>So user what is your passion?
So user what is your passion?
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I'm actually going to take a picture of you right now and then post it on a virgin islands bird watching chatroom asking a bunch of NEETs some inane question. I do it every day
sucking dick
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Travel and just being random!
le random hehe xd
i just want a girl I can be super corny with so I can say "you" and she'll blush and not laugh at me
anyone feel me on this
right in the feels
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
This will not happen. Women see it as weak and needy. Best you can hope for is some femme boi.
Making beer, sword fighting, strongman and Highland games, drinking beer.
Saving the white race, and ruining your cunt.
Why anime ofcourse My Dreamhack is go to Japan and become famous mangaka senpai
If she has her own shit going on, she'll hate this.
A lot of women have shit self esteem, so them being your whole world makes them think there's something wrong with you (and somehow that they can now do better).
This is how it was explained to me by my lunatic ex through tears as I cut get off for being a bitch. Every girl I know also confirmed. Came out of it with a far better gf, though.
Idk anons. I'm drunk
I have a very warped and unhealthy view of relationships.
This user is right
You're not wrong. I've dated the kind of crazy people think doesn't exist multiple times.
Like, knife pulled on you, throwing chairs through the TV shit. It's wild.
Why do most men have a hard time figuring women out? It's all an exercise in empathy.
Put yourself in her shoes for a second. A giant ugly hairy man is trying to slip his dick into you. Why would you let him? All the while he's saying shit like "bby Ur butiful" which you know is a lie.
Women don't want compliments and lies from men, they want value. Humor, excitement, emotional engagement. It's not about how big your biceps are. Men rarely can attract women from a purely physical perspective. You have to give her a reason. Even a small one. To invest in you in any way possible.
Picking up heavy objects in a monotonous way
u wish
Dubs checked.
I wish I had one.
improving myself and trying to be the best version of myself i can possibly be, h-how about you?
iv long lost any passion for anything
Not true. Just don't be insecure about it and she'll love it.
Wanting true love like this means you'll have to go for a virgin though, it is literally the only way.
How to meet virgin
She has to be under 17. You will have to talk to her for a year or more, make sure you're serious about being with each other for a long time, and make sure you love each other.
She will treat you like the god of her world.
I like to go dancing.
My current gf I've been with since she was 16 and I was 17, 23 now. She wasn't virgin when we met and I've resented her for this ever since. I love her though and can't imagine life without her, how do I reconcile these feels?
You can't. She will always have a special place and feelings for that first man more than you.
Traditional scandinavian food, camping, canoeing, hunting, fishing, shooting, and HEMA in that order.
Writing brap next to pretty girls bums on a chinese fishing forum
Probably the only relatable person in this thread.
>being this evil to another user for free
how much is satan paying you lad?
Faggot larper detect
It’s literally insecurity itself. Don’t be retarded.
my job, death metal, black metal, motorcycles and lifting
I'm not, I do corny stuff like this all the time with my girl and she loves it. Just don't be all muh too manly to have emotions
You are retarded. She doesn’t believe you.
yeah, i feel you, and dont listen to any of these other losers. that shit's cute af
however it comes off a lil better if you give an actual answer first and then top it off with "but my true passion? well thats you, babe"
works errytime
woodworking and fitness
dont talk shit about hema
So a girl can never truly love you if she's not a virgin?
>tfw girl i had a crush on asked me this
>told her i didn't really have one
w-what should i have said instead?
idk why this gave me a giggle
Lately snowboarding has been my go to
It's super relaxing and the snow hoes are everywhere if you're in a resort town
am I stupid or does this graph make no sense
I thought that having 0 partner only applied to being a virgin until marriage? Having one partner included women who had sex with their marriage partner prior to marriage. This graph is more of an argument for staying celibate until marriage.
Correct. Not even memeing.
A girl's first love/sexual partner means a lot to them, much more than most would admit.
more sex before marriage = more divorce
80 percent past the age of 30 had zero partners?
nigga what the fuck are you smoking
>am I stupid
Here's one that actually makes sense
I think this graph is missing the appropriate y-axis label. Otherwise it is saying that 80.47% of sexually active 30+ women have had 0 partners
>I'm sexually active but have never had a partner
but the chart says nothing about divorce
this is genius
Yea, I only started dating her to make the other girl I liked jealous, but I ended up getting along with her really well and eventually falling in love. Now I feel like I totally cucked myself by falling for a non virgin.
beta as fuck mate
It’s talking about people who haven’t been divorced.
Drinking BEER and fucking PUSSY, brother!
>tfw screwed up my chances with literal perfect virgin gf
She left me but at least she is ruined for other men.
It is the number of NON-MARITAL partners. So 0 means they have only had one partner (their spouse).
Bad jokes
You sound secure.
Traveling and motorcycles. Usually together.
Almost at 50 countries and finally bought a bike again/decided to go back to Canada though... So for once the 2 passions are conflicting.
underrated post. upboated xd
It's the age of tinder, user. A virgin will leave you after 3-5 years because she wants to "find herself" and thinks she settled down too soon.
>grapes were sour anyways
>i drive
"i could tell by your jacket, user"
Eh I met "the one" and she cheated. In conclusion, I am bitter.
Snowboarding is the GOAT hobby with /out/
The chart is literally the percentage of people who do not initiate divorce.
Sorry for your loss mate. We're all gonna make it.
>The one
Uh, that does not sound like the one
This user gets it.
Open source code.
Food and awesome stuff
Girls don't deserve us lads
sucking dick
tfw gf is an A cyp
i like picking things up and putting them back down again
I have none. I quit vydia about a year ago and picked up reading and working out as my hobbies but due to my autism I take them too seriously and they have become more of a chore than anything else.
Are you me drunk user?
You sure sound a lot like me...
I just want something like this
where are the pure women in 2017?
she's a big girl
Is working on myself a viable answer to that?
So women hate themselves so much that they can't stand when a guy would do anything for them because from their point of view only a low quality guy would want a shit tier girl? Is this why they like getting treated bad or put in their place?
Not all women, but that sort of mewling bullshit is incredibly transparent, and most girls 20 and up can see through it.
If you're somebody's entire world, you begin to wonder why. It sucks, but that's the way it is.
I'm sure there are some well-adjusted girls that would love to hear this from someone they've been dating for a while. That's a different scenario than the girl you've fucked twice asking you this question the morning after.
filling pink holes up
cocaine is the first thing that comes to mind
You know I always wanted to be a football player when I was young.But fate has fucked me over and turned me into an autistic faggot with literally zero skills, especially social.So now, my passion is fapping to celebrity picture posted on /b/..what about you??