now the fun is over give me back my 7 years fit
Now the fun is over give me back my 7 years fit
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I wish this pic was a meme instead of reality. From 19-25, I made friends with and asked out several 19-20 year olds girls, and got rejected by most of them(I’m a normie, not a neet). Now that they are all mid 20s and used up, they are hitting me up asking if I’m single and want to get coffee. feminism was a mistake
Also can’t belive how much women age from 20 - 25, they go from youthful babes to young gags in a second
/r9k/ pls go
Tfw you get 25 and still have your girlfriend from age 18. You were her first and from 18 to 25 you are the only man she had sex with
There's a what do you lift for thread artound, I'm going to lift for you
luckiest man alive
>believing a girl when she says you are the only man she’s been with
Maybe I should wish to be young and gullible again.
Same. I have been together with the same girl since we were both 16.
However, it's quite funny how depression and anxiety never go away, even having a gf, a good job and a fit body.
Some days I still want to die, and I feel like even if I had everything in the world wouldn't be enough.
high school romances never last dude
>tfw perfect virgin gf broke up with me
Well, at least she is used goods now
It’s depressing.... the only chicks who aren’t like this are ugly and fat, and once you start treating them good and they get their self confidence up they’ll just cheat on you and become sluts
I wish I could find it in myself to just go out and fuck a bunch of chicks and go too parties, it just makes me ill thinking of myself doing that
hahahaha iktf
maybe it's because i've barely had sex but i never understood this. isn't it bad if her pussy is really tight? wouldn't that hurt my penis? better if some dudes loosen it up for me.
So this is what nu males really think...
"only man"
no really, when i jack off i apply most of the pressure when pulling away from my body. if i'm squeezing while pushing in it's like i'm trying to skin my penis and it hurts. isn't that what it's like trying to cram it into a tight space like a tight pussy or a butt?
You are telling me that my wife's bull isn't just warming her up for me and that it wouldn't hurt me to go in first..?
Except asian women, they look young until their 40's. I have lived in asia. After that it is downhill
>fitness related
Fuck this thread and fuck you OP
Go back to r9k the lot of you
It's slippery on the way in and once you're in there's basically zero pull at all unless you pull all the way out and go back in again, you'll just slide in assuming she's wet enough. The tightness feels good because it's like a grip on your entire shaft at once when you're all the way in and then it's like a velvet massage while you're moving in and out. If a pussy is loose then the grip and massage is gone and it's just like rubbing one side of your dick against something rather than a tight smooth sensation all over at once.
You've never seen an Asian woman without makeup have you? A lot of them look 40 when they're 20.
thanks for having the courage to not be an asshole when everyone else was making it the cool thing to do.
Don't make it gay by being a whiny dork
t. Dumbledore's Army
My perfect virgin gf cheated on me after 4 years together
We lost our viginity to eachother at 18
Fuck life
There's no real difference if she fucks the same guy a million times or a million guys once. Guys need to stop having unrealistic standards
I hear there really is unless
1. She practices kegals and keeps tight
2. You are bigger than average
I know this feeling but I'm 26 and we met at 16
>tfw 32 year old khv
>every girl i meet will be used up
what do?
>theres no difference
theres Huge difference!
ever heard of stds?
Not to mention the more partners she had, the more potentially unstable she will be in the relationship once she decides to settle down. Doesnt have to be necessarily true, since women cheat and change at whim, but still.
You will not convince me that theres no difference between girl that had 1-2 partners and girl that had different dick in her every month for last 5 years
>tfw 32 year old khv
literally how
he has standards
inb4 raging. Thats all it boils down to. Standards. Ive been celibate for long and I knew ugly guys and players who fucked. Why? 0 standards.
Thats all that makes you fuck early.
Remember the good ol times when you bought a teen for 2 horses and some hay?
Anyways, in 20 years society will change and virgins will be valued and whores shamed, because the whoring women of today will breed sad children, motherless people who will grow up to never repeat same mistakes. MGTOW will be 90% of society. Laws will change.
Just make sure u are prepared for a virgin 20 something with daddy issues since her dad pumped and dumped her mom and she just wants a family and nice house.
History is circular (spiral) and you can extrapolate a lot by observing the past and present.
if you're 32 and havent even fucked a girl then you'r standards are far beyond your own attractiveness
depends on where he lives, what he expects.
A good looking girl with a normal minds is harder to find compared to good looking guy with a normal mind.
Social media has made women into very very impossibly high narcissistic beings. Even the mediocre ones with solid make up.
I had sluts offered to me since I was a kid, but I wanted more, I wanted love - LOVE. I wrote poems when I was 8 year old. I read encyclopedias when on breaks. And I did have few friends but you can extrapolate that I wasnt on the same frequency as "yo yo football man" or "add me on facebook" shit tier personalities.
My parents divorced and me and my sibling/s suffered for it.
I never wanted to risk that so I only vetted for top tier personality and looks I FIND attractive. My 10 is maybe your 8.
If that user (im not him) is like me, then it makes sense. Maybe he isnt, but there are ppl like me.
My good friend is a 9/10 by girls standards, and by 28 he only had 3 girls.
Which girl can say the same by 28?
Its tougher for men.
>Also can’t belive how much women age from 20 - 25, they go from youthful babes to young gags in a second
it's because most of them don't take care of themselves
find one that takes care of herself
im kind of like that
except i fully realize my looks arent good enough to warrant me 8/10girl
Not to mention my personality. Im not a degenerate guy with addictions, and my morals are pretty solid but im pretty neurotic, and i have hard time trusting people, and when people are close, too close, i get tired of them really fast.
time to sift through this OP
> when people are close, too close, i get tired of them really fast.
damn son, IKTF
But if you lift and dress nice, and are above 5/10 u can laid any girl. Trust me I saw insane combination more than 9s with 9s.
Its at the point when I see a goodlooking couple IM genuinely happy.
i didnt know this was a you cringe you lose thread
Same here but im 30 and were together since she was 14. Can wait to celebrate our first anniversary
Lel, all these sour grape losers in this thread. No, you guys are still losers and will always be losers, don't try to put the blame on others. The one in a trillion-trillion chance of being born and you wasted the only youth you'll ever have, and now trying to cope you try to blame it on chads and "whores", lmao. Leave it to the rest of us to have fun and not being so miserable that you have to start threads like these on Christmas.
maybe you were uglier. i just looked back pictures of me when i was in highschool and i looked a lot better. i was chad-lite basically. now i got fat and look disgusting. it can go in both ways
normies... pls.
Exactly my point. I was very different but I learned to act. Im living among you.
And you are very very dissapointing as people. Trends, opinions etc, you are products of media and bullshit. Concept of original thought is foreign to you. Tribalism is God to you.
And by individualism I dont mean orange hair and piercings. Thats a subculture as well.
pic related - strength in numbers is all u have.
Veeky Forums is invaded by normies since 2016. I wasnt here for long, but few years enough to notice the shift. They dont even allow feels threads anymore. Its worse than whats happening with youtube.
Fuck ya.
Fuck you nigger everything bagels are delicious.
Imagine your shock when OP isn't really talking about bagels.
imagine your shock if wasnt a 13 yearold boy.
I remember when i noticed that girls starting to look at my new Veeky Forums body while walking down the street and the first thought that came to mind was an anxious "can they plz stop looking at me :(" kill me plz.
>tfw 125 IQ... It's scary knowing that 95% of the population is stupider than me.
Anyone else know this feel?
>tfw too stupid to get into mensa but smart enough to get into PhD programs
It's abstract.
LOL, the only normies fit used to complain about were the ones who show up after NYE.
I've been here on and off since 2010-ish and fit was never about this /pol/ /r9k/ shit. I ahve some screencaps from 2013 about nofap and making fun at people who were still virgins at 18.
Women are basically like cars: Pretty useless when brand new. I'd much rather get a car that is already run in and save a couple of bucks than wasting my time putting the first miles on the clock before driving it with full force. Afro Americans are best at running in cars btw. Some brands, like Cadillac or Chevrolet are said to be made for Afro Americans.
Wife her asap
its scary right, what is even scarier I spend good part of my youth expecting people to be smart and emotionally stable.
>tfw our hero was in for a surprise
I now look at people as orcs from lotr and like my good smart friend said the other day - "even orcs have a sense of purpose and direction - ideals...."
But I want people to be smart, the realization of the bell curve was sad 4 me. Society is set up to TAX the endings of the curve to benefit the larger area. Thats democracy 4 ya. And with addition of female voters the left end of curve taxes the mid and right.
Its all about the curve.
I still believe for 0.1 top percent you can live great but in general broad strokes the state of the matter is like I described.
I would believe you on other subreddit. but not this one.
C O P E ing uggos
Same bro. Best thing for me is she's getting better looking as she gets older. Nice and comfy
>better if some dudes loosen it up for me.
Absolute state of Western men holy shit you cant make this shit up
I know this feeling, it sucks
Can't they do exercises to re tighten? Like after they have kids
To be fair, most guys women meet when they're going aren't interested in settling down even if they are
>Veeky Forums is invaded by normies since 2016
Can someone PLEASE define “normie”? Ive been visiting Veeky Forums on and off since roughly 2007 and I’m pretty sure its only the last few years people started accusuing others of being normies. It initially seemed to mean people that would be disgusted by the content on Veeky Forums because they hadnt been desensitized yet. Now, at least on Veeky Forums, it seems to mean anyone who isnt a complete hkv NEET autistic loser as if Veeky Forums was reserved for you.
Get back to your reddit safe places where you can hug and cry in each others arms. Stop bitching just because other people managed to escape your pitiful existence but keep coming back to this board for *SPOILER*
>this board for *SPOILER*
back to rabbit thoto
Wow this is just depressing. I'm in the 2% high performers bracket and yet I can't find steady permanent employment.
depends on many factors
I'm aware but that still doesn't help.
kek same here except she broke up with me a few weeks after I took her virginity
said we could still hookup, I can tell she wanted to explore more.
double dubs = actually not bait
>oh boy, i got some bad news for you desu
>because the whoring women of today will breed sad children, motherless people who will grow up to never repeat same mistakes.
Lol, on the contrary, these kids will grow up to do the exact same thing because they saw mommy do it. The family model will be taken less seriously and viewed less favorably.
Why would people magically value virginity, self respect, and standards in a degenerate single parent household.. especially in the shitty culture today that promotes nothing that you're talking about.
She gon' leave your ass
>says we’re all just bitter losers
>spends his Christmas on a Veeky Forums calling other people losers instead with his family
these people are worse than actual Veeky Forums losers
what I don't get is, assuming a woman is completely monogamous, wouldn't it turn into the right over time regardless? what's the difference between having sex with one guy 100 times vs 50 guys twice, in terms of damage to pusy elasticity?
Damage to pussy is partially a meme.
Elasticity depends on frequency of sex and the size of the cock she is taking in, if a whore goes celebate for a year she will become significantly tighter, something people on Veeky Forums would know if they were not virgin cucks.
Basically, when you fuck a girl her vagina slowly accommodates to your penis and it's shape, some females have poor elasticity anyway, but regardless of everything if a girls vagina is used to a big dick and she has frequent sex with a big dick guy a smaller penis will feel small unless she stops having sex for a while and her vagina tightens up again.
Obviously vagina loses some elasticity over ones lifetime, due to both age and sexual experience.
I'm 28 and my current gf if 27. When we started dating she wasn't a virgin, but her vagina was very tight and it also was painful for her first couple of times so I had to be extra gentle and do some extra foreplay, simply because she had not had sex in a year.
>mfw she's gonna cuck you soon if she already didn't do, women are notoriously good at hiding their tracks
>The family model will be taken less seriously and viewed less favorably.
But seriously.
I mean, there are good girls. But I agree OP should be suspicious as fuck.
This is literally a non issue.
If you ever find out you just instantly drop, I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp for cucklets on Veeky Forums.
If you are wifeing someone you have to date her at least 2 years, and if you ever have any doubts about that shit do not fucking wife her.
If you ever see her cheat in any way, DROP IT INSTANTLY AND TELL HER TO GET THE FUCK OUT.
that feel when
>talking to really shy 22 year old girl
>shes literally a 9/10
>super sweet
>really smart (med school)
>goes clubbing but doesn't drink or slut it up
>she likes me a lot
then reality hits
>she lives in another country
>i have social anxiety so im terrified of ever meeting her
why even live... ffs
this lol...
i live in a popular city (top 5) and im decently good looking but poor
no girls in highschool would give me a chance, they always wanted the rich kids with the cars/clothes i couldnt afford
now im 22 with 0 self esteem
Don't be a beta.
I met a girl this summer in another country, hell another continent.
We are writing each other every day and she has flown over her several times for us to spend some weeks together.
Shit is very difficult but if you really like her it can work, hopefully she will move in with me this summer.
That sounds ideal but I have really low self esteem from my father leaving me at a young age. He came back when I was in highschool for a month, and left again.
Even forgetting my dad, my mother has tons of mental issues, my grandparents that I live with yell and insult eachother every single day. I don't even know what love is. I just sit in my room with my headphones on max volume to block it all out.
I honestly need to seek professional help.
I really want her.
>29 non-kh, but v
Combination of being socially stunted, formative embarrassments when socializing as a teenager, and any other personal experience that ends up making you feel alienated from potential peer groups.
>I really want her.
user, I can feel your pain, I've been there.
I would still consider myself a beta, but if there is one thing I've learned from the few times when I managed to alpha it up and get shit going is that if she actually likes you, you just need to let her know and shit will work out after that.
I've been a KHVirgin for quite a long time, you just have to power through.
If she doesn't like you, she will just decline, it will not get weird unless you keep pushing her after that.
This might sound like a bad advice, because it entirely depends on how she and you take alcohol. But going to a party or a concert or a club in an intimate situation with just a bit of drinks might help for your confession/attempt to kiss her.
You will feel the vibes if shit is going well, if you feel the vibes go for it 100%, they almost never lie, your brain is good at detecting that shit. If the whole evening feels awkward and she isn't into you, you might have to actually work on yourself or alternatively she just might not be for you.
Take my advice with a grain of salt, I am just an honest user who was miserable for most of his life and managed to find ways to approach girls only in past two years and a half or so.
women physically age an extra month for every cock they suck.
>expecting women not to have taken more dicks than a girl has fingers is unrealistic
Feminism was a mistake.
Tfw I could have easily had that if I wasn't such a little bitch years ago
>Implying she isn't the only woman you have had sex with
Objectively false. Studies have shown high school sweet hearts are way more likely to work out.
it's a damn shame we haven't evolved barbed penises to scrape away the semen of competing males
what if I get the bitch pregnant and it turns out to be Tyrone's leftover spunk that inseminated her?
>when the legal age in your country is 14
I remember being in middle school and some girls were talking about their 20 something boyfriends and all I could think was "who the fuck are these losers dating children haha"
it looks like I've found them
Yeah user, that's what you thought, totally.
Not "W-why does Stacy go out with a university student and not m-me?". And after they lost their virginities, you got to come in and eat up the scraps by the time you yourself were in uni, did I guess right?
Sour grapes, user.
>All these guys who have girlfriends for 5 years and think they never cheated on them