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Lol. What problems in your life can you directly attribute to your height besides not being able to reach things?
Constantly looked down and scoffed at by other males.
Girls completely ignore you/see you in a passive manner
those are the two most important
yeah not being able to reach things like pussy you fucking manlet
How many girls have you asked out in the last year?
This is going to make you bristle and cringe until you fully internalize it and fix it after years of self care, maybe some serious therapy, and some luck with meeting the right people:
It's all in your head. The people who would look down on you for your height don't matter, the people who do matter will love you either way.
just get an A S I A N wife and be content raising your little elliots.
>manlet cope
I'm 5'2.
I cope by not being a whiny faggot.
just tell people you were 6'7 but got shrunk down by the dragon balls
But do you get pussy
That's funny, both of those are characteristics of having a weak character as well.
What? I don't watch anime so I don't know what that's referencing in Dragon Ball
I live in a country where 18 year old girls start relationships by getting drunk out of their minds and having one night stands and if they're lucky, they'll meet at the same place next week.
So, yes
this is totally how virgins perceive parties
just admit ur not invited
Bars =/= parties
Parties are absolutely terrible to hook up at unless it's a place you know you have a key to a room for, like your own place, a friend's place or her place.
Bars on the other hand, let's get the 120lb girl ten shots over two hours in addition to her double vodkas = she's drunk enough to take advantage of.
you just don't get pussy do you?
>So, yes
Yes you don't get pussy? thought as much
You cannot use English correctly.
Added to my ignore list because of the reason I just mentioned.
hahahaha what a virgin
Funny story actually
>Be me, 5’7” manlet
>used to be outgoing and social, now not so much because insecure about height amoung other things
>get out of high school couple years ago and decide to start lifting
>make great gains bc manlet
>fast forward to this past summer
>be at some fair at my hometown with some buddies
>see old high school crush there
>we had a little fling senior year but nothing much came of it
>she sees me
>”holy shit is that user!”
>we get to talking, she seems super excited that i’m a big guy now
>be walking around the fair for a bit, she asks if i want to “get out of here”, not sure if she’s implying something, but i comply
>we get in her car and she drives back to her place
>ohshit.jpg i did not expect this
>go inside, she brings me to her basement to watch some tv
>puts on netflix, says she will be right back and goes upstairs
>shit is crazy, don’t want my nerves to get to me so i grab my bag
>quick pop 2 xanax and chug a beer
>hear her coming downstairs, quick put my shit away and sit back
>turn around, she’s standing there in these booty shorts and tight ass white t-shirt i can see her nips through
>she sits down next to me
>we’re watching netflix, she starts feeling me up and shit
>”you got sooo big hehe” she says
>”t-thanks” i say
>happy as fuck, but i start feeling a bit weird
>start puking all over her basement, pretty sure i got some on her too
>shit my fucking pants
>last thing i remember is running out of her house in a frenzy while turds are dropping out of my shorts
>next thing i know i’m waking up in my bed with a terrible hangover
I'm 5'10" so I get by knowing i'm average height, but it gets hard when I'm around my 6'2" brother
That's your own fault.
I'm 6ft and I know this 6'1 girl and we're great friends. She doesn't ignore me at all. Hell, she even came to my workplace last night for two hours in the middle of the night just to keep me company.
its just that you're ugly.Ive seen many manlets with hot girls, stop coping and making excuses for yourself- you are ugly and have a bad physique
peep game,you and everyone that knows you will be dead within 50 years or so.
Also normal people could not care less,unless you are a fucking midget.
accept it and stop it from affecting you or fight it and let it consume you,you are a manlet either way so the choice is clear.
Get your paper
holy christ ya blew it
>needing xans to bone
Even the fucking cat hates you for being a manlet.
Seriously, your manlet insecurities can be solved by becoming a cop. Then you can beat up and shoot all those chads that used to make fun of you in high school.
It's bad to be a manlet but it's not gonna change so why give a fuck about it? You're just a fucking faggot that likes to wallow in self pity and hatred, fuck you dude.
I'm 5'8 in Sweden and I can still feel like a chad I have a friend that is shorter than me and he acts like an insecure faggot all the time about his height and it's the most faggy shit ever. Just stop it, I have never mentioned it and nobody has ever mentioned it to me either not even women.
You complain about being a manlet cause you're a facelet.
That's the truth.
>I can still feel like a chad I have a friend that is shorter than me and he acts like an insecure faggot all the time about his height and it's the most faggy shit ever. Just stop it, I have never mentioned it and nobody has ever mentioned it to me either not even women.
But do you get pussy as a 5'8" manlet in sweden?
Yes it's fucking easy even. Everyone here is a pussy when it comes to women, so I literally only need to act like a fucking man and the rest solves itself.
lel I have a very low fwhr
>low fwhr
sorry, I fucked it up there and gave the wrong ratio. I mean high fwhr, mine is around 1.95
>can never get xbox heug without looking like a stocky tryhard
i just want to be a big cuddly bear
gets me everytime
Well, i wake up every morning, cursing the fact that I'm still alive. Then I go to work and sit at a desk for 8 hours while accomplishing jack shit. Then I go home and maybe cook myself dinner, or if I'm feeling in the mood do a bit of drunk baking.
I don't have mental issues, I'm just deep into believing that my life will not have an effect on the course of the world and that free will is just a biological delusion.
And if 5'8" is pathetic, what does that make 5'7"?
Seriously user, people that worry about their height are probably the type that have poor self image anyway and height is the one think that they can grasp onto that most people will feel sorry for.
>tfw 5'4
atleast ur the avg height user
>>shit is crazy, don’t want my nerves to get to me so i grab my bag
>>quick pop 2 xanax and chug a beer
is this how people in america behave?
I feel you, the amount of medication involved is absolutely astonishing.
What a strange bunch.
I have that same zelda poster
If you aren't a pure European, being sub-6'0" is to be expected. You could very well be at the very end of the bell curve for height for your genetics.
Vegeta was a manlet and he did fine
t. 5'10" manlet who learned
I'm 6'1" and my wife is 4'7". I feel like my kids are going to play genetic russian roulette.
This is true.
>Be Persian
>Be 5'9
>Live in the Netherlands
I will never feel tall but for my genetics I got lucky because both of my parents are shorter. My sister somehow got to 5"10 and the other one is 5'6. I don't think people should complain in the 5"6 and upper range. I dated two girls taller then me and some people laughed when they saw us together but they didnt care much about it. The average male in NL is 1.82m (Tallest in the world) which is crazy but the dutch woman are second place in the world in being the tallest and they are only 1.70m/5'6 so there is enough option for guys even in the tallest country. I feel bad for the guys shorter than 5'6 but the other guys cant really complain.
5'9' manlet with a 6 foot tall gf. Of course it's hard to hit on girls in clubs, but I've had gfs, you just need to find the right settings and types of girls.
I never let it get to me. I have good posture and good body posture. Just improve yourself and have your own personality instead of focusing on height which you can't change.
you manchildren are so pathetic
Every guy I admire aesthetically and strength-wise is 6'+. Fuck strength to weight I just want to be big and strong.
All the guys you see modeling clothes are tall. It's impossible to tell if clothes will look good in your short-ass frame.
People respect you less automatically when you're short. I'm a pretty shitty person but I've seen equally shitty people (eg my father) get way more out of life just because they command attention in a room and get constant positive feedback when they do good.
Think about the sex scandals of late: have you noticed that literally ALL of the guys involved are taller than average? Obviously you don't want to be an asshole like that, BUT it shows just how much of a dick you can be and have people still like you and throw opportunities at you as long as you're a particular type of dick (part of which is being tall, which gives people good submissive headchemicals).
You simply get more opportunities and get to live a fuller life when you're tall.
personality meme is bullshit. you just have a good face
People keep walking toward you and pump on your shoulder pretending to not see you
nice bullshit cope.
being a manlet is a death sentence from womb to tomb
>When you just want to be the big guy who keeps assholes away with your size but can give all your friends enormous hugs, have your shyness mistaken for self-control and stoicism, and generally be at peace with your utter command of your personal space.
Please, universe. Pls.
I personally cope with it by being king of the manlets at 5'11. Amongst the midgets I am tall. To regular sized people I am just a bit off. It's not too bad
At 5'8 I'd just kill myself honestly
>[Changeable character trait] is a meme, its too hard to change so i just dismiss it!
>[unchangeable character trait] is the reason i fail!! Yes!!! THIS! REEEEEE
Being a manlet must be like being a dicklet, except everyone can always see how short you are.
Its a meme new faggots.
the unchangable things ( good face, height) are what girls like. They are unchangable and thus are pretty rare. genetics and eugenics 101 pal. If you dont believe that you are so deluded you must be mentally defecit
5'8, 160, married with a kid. The only hindrance that comes to mind is a limitation to playing soccer in college
Literally no idea.
I have a friend who I go to the gym with who is 5ft. He looks like a fucking toddler and he'll continue to look like one for the rest of his life
I'm 6'3'' and I feel so fucking bad for him but there's nothing anyone can do. He doesn't show it but he's dying on the inside when we spot each other at the gym and some people are audibly laughing.
Jesus Christ fag, them being unchangeable is the exact reason for why you shouldnt be focusing as much on them. Right now you are literally being an equivalent to fat acceptance hogs screaming "REE ITS NOT MY FAULT I AM THE WAY I AM" except you are a bit less delusional since we dont delude ourselves into thinking that weight cant be changed but its literally the same mentality.
Look at yourself, your currect choice are as follows:
1) Continue hating yourself for something that you arent and something that you cant change (might aswell bitch about not being born a dog)
2) Better yourself in all other ways possible, seek perfection in parts of yourself that you can actually change and actually realize that women arent 1dimensional cardboard cutouts that focus only on heigh and face.
I mean, fuck dude, if you REALLY think that your character has no flaws aside for heigh and face and that those 2 things, that you have no control over, are the only things holding you back from slaying puzzy left and right then (YOU) are the deluded mentally defecit one.
nice cope
women only care about looks
What. Well-fed Africans are big as fuck. Same with Koreans and some other East Asians.
Then buy yourself nice clothes, lose fat, gain muscle, look after your hair and skin you fucking imbecile manlet shit. I never said you should abandon your look at all you damn retard. Just dont focus on things you cant change because thats the mentality of LOSERS.
>women only care about X
>X is something I dont currently have
>nice! NICE! I was just able to justify hating on women instead of blaming myself
repeat ad infinitum
I'm a tiny bit over 6' myself and I constantly compare myself to taller people after spending some time on neofit.
I can't imagine what I'd do if I were 5'8 or anything below an 8 facially.
There could be medical treatments if people put money into it. Think how quickly we could come up with a solution if all the funding put towards convincing women that they're too fat and facilitating weight loss than turns them from high test to sticks were put into research to "reopen" growth plates.
Like even feminists agree men should be bigger and stronger. This seems like a no-brainer, and I'm not sure why we aren't just doing it.
jesus this xanax meme flattens me every time.
being ugly with nice cloths and hair its just coping. Just overcompensating. I dont hate women. its not their fault they seek out the best genetics, thats just nature. The best genetics win and the shti genetics dont reproduce. what i cant stand is conceited normies like you who think the world is fair, and that if you put in the effort you will get rewarded. The world doesnt work like that friendo.I have nice hair, have a good physique from gym for 6 years and decent clothes. That all doesnt mean shit because im ugly and short kek. Meanwhile my good looking friend has has no personality and has gyno but has a fwb and girls asking him out.
i'm 5'7, nearly all of my best friends are taller than me, but still depend on and consider me much more masculine than they are. i've never had a problem finding women to date
i think you might just be a massive pussy.
you just have a good face
calling someone a pussy as if it takes any skill to get a date as a good looking person , top kek
So fucking what,accept your lot in life and improve what you can,don't be shitty don't be dirty and work out,enjoy life and do yourself a favour and stop complaining about it
>conceited normies like you who think the world is fair
Never said that, world IS unfair, very unfair, but its not as linear as you think. There are million ways at which you can try to improve and excel at to get higher social status (actual thing most women crave)
Your first response to being an ugly manlet shouldnt be
>jesus christ world is so unfair, it works against me in every way possible, ill never get a gf
It should be
>Im gonna start building a career for myself so that i can be racking in big bucks and women will gravtitate towards me more.
You think those fashion show fuccboys think they are perfect? Fuck no, they lack in other departments 100%. If you really have been going to the gym for 6 years then that means you can even physically intimidate said fuccboys, making your gf feeling safer with you (another very important aspect women like, being safe)
And no, being ugly with nice clothes and hair isnt coping, its min maxing.
why start this thread is all you do is whine about coping
are you a fucking brainlet as well?
because you really do sound like a pussy ITT
I'm 5'8 and I have a gf that fucks me two or three times a day.
So I'm fine, before her I didn't have much issue getting laid.
>min maxing
t. mmo-faggot
itt chad that got spoonfed and acts likes hes gods gift
>Im gonna start building a career for myself so that i can be racking in big bucks and women will gravtitate towards me more.
lmfao so my best hope is being an atm for a gold digging whore?
if its that hard for you may as well end it
since you're so set on bitching and shitting up the board with this shit you'd be doing a service.
what do you mean act like a man?
I get almost no matches on tinder. Only got lucky once and found a nerdy beautiful girl on there that didn't care about looks.
Then when I broke up with her when I moved far away, I got 0 matches on tinder, but ended up with my current gf with whom I was just friends with for a long time.
So yeah I'm really not conventionally attractive, I just put myself out there and get lucky sometimes.
It does though, good looking people date other good looking people, it's still a level playing field
If it means you will stop jerking off and whining every day and actually socializing with women then yes, absolutely, accept your fate as a walking ATM and actually start living your life you fucking soyboy. The worst thing that you can do right now is continue bitching 24/7 and not acting on anything in this life until you turn 50 and realize you have wasted life away thinking about things you cant change.
be tall and good looking
if youve had gfs you are attractive dont kid youself retard. tinder is for the utmost chads even some above average stuggle on there. IF you have had a gf and are friends with girls you arent unnattractive.
t. actual unattractive uggo that women are disgusted by
insult me all you want at the end of the day you know im right. Socializing with women as an uggo is pointless. I reserve the right to complain as i have been dealt a shit card and have tried my best with what i have. Shouldnt the starving children in africa be able to complain?
Don't take Veeky Forums seriously. Easy
look at how ugly this dude is and he's a coal miner and he's not tall. She's quite a cutiepie as well.
it's all statistics
I've had gfs but I'm ugly and short. I've hit on so many girls in my life it's just become a habit. If I talk to them enough to ask for their number they often just ignore my texts. But that's life, that's playing the game.
Whatever faggot, i actually tried persuading you and imo made some good points yet you are so stuck up in your victim fantasy that you simply refuse to acknowledge any other facts that might lead to you improving your quality of life (sounds awfully familiar to the victim culture lefties preach about)
At the end of the day, the decision is simple, you try and improve in the ways you can, (nobody says you will become 10/10 rich chad pussy slayer) or you stay the same pathetic yourself you are right now and let your loser mentality fester until you are 50+ and realize that your life has been wasted away and not only you didnt live the way you wanted to, but not even the way you could. The choice is yours, faggot.
that guy looks average tbqh. Id also wager that youre not ugly but just average aswell and around 5'9 and think youre "short"
Im actually truly ugly. WAYYYY uglier then that chinese guy. Being ugly is a whole different world to what you live, im not even considered human to woman. Statistics mean bullshit when you have a 0% chance
how is it a fantasy when i am a victim. Im a victim of being ugly as fuck and a manlet in a society that only cares about looks. I bet your some tall good lookign chad that was handed everything in life. you wouldnt last one day in an ACTUAL ugly persons life kek.
>I bet your some tall good lookign chad that was handed everything in life.
>oh no! im cornered and out of arguments, guess ill make personal insults instead!
Fuck off, sure I am 6'1, but at the same time I am poor, ugly, mole ridden, huge nose chinlet and you wont see me crying.
If you are so ugly that it is simply undenieable fact that no girl will love you ever EVER, then post your face and prove it. Unless you are eggman tier facelet then you are just delusional in your victim fantasy.
Are we talking potatoe man here? We will never know exactly how ugly you are unless you post your face.
Fuck off, sure I am 6'1
literally life on easy mode, and you have the gall to act conceited anad tell me i have a victim complex, you wouldnt last one day in my life.Youre like some trust fund rich kid telling some poor disabled mexican "bro just work hard you be rich one day" . what a joke
I'm 5'5, doesn't bother me at all... having money and a personality help a lot tho.
Even potato man got a girl.
>hurr life is easy if you are tall
>but bro, I am tall and my life isnt easy at all
Jesus Christ im done, you are pathetic. Post your face or fuck off.
>mole ridden
>huge nose
>see me crying
height means nothing if you have zero self-esteem and just because someone is tall doesnt mean they have confidence. girls smell that shit from a mile away
>Jesus Christ im done
classic brainlet tall chad, cant argue with my perfect logic. With proven real life examples. Although i guess your girlfriend was calling you to bed and you cant spend all night arguing against my superior logic. Go slam your gf chad. PLEASE tell me how your life is hard, i would be very interested to find out how you could fail to play life on the absolute easiest mode (tall)