Does lifting make up for being black?
Does lifting make up for being black?
Nah it makes you look like more of a nigger
Don't white girls prefer black dudes?
>buff white guy
>everyone wonders what sport you play or if you’re in the military
>buff black guy
>everyone thinks you just got out of prison
dont know bout US but they do in europe
I have an iPhone. Explain please what's happening there?
It's one of those prank YouTube videos.
What? what part in europe? Im in computer science so 80% of my class mates are asian, indian, black or something else and they all complain about women never giving them a shot. The yikyak copy on my campus is always how white girls are secretly racist since they never give them a chance. Even at the hiphop club most guys try to grope women since they all avoid them like the plague.
If you have black people in your CS class you know you go to a shit uni
>Computer science
user I....
No, but being black will make up for not lifting.
How much black we talking here?
Because pure African blacks are not human as a European would understand it. So no amount of lifting can help there. Part-negroes, while it is unfortunate that they even came to exist, have some claim on being at least partly human. So yeah, lifting would help them, I guess.
Would be better off with reading a book though, nigger.
>post the most boring one
post the one where hes feeling up on her ass
and op NO in fact if your black your already suppost to be muscular and have a big dick but i mean the girls will just treat you like a dildo because your black
Which is weird because prison niggers are either fat or malnourished.
Fuck that flag brings me back, that was a fun thread
I know, right? I still think the flags were a somewhat good idea. Maybe I should try to necro this shit...
The biggest thing they bitched about was the colors, idk looking at it now it's still good.
Why do we label lions and cheetahs as different species/ sub species..but not blacks and whites. They are literally way more monkey than whites.
Well, duh.
its not because of their race its because they are in computer science
Is there one for blacks?
Never saw one, sorry. But now I'm thinking there should be.
Fuck off nigger. Dont let your skin color define you. If you want to be great, go be great
My new favorite