I finally caught one guys. When will they learn?

I finally caught one guys. When will they learn?

I thougth niggercatching was illegal now ?

This isn't /pol/, you fucking turd

i see you got your wife her christmass present

>current year
>assumes all niggers are of grown men height

>pack to the pit you go



how long did it take you to dig a hole 6 feet deep?

Eat shit you bleeding heart cuck. You’re just mad that one isn’t able to breed your waifu pillow.

>tfw you will never own a niggerpit
everyday the light gets dimmer lads

>i am so not racist that I found non racist things racist

Seriously, when will they learn?

This isn't a /pol/ thread, newfag

What a miserable life you live. Wasting your time in the places you hate and don’t understand

How much of an insecure faggot are you?
You are a fucking joke.

Seriously, when will you learn? I guess never.You are too stupid

Down the pit you go.
Aut Wiedersehen!

Ok little kid,go play with your xbox under aged faggot

Reddit and /soc/ is that way, triggered faggot. You’ll be much happier there.

Good, now throw a rabid racoon in there

Sorry, i don;t go on reddit,i'm not an insecure under aged faggot like you. I don't go on /soc either. I don't even know why i come in here. You are all insecure little faggots who don't actually lift and so you project your fragile egos onto others here by putting them down.
I give it 5 years max and you'll shhot yourslef one holiday evening

c o p e

Whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good inside that dead soul of yours. Lol,loser. Have you even kissed a girl you ugly,virgin loser?I can guess that you haven't.Why?
Because you are ugly as sin and a big ,lankly,redneck. Sound about right? I bet it does.
Don't forget to neck yourself tonight so you don't face another Christmas alone you kissless loser.

Try not to get a stroke

>he’s calling me the little one

>hitting the same letter multiple times
>missing the space bar constantly
Are you literally shaking you cock gobbling faggot? Take your 5'6 ass outta here little man before we put your keyboard up on top of a drawer so you can't find it.


Lay of the estrogen, Pussy.

>literally shaking
Quit projecting and fuck off soy boy, time stamp yourself twink.

Are you mad because you think OP is a racist, or mad because you are angry about manlet memes? Because that's what the OP is about. It's a manlet meme.

I'm actually curious.

>be soyboy
>see nigger in a hole
>instantly assume it's racist and ignore board culture

why can't it be both though. i mean, why can't it be a niggermanlet hole.

Why limit yourself to only one type of manlet? Are you like, a breeder or something?

When will they learn?

>I give it 5 years max and you'll shhot yourslef one holiday evening
>This projection
Lmao. Enjoy your leg surgery, you insecure soyboy.

It's only 3 feet deep.

Hardest I've keked in a while

It's okay little guy, go to bed now

found the DYEL


Why did you post a picture of a turd in a hole?

T-This has to be bait, right?

Yep. She likes lynching more than I do

Two types of people