All right Veeky Forumsizens, I cant be the only alcoholic one here. What are some ways you have curbed your appetite of booze, or found ways to work around an addiction.
ITT; alcohol and fitness tips, tricks, and stories. Drunken workouts etc.
All right Veeky Forumsizens, I cant be the only alcoholic one here. What are some ways you have curbed your appetite of booze, or found ways to work around an addiction.
ITT; alcohol and fitness tips, tricks, and stories. Drunken workouts etc.
Starting New Years I'm only boozing once a week. I promise you all this.
hey Max. you're still a faggot
OP here.... what did I miss? Max?
oh your pudgy white hand, southern comfort, and "muh cigarettes" made me think you were someone I used to know who posts here. sorry for the confusion.
quit smoking tho, unlike alcohol it doesn't even feel good, you're just deluding yourself. I quit about a year ago after 3 years of pack-a-day. using Allen Carr's book. highly recommended
>pudgy white hand
If I was not on my tablet and at my computer, REEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpeg
All good, yea I'm not ready to quit, weird to explain. I know I shoupd, but it is not time, idk, weird. Sounds fun though what was his schtick? Anything good or just a shitposter?
Good luck based Booze-bro.
You're gonna make it.
I'm rootin' for you buddy. I also want to make this resolution, but booze is one of the last joys in my life.
Have you tried not drinking?
My wife & I also quit with the help of that book!
I wasn't ready either. that's what the book's for
glad to hear it! book reads like an infomercial but it actually is a surprisingly effective method
OP here. Damn, more dedication that I've had to anything in years it sounds like. Sorry for replyimg out of order, not sure how to link multiple comments with this app other tham memorizing the number.
I hope I can do it, I'm hammered now and it's 4 30 pm
>tfw got into the habit of getting drunk and beating my wife for the last few weeks
I can't say I enjoy posting on this site as if I were just another colorful name on some whore's Twitch.
You faggots gotta stop flinging shit every second and actually enjoy a thread for once that hasn't been set up by a couple of faggots looking for attention.
I'm an alcoholic and have been for 9 years
Only real quit smoking book I have seen was a 365/1page a day book where each was a reason. eventually you would find one to jaoe you quit. whats this one about?
Getting more "into" lifting made me stop drinking
when I say lifting, I really mean nutrition but I said lifting because I feel its more about an entire lifestyle change. When I drank I made okay gains, but compared to now I looked absolutely horrible
If you think drinking doesnt affect progress much you are completely wrong
I know for a fact if I were to stop lifting I could easily sink back into drinking every day again, so now I basically lift so I don't
Yeah it's rough. Nowadays I try to only buy pints/ half pints and I smoke a lot of weed, but I drink a lot less than I used to. Daily though still. So many empty calories
Unironically AA. My life sucked so fucking bad I was willing to do anything to get sober. It’s been 10 months without a drink or any other mind altering substance and although my life is far from perfect it’s worlds better than it was before thanks to me working the AA program.
I know it gets a lot of hate but it’s the only thing that’s worked for me.
La Croix honestly helps a lot
replace alcohol with ketamine
ibogaine trip
Replace alcohol with opiates, better high and no calories brah
This. Then replace ketamine with nitrous oxide.
Watch out for kidney stones.
OP here, AA was too religious for me, I have been twice, the prayer-type chants put me off. my dad has 29 years thanks to bill w. I understamd that a "higher power" is not necissairly god or a spirit, jist something bigger than yourself. keep at it user, my dad was divorced by my mom when i was still in her stomach. he was evicted a few months later and had to move back in with his mom, 30 years later he is selling his 500k (us) house for an 800k. he is 62. he got sober late, he still fucking made it.
an user in a qtdntot sent me to scooby. seems legit for an oldfag like me(30). get out of alcohol, into some home excersizes and some calisrhenics. Drunk and on tablet, not usual keyboars. No, not gonna try and corect errors, just saying why im fucking up.
AA user here, I get the aversion to the god stuff and the prayers, I felt the exact same way every time I checked out AA when I would try to get sober over the years. More or less I was just so fucking desperate to not drink that I stopped caring about that stuff and said fuck it I’ll pray to anything if it keeps me sober.
If you do get desperate enough, it might work for you. You know yourself better than anyone though, if you aren’t willing to do AA stuff then no sense trying until you are. Glad to hear about your pops, I found out about AA through my dad as well. Peace be with you man, sober or not.
Op here
the sparkling water? sounds weird to me, but maybe the bubly (if you like beer) or the "kick" I f you lick shots is a placebo? bcan you elaborate user? Im not going to knock it till i try it.
weed helped me a lot
thanks user, hope i didnt come off as againt how you did it, nothing against aa, just not for me, at least not right now. you did it, its what counds, good on you. i used to think it was a simple self control issue, but its fucking not. as to your progress, think about my dad who literally beat my mom into divorcing him. coke was involved to and now, as i am a bit of a mommas boy i respect the ground he walks on. if he can do it, you can. 10mo is damn good. earn those coins.
thank you for your ending sentence, its fucking dumb that ii get more support from a jap anime website than my friends/senpai who ignore or give me hate..... now im sounding like a bitch.
not what i expected this thread to become, but i like h8w this turning out.
Yea, but trying to a job, when i was smoking a few years back i wasnt nearly as wound up, thats for sure. wish i could user, perhaps after i get a job.... atm not an option though.
Was an alcoholic for a year. Got blackout drunk almost daily after work. At some point you just wake up and find yourself disgusted with your life and realize that the booze is not only not helping, but making things alot fucking worse. I still will grab a drink with friends every now and then but only for real events like a bbq, a wedding, someones birthday etc.
that's the problem, though. Everyone has a million reasons to quit cigarettes. The problem is that they think they also have reasons to continue to smoke (they enjoy it, helps with stress, etc.). Carr's book is there to convince you that all the reasons you think you have to continue to smoke are not actually reasons to smoke.
Ive been drinking almost every day for two years now and I know it is interfering with my gains, and yet I feel that my life would be 3 times shittier if I would quit gym. So
Your welcome man, sorry if I seemed a bit defensive, it’s just that I’m so used to seeing AA get shit on online and it means a lot for me. One way or the other I hope you can find the strength to make the changes necessary to stop drinking. I’m sure that you’re a great dude and I understand how rough it is to be trapped in the cyclical lifestyle of mishap and misery that alcoholism brings. You don’t need to go the AA way if you don’t want to right now, but just know that if you need help and have exhausted all other options, AA will always be there.
Life is hard, especially when you’re an addict. Stay strong and keep trying. We are all gonna make it.