>tfw chad
>tfw wants to be woman
What do /fit?
>tfw chad
>tfw wants to be woman
What do /fit?
Wrong board lol
>Wrong board lol
Fucking degenerate semite KILL YOURSELF
I suggest trying to be a trap for 10 months. You live the lifestyle of a woman and if you realize you hate it you can go back to lifting heavy ass weight.
If you like it then go all the way
try to research how many people "get over it" and de-transition or regret irreparable transitions (i don't know the answer, but seems a big question to ask, "am i just temporarily fucked up, or is this who i'll always be")
Realise there are things in this world you can't or shouldn't do
Then you should precipitate what you've been given and do the best you can with that
Short answer
You already have a penes, don't cut it off
Turn 360 fuck both while time travelling
God dammit, Chad. Just get a girl to unleash all your sexual fantasies on
>tfw chad
>tfw wants to be a woman
>tfw still advantages of beeing hot
>tfw genetics are everything
Your face is too masculine to dress as a women and not appear tranny
someone please tell me it's an elaborate photoshop
Just kill yourself. Degenerates need to be kicked out of this society honestly.
Traps can please you better than any woman in the world because they actually know how to handle a cock.
any female (male) pornstars that look this good?
>when your facial aesthetics let you be a 10/10 man OR woman
fuckin eh
Looking closer, maybe 8.5/10 female (male)
Chanel Santini and Natalie Mars.
I must be a little gay because dude makes a hot chick. Oh well.
100% sure I couldn't get around the whole cock and balls thing.
Thats not how this works thats not how any of this works
Shit, man, I'd fuck you.
Is this you OP? Damn you're handsome. N-no homo
>beta prey eyes
>narrow mouth
>vertical maxillary excess
Trannymaxxing was the best move for you tbqhwy
He was hot. Actually still is as a chick.. meh I'd still fuck if he kept the dick
fuck, he looks good both as man and as a woman.
Are you people fucking insane? That thing is hideous! As a man, fucking handsome, as a girl... uhhh, I'd fucking laugh at that thing if I saw it just like any other tranny. Talk about ruining your life, the joke here is that now he's a perma-medical slave and will probably commit suicide by 35.
Id still smash
I don't know man, I've definitely fucked uglier girls. I'm getting that kind of tall skinny Nord girl vibe off him. Which is what gets me hard.
look at that chin! dude's got fucking balls! and if he got them chopped off, then it's just a fucking gaping hole, or a piece of his colon covered in shit-making glands. If that isn't the biggest turn-off imaginable then you're probably just a fag
actually, tranny chasers are even worse than faggots because even faggots won't date fake men trannies
His chin is shit, he just puts himself into a class III malocclusion during the photo so that we can't see that his philtrum:chin=1. Trannymaxxing is legit the best option for effeminate subhumans like this.
What the fuck Chad?? It would've had more success being a handsome gay dude than a fucking Tranny with that greek god jaw and cheekbones. Very sharp masculant features.
But now a days you can pay some surgeon to saw off parts of your face to give you a smoother look but I bet he had a decently athletic frame too
err, the dude on the left is handsome as fuck. what in god's name is trannymaxxing? Is that what it's called when you choose to become a joke? a walking monster? That's your idea of ~maxxing~? Give me a break
I mean, the dude on the right is gonna be walking around with broad fucking shoulders, a man's skull, and fake tits and a penis... and this is monstrosity attracts some of you incels? Are you that fucking desperate that you need a medical disaster as a fuckhole? Just wait for sexbots, unless you're a tranny fetishist yourself, which is vile.
I'm not into it, but he can run niche game and doesn't have to cuckmaxx to raise some post-wall whore's kids. This guy was NOT handsome.
Nigga are you blind? In what world isn't he handsome on the left? Oakland? Coming from a guy who thinks the thing on the right doesn't look like a mosnter, I have trouble trusting your taste level not to be completely perverse.
Chanel santini is actually insane how hot she is
Do you think he still browses Veeky Forums from time to time?
ew wtf is wrong with you fags
this guy would look disgusting without makeup
creepy fetishists
lots of dudes turn themselves into women nowadays, it's pretty common
meant for
implying that's the same person
>it's pretty common
if you're an autogynephiliac who wants to be a medical slave for the rest of your life and only attract the most disgusting and soyish people, then yeah
I for one am glad they're making themselves infertile to remove their genes from the white race
He's a low sex appeal nerdic cuck with long face syndrome (due to serious vertical maxillary excess) presenting simultaneously with vertical mandibular deficiency. This alone should be enough, but I can almost guarantee you that he's a narrow-faced pinhead as well, judging by the relatively large size of his open, trusting beta male eyes.
Great material for cuckmaxxing, but absolutely no sex appeal, and honestly, one could easily argue that trannymaxxing is a less humiliating option than cuckmaxxing.
Notice how these guys essentially have the same problem/phenotype as described here , long narrow faces (tall maxilla, short mandible) with underdeveloped tiny skulls.
Uhh buddy, what in god's name are you talking about? The dude is movie star attractive. If you're this delusionally autistic, then it's no wonder you think that the photo is anything but a circus freakhouse advertisement.
it's not
I'm just posting examples
>who wants to be a medical slave for the rest of your life
wow just like everybody else
are you even gay by the way? because if you're not, I don't really think your taste in men matters at all, since you have no sexual attraction to them in the first place. dude went from a sex god to a sex freak. Wonderful!
In what world do you live in m80? Who is relying on hormone injections and surgeries to live their life except trannies and freaks? Speak for yourself, peon.
>The dude is movie star attractive
He is not, you just have no idea what you're talking about and are unable to look past the flattering selfie. Hell, movie stars tend to have almost exactly the opposite phenotype, where they have large, broad skulls and very tall mandibles. These guys have the Andrew Garfield phenotype (low sex appeal cucks).
Thus trannymaxxing can be a better option, because someone might one day mistake them for a cute girl, but they will never look like handsome men.
Buddy, all you have proven to me in your posts is that you are actually autistic. Can you just confirm that for me because... well, you don't need to, it's pretty fucking clear.
I mean, talk about delusion, thy name is trannyposter.
>tfw druggy degenerate
>tfw good facial genetics that I can be hot as a girl or boy
>take hormones for 3 years and live as an androgynous girl completely
>realise it's all a meme and detransition
>start lifting, getting out of NEETdom, quit drugs and alcohol
>infinitely more happy than before and during transition
>no lasting effects from transition besides tiny bit of gyno
Western (((democracy))) is a fucking sham that has corrupted this land beyond recognition. Do NOT fall for the meme.
A good 90% of people take some sort of drug frequently and 99% for people over 50
most trans girls never get surgeries
it's social engineering, I guess there are some sick folks in dire straits who think it's the answer... but erotic target location inversion is only the answer to the question: what is the sickest fetish I can think of.
>I just pulled a number out of my ass because I'm a delusional tranny trying to justify my slave mentality
You're a joke. I saw a tranny in the store today, who said excuse me in his manly fucking voice and just burst out laughing in the next aisle. A fucking 6 foot man in a skirt parading as a woman thinking people won't notice. It's a joke, you're a joke, the idea is a joke. Only the worst people in the west apologize for your mental illness
Notice also that the individual in OP has a very narrow, angular mandible. While this quite often looks "better" in photographs (imo, it's really just more dramatic) it is also a feminized trait and significantly less dom.
And no, I am not gay, I just like to study faces.
You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about if a gay person who is attracted to handsome men is telling you OP is a sex god pre-slavery, and you dive into autistic analysis based on traits that in a certain combination, might look good. Go back to lookism, buddy.
please tell me how ugly this dude is, as well
>asymmetrical face
>must be ugly according to my handsome quotient I pulled out of my straight ass
>all handsome men have the same exact features
>nose too bulbous
>dude's a 6
>maxilla underdeveloped
>with a face like this, might as well become a tranny
says the fetish queen
I am literally not even examining traits as you claim, that is amateurish, I am strictly talking about face and skull proportion and size.
Also, fags do not have equivalent attraction mechanisms to women (for what should be fairly obvious reasons) and that is what I am working from.ยจ
Also, neither of these guys are even remotely similar-looking beyond coloring, both have tall mandibles, vertically short maxillae and broader larger mandibles in absolute terms. Only glaring flaws I see are that their middle thirds slightly lack in horizontal projection and one has a vertically excessive upper third while the other has a horizontally excessive upper third.
I would never claim this (as again, I don't actually care that much about individual features), BUT the fact is that dimorphism is crucial for sex appeal. The mechanisms might be different for homosexuals, sure, but for normal people that actually reproduce it's different.
I'd love to find the women who don't find those dudes sexy
That's my point, they're not similar looking. The fact that you honestly believe the OP wasn't attractive pre-slavery invalidates every single post you've made since. What don't you understand about that? You claim to know what you're talking about, but clearly you don't if you can't judge something as clear as the dude's bone structure being pleasant to look at. So again, do you have autism?
buddy, I'm not saying genetic fitness doesn't extend to your face's attractiveness. I'm saying that there are many different ways to be attractive based on pleasing proportions, which is why Sean O'pry with a big old nose is more attractive than River Phoenix with his nordic nose.
Pleasant != sex appeal. He has a non-dimorphic face and I can guarantee that it is small in absolute dimensions (an absolute killer in terms of sex appeal) and the fact is that none of the other individuals you posted have a similarly developed skull.
My point is that both River Phoenix and Sean O'Pry have dimorphic skulls, you're the one that's focused on such and such feature rather than holistic development buddy.
If the right was actually female I would date marry and impregnate
for some reason I'm extremely attracted to masculine women
am I missing something, the dude's head isn't small if that's what you're getting at