/bloat/ general


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Some bloatspo for you twinks

Does anyone who makes jokes about this guy actually also pursue being fat as fuck to lift a ton for 5 seconds?

Because if not why are there constant threads?


>twink thinks bloatmaxxing is a joke




I can tell you BLOATMAXXING works. I'm 300 lbs and can full depth squat 280 after only a solid month and a half of lifting, so in all reality I'm squatting at least 315. Bloat for a couple of years and you'll see strength increases

Brian shaw isnt reallt bloatmaxx though, his bodyfat in that pic isnt that high he just has a shit ton of muscle.

how can mere humans even compete?

>twink coping
Just face it baby-man, optimal strength increases only come from a F U L L diet wether on gear or not


I'm starting a bloatwave playlist with youtube.com/watch?v=bFT6xsAb4u0 on top. Anyone feel like adding some more tracks to it?

What training and diet will turn me from a twink to a bloatlord?

>What training
stomach capacity training

eat more

If you really want to become bloatboi just pin 500mg test per week + 60mg dbol ed for first 5-6 weeks, eat big and you will literally explode in front of your very eyes. But be careful, you will most likely get too strong for your own body and you might snap your shit when you decide to bench big weights.

Eating pounds of beef, eggs, and noodles every day will turn anyone F U L L B L O A T

You have to live it


thread's theme


you just know

Eat a lot.

But also do shrugs. Traps are noticeably lagging. High pull and cleans are good too but shrugs are better for controlling hypertrophy.

had a large pizza for lunch and 2 burgers and fries for supper
hit 405 for reps on squats as well

lagging traps is a combination of genetics and natty status
if he hopped on the bloatlord stack of test+dbol+mk677 and did zercher traps he'd be trapmogging real fast

Is he Russopontian? He lives in Greece and he has Russian tats. Also some Russian channel made a video about him. Do we know anything about his ethnic background?

What in the hell is this fat boy even training to do, anyway

Can someone post diet tips for bloatmaxxing?

Greek but from Georgian diaspora
bloatmog beta twinks

His ethnic background is le 56% face

Ovaltine + soy protein powder + whole milk


almost got me there champ


>cyrilic letters
>hurr must be russian

I guarantee you're some jealous twinkcel stick insect who weighs less than 200lbs and can't do 1/2/3/4

Has the bloatlord ever even shown us a video of him doing OHP, bench, squat or deadlift?

Why do you think that's the case?

there are videos of him bump benching 200kg, half squatting 300kg, i mean, yes, with shit rom and form but its still a lot of fucking weight

cope harder

his tats read grizzly and appreciation in russian

t. sub-200 kg twink

He did a seated press off of pins at shoulder level at like 400 lbs for one clean rep. I'm currently eating 8 mcdoubles a day on top of my normal diet and the gains have been incredible

> 0.9x bw OHP
> 1x bw bench for high reps
> 1.5x bw squat
> 1x bw rack pull for high reps

Yep, definitely worth a FUPA that hangs to his knees. Sign me up!

are the russians shilling their shit memes on fit again?

to be fair, he probably couldn't do full rom squats even with an empty bar

>BW being relevant when cubes law invalidates it

>he thinks that his wilks score is going to prevent him from getting B L O A T M O G G E D by a real (>200kg) man

any 60kg twink fighter would kill him in < 3 min

lol in your dreams, mr. skeletal. even for a trained twinkcel fighter, the force behind his strikes will be completely dissipated by the sheer glorious bloat protecting our King's body. And good luck taking the fight to the ground, when all Bloatlord has to do is literally roll over on his opponent and crush him.

>b-b-but what if you target bloatlord's knees? He'd fall like a giant redwood!

false. bloatlord's knees are literally indestructible. If quarter squatting 300kg for reps at 400kg bodyweight doesn't kill his knees, then nothing can.

>there are people ITT that actually think that's the case
A guy can get smoked by a 5kg difference. In this case, a guy can die 100 times by 145kg difference.

I can never tell if these are just bait or if there actually people out there that think this holds even the slightest of truth?

Do we need to post the roided BB guy that loses against the grappling guy in a GRAPPLING fight that gives you the most possible advantage for your weight possible?

>comparing a random roided BBer who probably doesn't know anything about grappling to the bloatlord who can kick, punch and elbow the shit out of you
What's next, a food analogy?
People like you should be banned from Veeky Forums for being too stupid.

You really are trying to push this bait far?
He would not survive a single round against connor - probably even way less trained fighters.

cope, you are comparing the bloatlord with a roided bb


>talks about other guy baiting
>mentions connor mcgreggor right after

OK this is my final post. I'll break it down for you why your logic is stupid.
Fights can be broken down to 4 things: Technique, strength, speed, stamina.
Bloatlord's technique and strength are unmatched. No matter what you say, you can't fuck with a 206kg man. Period.
Speedwise many can win against him, but in a ring your goal is not to run away from your opponent but fight him. Your punches aren't gonna do much against him. Deal with it, that's a fact.
Stamina-wise, it doesn't matter because he can unironically kill anyone with just one (1) elbow strike.

This is not a meme post. This is the truth. Pay some respect.

>Grizzly himself uploaded this
At first I thought one of you guys did it, then I just saw it in my subscription vids list.

kek i had the same reaction

>your punches are not going to do much

You are retarded on so many levels, i cant even express how much.
You could be 1000kg and a proper hit to your chin would knock you out.
I hope everyone reading this threads knows that he wouldn't survive a single round.

Just so that no one takes the bait of this unfunny retard, here is a video of a 600lbs sumo ringer against a random mma figher.


>cant even win the fight when he manages to land on top of the guy with all of his weight



breh if you let a untrained fat guy get on top of you or corner you no matter how many years or martial arts under your belt you are going to get BLOATGMOGGED no matter what.

It is absolutely mesmerising. What is his endgame?

Do you do any martial arts? Why don't we create a Kickstarter to send you out to Greece for a fight with the Grizzly himself? Pussy.

If you wanna' be the G O A T then you know you gotta' B L O A T

why don't all the plates just fucking slide off

>twinklet runs around the ring in abject terror for four minutes while chocobloat calmly stalks him
>manages to take chocobloat to ground, gets crushed, but is able to get enough head punches in to stun chocobloat so that he can escape and get in more headstrikes

the flaw in using the video as evidence is that chocobloat is a sumo wrestler with little striking experience, whereas Bloatlord has tens of thousands of hours of fighting training under his 72" belt. Bloatlord also has better explosive ability than chocobloat due to his massive high box deadlifts and can maintain a faster walking gait

> can't fuck with 206kg man
> knives + friends + ambush

lol look at this hard man, as if you have any friends you dunce

I would fucking fight him right now if you paid me enough. I have a heavy martial arts background too so it would be a good fight

What is his endgoal?

How do I know you're a dyel soy boy?


How much do you weigh? How tall are you? Somebody make a Kickstarter and contact Grizzly.

If he is such a GOAT, where is his hair LMAO.

high test leads to hair loss

>any 60kg twink fighter would kill a raging 300kg bear in < 3 min
>any 60kg twink fighter would kill a bloodthirsty 200kg tiger in < 3 min
>any 60kg twink fighter would kill a 205kg BLOATGOD in < 3 min
You realize how ridiculous you sound? The bloatlord has ascended. You can not judge him by human standards. It's like fighting a gorilla. You can't just apply any of the fighting techinques to a demigod that does forearm training with a 270kg barbell. With a high caliber rifle a 60kg twink MIGHT have a chance.


5'10 100kg 2/3/4/5 with MMA experience

I seriously will do it if you guys pay me enough

Tbqh ive always wondered if this is possible natty.
I mean I'd guess hes on gear but I'd expect him to be more like the piano man.

A possum is not very big compared to you, but it's so violent that you would not put your hand in its den.

I wouldn't but I could kill it in two seconds without being seriously wounded myself

I would put down $100 if someone set this up in a semi legit manner. How much is round trip to greece?


>5'10 100kg 2/3/4/5
You're not even that small, McGregor is 5'9" and only 70kg, but I would still pay to see you get BLOATMOGGED.

I would fucking do it. I am not kidding. I have a price in mind.


dude the bloatmaxxx culture is small but if we got some momentum we could do it

post pic of your body so we know you're not just a tiny twinklet larping as a 100kg halfman

>Speedwise many can win against him
He is literally a trained walker, what the fuck are you talking about

If you do one cycle correctly and never do it again, do you keep anything you gained?


>his bodyfat in that pic isnt that high

Delete your post

Yeah keep me updated. I will continue to post with this trip just so we keep it straight. If the money is there I'll do it.

post body pic or some evidence of your worthiness to sacrifice yourself to the B L O A T

I'll get around to it, don't worry.


edit the vid with this



you're gunna make it

I know him in real life we live in the same town his last name is kapakoulak so he is russopontian yes.