in an attempt to prove they have a higher genetic fitness than everyone else. It is akin to why men feel like makeup isn't being "real" or how that they hate girls that are "fake".

Your point? i'm not even arguing about this, did you even graduate high school? Weight loss and increasing facial attractiveness aren't comparable because the methodology is completely different and facial structure is less dependent on environment factors, whereas weight loss is wholly dependent on caloric intake and your metabolic rate, all which can EASILY be modified by the person, unlike facial attractiveness.

>being this insecure

Most people really aren't that ugly. Sure, your face and height may be one of the most important factors, but overall physique, appearance (clothes, hairstyle), personality and even your smell are almost as important, if not equally so.

And your face can also be changed somewhat. Compare the face of any obese person to a fit one.

This is retarded, the subconscious prepare you for scenarios selected in the past.
There is literally no way it could create a negative response to plastic surgery

I'm kind of sick of seeing this fatalistic mindset on Veeky Forums. It's like, "A dice was rolled before you were born. If you got a good roll then you should feel smug and complacent over not being a manlet/dicklet/facelet etc. and if you got a bad roll then there is nothing you can do and any attempt at self-improvement is just you overcompensating and you should just give up and resign yourself to being mediocre in aspects you have control over as well".

Whatever happened to "we're all going to make it"? Sometimes you get blessed, sometimes you get a shit roll. You have to do the best you can with what you've been given.

Zyzz went from a fucking .3 to a 10/10

V-line surgery
A square shaped jaw looks ugly on girls

This, you should always aim to look effortless. Stick a needle in your ass and spend 15 hours a week in the gym, then say you just do pushups and running.

>This is the mindset I start to miss here too

>Also this. I sometimes try to hide from my gf that I spend so much time in the gym and doing sports. It's better when she thinks I am looking like I look without any effort.

This guy has it. Effort is unattractive. Always downplay how much you work.

Effort is very attractive. It's looked down upon because if you're working out then WE ALL MUST WORKOUT. So you can't break in and rape us. If you're a 5 and workout to become a 7, it's likely you're COMPENSATING for something which makes you a 6 in the eyes of someone who had to guess you can't cook, aren't funny, ain't rich, lack white privilege, or has micro penis. The list is endless and gets bigger, the bigger your muscles are. Maybe he works out because he lacks security or confidence. Sounds about right. Or perhaps you think the big booty white girls need big muscles to screw, which is not the case.

Nah, maxilla advancement surgery is basically guaranteed to give good results, its required in my case because it's not a teeth issue, its a real skeletal deformity. When I was 16 I grew from 5'8 to 6'1 and my mandible basically got a good dose of HGH from that growth spurt and shot out

I have a very prominent chin and large mandible and the surgeon told me that after the maxilla is alligned properly my profile will be incredible.
I've never had issues with girls but the underbite definitely fucks with my confidence when meeting new girls

>tfw braces at 22 too

I'm paying for it myself moron, its not just for aesthetic reasons, theres health benefits too. If I keep my bite the way it is I'll always have trouble speaking and eating properly, have jaw pain, and be at risk for chipping teeth

They have to break it? damn. Mine just said that the upper jaw will be moved forward more And that's it, the distance is small, about the length of a tooth

Coworker today: "user, I really don't get how you're so happy all the time!',meanwhile I've been depressed for as long as I can remember...
Oh if only they knew what was going on in my head kek

fuck that shit, it's impossible with a 7 2, unless you get a full house of sheer bullshit luck

Look into medical tourism user. Much cheaper to get work done in other countries. You could have a hell of a nice holiday in a warm place like Colombia or Mexico and still have tons of money left. Safe just the same. Hope this helps.