Some people unironically think this means #ofPl8s and not xbodyweight. Have any of these retards been lifting longer than 6 months?
Other urls found in this thread:
>relative strength
Reminder that you must be at least 200lb to be considered a man.
It could mean that. In the context of beginner strength routines it means # of plates
>it could mean that.
bruh, it's literally meant xbw since it was conceived
4xbw deadlift
I'm never goinbg to get that free 1/2/3/4 gf am I
I fucking doubt any twiglet weighing 135 is ohping a plate. This is more aimed at the obese retards thinking they should be happy benching bodyweight and clapping for themselves over very very basic strength
If this was true there's no point in this thread since what you're saying shouldn't be controversial
>600lb sq
>800lb dead
I'm sure non competitors are just dying to get these numbers
Go pat yourself on the back for an almost bodyweight bench you weak nerd, while I fuck your dad
daily reminder: if you aren't atleast 6' you're not a man
daily reminder: if you weigh below 200 lbs you're not a real man
daily reminder: if you weigh below 200 kg you're not an alpha male
It is true, it's been misused by faggots that think rippletits is a good coach.Ask any old timer and they will tell you that 1/2/3/4 meant you were elite, now it means you have trained for a year
yeah because 4x bodyweight deadlift is realistic for normal lifters
A 135lb twink OHP'ing 1pl8 is more likely than a 200lb man deadlifting 800lbs.
it means plates retard, nice b8 new fag
A 1x be press is a lot easier than a 4c be dead
WTF is this shit guys, are you seriously telling me that the majority of people are benching 2 plates on each side ? That's like 50kgs + bar = 70 kgs.
90% of the people in my gym cannot lift this much, I personally just managed to lift 60 kgs today but I know friends who can hardly lift 10kgs on a side = 20 kgs + bar = 40kgs.
Lmao who even attempts an 800lb deadlift who isn't competing, the roid heads at my gym dont even try more than 600
>benching 2 plates on each side ? That's like 50kgs + bar = 70 kgs.
One plate is 20kg, so that's 100kg in total.
I've literally seen like 10 people managing that much and I've been going to gym for 2 years.
>2 years training sub 100kg bench
Just stop you gde there are literally thousands of high schoolers who bench that much if you can not after years of training you are doing something wrong
Dunno about 100 kilos but 40 is just meh.
>Thousands of high schoolers
Mate 5 guys in my class at most can manage that much (out of 20 guys)
>proving my point
If 5 guys in your class can do that how many highschoolers in the whole US could do it
no one sub 150 is ohp 135lbs bucko
>implying that a world class powerlifter from russia isnt on loads of gear
>being literal king of manlets like him
no thanks
See it's retards like this who realise they could NEVER hit REAL goals like 1/2/3/4 with decent bodyweight so they changed the meaning so "normal" lifters could "reach goals" fucking makes me sick
>make blanket statement
>get btfo
>move goalposts
1/2/3/4 used to mean strong lifter (ignoring twink manlets) but people changed meaning to #ofpl8 cuz it was "too hard a goal" makes me sick
y'all got b8'd way too hard.
>never going to make it
a plate is 20 kg
2pl = 100kg
cheer up fren, 100kg is pretty tough for a beginner
im a bit les than a year of lifting, and im at 85 kg
i workout at a small dorm gym, so even with just 85 im still one of the tougher guys there.
>cheering on someone for something "tough for a beginner"
What the fuck this isn't what 1/2/3/4 was meant for - it's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY and it definitely does NOT REFERENCE PLATES