/plg/ Powerlifting General


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Feet are patrician. How do I fit in hypertrophy? A 4 week cycle or mix it right in to the program?

Why is 5/3/1 bad ?


I did those spinal decompression hangs after a heavy squat session today, and after i came back to the ground my lower back area was killing me to the point of crippling.


Since when is it?
You fell for the meme, lad.
Honestly no idea, they help me out.

Top tier fetish

Some will argue its too low volume, and too many deloads. Look up improved 531 or do it in conjunction with Boring But Big.

Literal basic bitch tier fetish.

Don't even step unless you're into nazi sadomasochism with real gas and diapers.

Noticed people replied in that one ded thread one thread back
22, lad, with some change
I'm still shit with my belt, I've only been using it for about three weeks. Great belt, but I need to get better at getting tense all the way around under it. Made me stronger and more stable, but my form needs to adjust.
The one that's in Starting Strength 3'd edition by Mark Ripshistoe. Find a copy of the e-book.

I like feet but only when theyre connected to a cute girl

this is absolutely disgusting

Right arm is a whole inch bigger than left


Gonna cum handsfree with a new aneros tonight lads. What are your routines for pelvic floor muscles?

That shit's hard, I feel like I need to save up for like a week to get that handsfree and I never manage that long t b h

You can cum handsfree by just fucking someone.

Yeah one of my arms is a bit bigger too.

When did your arms get that big?


When I bulked very slowly for an extended period of time instead of force feeding myself until I vomit.

you’re not handsome but you’re not ugly and you have decent physique, go say thank you to mom and dad in a few days for me sport. they done did good, hope you’re not stupid either tho



Ew. Wtf is wrong with her hands?!

Wat size r ur arms?

How tall are you alex?
Who is the best looking /plg/non that isn't a manlet?

Around 15.25-15.5"

5'11 186-188lbs or so

probably virtus

Also yeah, Virtus is definitely the best.


send discord invite. kthx.

How long have you been training? Mine are 15 inch after like 5 months, but are my best feature by far.

Nvm the aneros, lube and dildo are coming next year instead. Hyped myself up for nothing lmao

Mock meet lads
Bw: 212


Basically only PR'd on bench, down 10 lbs on squat and deadlift, 1185 total, same as meet. Wilks went up to 332.

>Inb4 gym wilks
>Inb4 wilks only counts with meets

About 2 years 9 months now. I have a poverty bench and my best features are definitely my back and legs. I'm actually doing a mock meet tomorrow and expecting around 425/275/500+

How big are everyones legs???

Mine are around 25.5"

27" with a 520 squat and a 26" vertical.

Like 27.5
Arms are 17

27 inch masterrace

half inches are for dumb proles

>mfw 15 inch right arm
>mfw 14 inch left arm

>weighs as much as me
>5 inches shorter than me
>14-15 inch arms
>legs smaller than mine

God how fat are you?

why is your bench so nice when you look like shit and your form looks like shit

Nice squat and deadlift numbers. My ATG squat is barely better than my bench. If I ever do compete, it will probably only be in single lifts for bench.

what's your waist size

Is it racist to hate one country but not any of its neighbors or anyone else?

I want to nuke Brazil


>Look like shit
I'm fat. Still cutting though, and definitely looking a lot better

>Form looks like shit
My quads just weren't cooperating today for whatever reason. I probably could have hit 405 on Thursday last week, but today just didn't have it in me. My appetite is fucked from the SSRIs, unfortunately. My bench form is unironically good though.

but trappy lives there

I think I'm 39

my hips are equally as wide as my waist LMFAO

Brazil is a 3rd world shithole.

Don't nuke it and waste a nuke. You could kill it by cutting off aid and just waiting a minute.

Why does plg pushpress?

It's good for your shoulders to have free moving scapula pressing.

It's more fun than OHP

maybe its just you because all your lifts look so uncoordinated and spazzy

>I think I'm 39
>my hips are equally as wide as my waist LMFAO
Literally you.


wat do people talk about in the discord

>my waist is equally thick as my hips
>posts male hourglass
>this iz u xd

atleast try young one

What about them looks uncoordinated and spazzy?


>not Jesus
>not Rocco

literally retarded


Rocco is Virtus you dingus.

Virtus is Rocco You Moran

>literally retarded
whos rocco?

Legs day today.

If all goes to plan:
3x5 back squats @ 145kg
1x5 deadlifts (conv) @ 160kg
3x5 leg press @ 320kg
3x20 band side leg raises
3x leg extension / leg curl superset, 10 reps each @ max weight, focusing on lower distal end of hamstring and VMO.

it's really been a long time
i am the literal retarded

>tfw finally making gains after GDEing about for a couple years

>tfw you will never look as C L A S S I C as virtus
But yeah he's handsome as fuck.

his dad is also rich and famous

>his dad
Trigger warning you bitch

dubs and I load up 5 pl8s on the bar and drop it on my neck tomorrow



dubs and I'll join you

HAHA now you have to do it!

inconsiderate pricks
someone has to unrack that you know

>implying you'd be able to unrack it

Everyone shits on TM and 5/3/1. What's a good intermediate routine for strength?

Why does plg pushpress?

cvckols n cvckdito

Are those nice? Tempted to get one

Very. Get the red/black helix one, it's great.

Sorry it didn't go so hot today. At least you've lost some good bw.

>tfw it's likely I'll outtotal you tomorrow if my shoulder doesn't cuck me

I really should be supreme leader of the world

a lot of people need executed




Ya'll I fuckin love Christmas music

would you b my frend if you lived near me

but its a pagan holiday?


Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered

You post like a fag. Only homos block people and only gaylords announce it.

Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered
>Consider yourself filtered

He's right, though

>being this new

Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered

Is that a StrengthShop singlet?


Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered

the funniest part about this meme was when panzer got visibly upset

>muh character

Im not going to give you anymore (you)s
You are not worth the time, I suggest others do the same
Consider yourself filtered

Looks like a videogame character that someone fucked up on purpose to laugh at.

reminder that "society" is a spook and society doesn't tell you anything

It's easy to get on a highhorse and pretend you were just playing the cool now.

Doesn't take a detective to go back in the archive and see you are a major part of why the drama is where it's at right now.
I mean, did you even re-read the things you've posted in the last few days?

You're part of the problem.
And instead of leaving, I'll stay and you will have to deal with the shit you helped build up yourself.

And remember, every time the thread becomes what it is right now, your hand was there pushing it over the edge.
Every threat I receive here, every person saying how they want to ruin me IRL, I won't forget you took part in it.

But don't worry, I'm not avengeful. I'm not adressing you any longer, not responding to you, and I won't do anything that would cause you harm.
I'll just do my thing and know that you'd wish /plg/ was different.
The price you'll pay is merely the fruits of what you've sow. A shitty /plg/.