What do I say Veeky Forums? Also to keep it fitness related since the admins power trip about their fake ass job, what exercises help for big boy shoulders?
One of these
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell her nigger
"nice nosering u big peepee head"
Tell her that if she was a booger you'd pick her first
dubs say you gotta write "give me the milky mommies"
H-hey, so we er matched.
Please respond
"made for bbc"
Looks fat
do youre typical ohp and bench and rows for some good all around shoulders. but at the end throw in some lateral delt raises. really help with your shoulder width. some shrugs to build them traps up never hurt either
Why the fuck did you of all people did (You) get a get
do it OP
>that Grammar
someone lynch me
Have you ever tried nofap?
dubs have spoken OP
Greetings M’Lady of Tinder. I’m mildly depressed and rely on my good looks and enormous genital to get people to like me. My parents think I’m a disappointment, my dog needs surgery, and I don’t have any Bitcoin. Can you help?
OP make it happen
I thought shrugs were for traps not shoulders??
military press
i fucking love these threads
cancels your dubs! OP, now say
"Made for B.B.C!, pls respond."
I dont think thats how it works senpai
You know if you didn't post this retarded response you might have actually had sex with a real life woman. But at least you got the lulz. Enjoy virginity.
my delts started exploding when i did high rep laterals, high rep rear laterals, high rep face pulls and high rep upright rows (a tip for the upright rows - do them with a shoulder width grip with dumbbells, and think of it as a laterals raise except the elbow and wrist angle changes throughout, the emphasis should be on lifting the elbows, not lifting the hands). for front delts i've never had to worry because i've always done flat bench, incline bench and dips which is enough for front delts. if i really want to improve front delts in future i will reduce benching volume to make room for OHP.
as to your blog post, idgaf.
Are you one of the faggots that thinks about Bavarians when saying BBC, or are you alpha white male just like me, who loves seeing white girls get fucked by big black cocks?
the digits have spoken
if she swiped right on him he's already made it to slayer tier. You don't get to fuck around like he's doing cuz you're ugly
He started this thread because OMG Veeky Forums a hot girl matched with me reeeeeeeee. He is no slayer.
This guy is correct. Im 5’5” manlet who got lucky in a few photos so i actually look decent but im between a 3-5/10
Oh but i might also add im not posting for ego points. I like when others post these threads, they’re probably my favorite ones on Veeky Forums. Figured I’d share the enjoyment.
have i gotten ugly or do i need to put tons of effort into my pictures? or have i gotten too old (29) to not try to show off money too.
Im not lean but i honestly thought i was really handsome from real life interactions.
i only ever get likes by fatties and trannies on dating apps (i don't match them, i can tell in the pixelated "likes" icon who it is.
Do i really need to have one dressed up photo, 2 vacation photos, a professional photo
when i was in my mid 20s, i'd get several likes, many from qts too
Since m’lady Emily isn’t responding let’s try to get Carey going. Veeky Forums related, how low is actually good for squats? My front hip flexors always get really tight and I can never get parallel.
ive focused on stretching hip flexors every day and now with oly shoes i can go atg feeling perfect, gonna start exclusively doing them now
too autistic to know what to say to carey lmao
>do i need to put tons of effort into my pictures?
Yes. Girls can get away with one shitty ass mirror selfie. Guys need perfect photos or be ridiculously handsome. Selfies seem creepy/weird from a guy so it is better to have social photos or ones that other people took.
Ooga Booga
Would you like to suck my wee wee, if you know what I mean?
made for BBC
why do all these thots have the same piercing?
So coffee or sex first?
don't go near any power lines on a windy day with that thing in your nose
Incel detecc
Your bio is very creative
You gotta be at least 4 feet tall to ride this dick.
>hope you like small dicks, otherwise I'm finally killing myself this time
roll for this
made for bbc
Be careful here, if you are even one millimeter shy of 6ft 3in she will reveal your status as a manlet to everyone within earshot
are you an archaeologist?
give me a rimjob
Joining in too
Alright girl you listen here. Your beautiful and don't meet anyone ever tell you different. I cry when I think you might be hurting. P-pls respond
Nice one user
>you should wash your hands after you touch the first 4 inches of the rulers in my house
I'm in love with Emily
What do I do guys
your bio has the same amount of effort your father put into you
>Show me your feminine penis
Solid hahahaha
Rolling for this memeroo
Solid get, kek
Nothing shes going to get a match from 80 other guys and forget about you.
Guarantee she won't respond
rolling for this but with benis instead
Mandatory Veeky Forums-related post to keep the virgin mods at bay, what stretches are good for the hip flexors?
Bend at the waist, keep your back arched. Go until it hurts and hold it there with your core tight. Bend over like a instagram model whose trying to make their ass big. Do this every workout. Frankenstein kicks work well too. Also, if you have time, take an hour or so walk every night, use that walk to work on proper posture and head position. Its not a meme, it works, but you have to stick to it and make it a habit.
Doggie Style all the way!
My fav one, I used to get cramps trying to hip drive on my benches before this
"I'm going to nail you so hard the romans are going to ask for my help the next time the son of god is in town"
Top fuckin kek
For the love of God if you want to get laid with her use the opener "just a small town girl"
Still no reply
I guess my openers don’t work?
UseI've used this and have been with over 16 girls this year. It just works
instead of what PUA faggots tell you, just say Hi. Makes it easier anyways because the only ones who will respond are the ones that find you attractive enough
what do you mean, what do you say next?
They'll say "living in a lonely world" then you just say "what's up cutie" then you go from there. If you ever learn anything from this site learn this, bitches love Don't Stop Believing
>I'm gonna plunder your
Where do you go from there in pic related? Do you just set up a date and you go to her house?
Exactly right. Usually after i get the confirmation they want to get dicked i just say "Snapchat?" Then you flirt, and set up a time and date that works for you
no date or coffee before? just straight to sex?
Only if you're a Chad, yes.
seeing this makes me want to get back into the tinder/bumble fuckin whatever game but then I'm reminded of the dry streaks and the fact i have a loving gf