What are examples of "bad" genetics?

I always hear people talking about them having sub par genes, average genes, or they are some genetic god. It seems everyone has "average" genetics - which is impossible.

So, what are "bad" genetics? And who has them?

look at your mom and dad.
now look in a mirror.

3 examples right there.

Big hook noses



>sunken face
>slanted mouth
>bad teeth
>skinny neck
>wide hips
>small hands
>small feet
>small penis in both length and girth
>small wrists


I have pectus excavatum and scoliosis, altough both are relatively minor cases
Still, I can say that I am truly fucked by my genetics
Life is cruel

People who can't bench 1 plate when starting
People who don't have 6pack at low bodyfat
People who are natural skinnyfat


Big Roman noses look great and power full on men. It's a sign
Of high testosterone. Jew noses are just hideous though

1.short bicep 2.long tricep 3.long calves 4. 4 pack


ex. 2

Sergio Oliva = good genes


Jewish people. Black people, Asian people, Mexicans, Muslims, Danes, etc...

This guy could make it if he got huge obliques and lats

Would date if tits and cute face

Holy fuck and I thought I have huge hips, thanks bro

fucking rekt

You're in luck, I do have gyno, but my skin is greasy and has acne.

just being below average in general
below 5'9" = bad
dick below 5" = bad
balding = bad
weak/shit frame = bad
low IQ (below 100) = bad

I’ve got pectus too, it sucks to know I’ll never have a good looking chest


>low iq
>below 100

Lmao user. Anything below 130 is low

If theres one thing I have learned from playing online mmos, you should never trust a dane.


Im not bothered by that, i could have applied for surgery as a kid if i wanted to but what I hate is that its an eternal reminder of my genetic inferiority

Teeth you can fix though


Google Jason Genova

Also any jews

Not him, but in the process of fixing my fucked-up teeth I ended up being left with only one front tooth.

Only 1/5, I'm impressed with myself.
But it's the worst one.
>tfw 5'6"

Friend of mine looks like this. Narrow shoulders and wide fucking hips. Sucks for him. He also has way too much body hair. Like not even in an attractive manly way, just a weird way.

What’s an example of good frame/bad frame? I have narrow hips and semi broad shoulders. And clavicles slanted upwards

>implying anything below 5'12" is good
Nice try, manlet

im really ugly so me

My girlfriend has a roman nose, she's French. I love it

im 164cm

>full hair, yay testosterone
>great frame, shoulders are ~52 inch around
>136 iq last official test

>ywn be rich enough to buy a thot of this quality

>you now realize why ugly people occasionally have absolutely GORGEOUS daughters

These body types in girls would be 10/10's

Anyone cursed with potato-faces.

Jason has wide shoulders, great firearms, and great calves. The only reason he looks like shit is because he is literally retarded, doesn’t train, and eats shit lol

Its in their blood
>Stockholms bloodbath never forget

Mew, chew chios mastic gum, do neck curls, work lats and side delts especially hard, jelq. There, solved half of your "problems"

fuck bros, coath adam was making him look pretty good, now he has fallen back into the same habits as a decade ago.
Janoy is the perfect example of what happens if you aren't motivated and don't push yourself.

That chest is me. How do I fix it?


fucking hell dude

99000 internats to uuuuuu

How are you fixing them, and what happened?

Same situation here almost an heroed last year because of it

>fake nose job
>fake straightened hair, its actually a curly mess
>eyebrows will become full monobrow after a few days of no care
>lips filled out with whatever trendy chemical is used to fill them
>huge dumbo ears

This is a thot, but not of quality. I wouldn't give her my quality seed at all.

One of my mates, amazing guy. Seriously intelligent, codes apps for fun, 6'6'', a great dude.
He also, I suspect, has klinefelter syndrome.
He has enlarged breasts, wide hips early baldness, trouble putting on muscle etc.
I don't know if I can say it to him, he probably knows, not really something you can bring up.
That is poor genetics, a shitty bit of luck, the only boy, with 5 sisters, and he got an extra X chromosome.

pic pls

>7.5" x 6.25"
>not balding
>broad shoulders but small wrists
>120 IQ (officially tested)

Feels pretty good

Ashkenazim are literally falling apart because of a very small gene pool historically. They have a chance of being born with a bunch of bizarre and rare diseases. Not only that but they bald easily, get fat, have bad teeth, have poor skull structure, etc

maybe trouble putting on muscle because he's six fucking six?
OP wanted shit genes, I'm 5'10''


>you weak recessed chin is not genetic
>your feminine body is not genetic
>your weak muscles are not genetic
>your terrible fat distribution is not genetic

All of this is a result of bad posture and incorrect body chemistry.

Fuaaark janoys got great genetics from the neck down


>156 IQ
>cute and smooth twink body
>23cm long penis
>pretend to be stooopid irl

no one must know my secret, everyone hates smart people

starting strength claims another victim

look at your mom and dad.
now look in a mirror.

3 examples right there.

my stats are about the same, aside from a .5" smaller dick. it feels REALLY good to be generally above average.

>156 IQ

Online tests don't count

I have these hips and as a result my entire life is dedicated to getting big enough to make them proportional

To normies, no matter how shit your genetics are, you'll still be seen as 'Ripped and massive' if you train and eat well enough

Pic related

>plastic surgeried hoes

yeah no try again

diagnosed by a professional, dummy


clarence kennedy was benching and c&j 40kgs when he started at 15

>anything below 6'5 is short
>anything below 9" is small
>anything less than a reinhard von lohengramm mane is ugly
>any frame worse than schwartzenegger is bad

I don't feel the urge to prove myself to you

PuT me in THE SCReEENnCAP!!!! xD

>below 5”
>below 100 iq
oh my god hahahaha i have some bad news for you user

Someone walking around with their mouth open consistently is a sign of slight mental retardation.

I can talk about wha tits like. Whole family is a minefield of faulty/mutated genetics. Ever wondered what happens when you mix native americans, Nordic immigrants, hillbillies, and Jews?

jew here

we do have weird genes

look at jennifer connelly she has abnormal looking leg bones

this guy: is also probably jewish

It looks good on like powerful men. Look at Kylo Ren, has a huge hooked nose. He looks like a fucking alpha dude.

by definition, everyone has good genetics because they were adapted enough to their environment well enough to reproduce. evolution doesn't care about your personal opinion except insofar as human preference influences reproduction.

daily reminder that "good genetics" doesn't mean what you think it does

a jacked highly intelligent millionaire philanthropist whose genetically influenced struggle with depression keeps him from reproducing before his death is worthless compared to some random guy who works at burger king and knocks up some girl at 17

No, he's a nigger. Pretty good as far as niggers go, but still

If that's you, it was over before it even started. From womb to tomb

This hurts my soul

Yayy we could be twins except that i am taller and my dick is a tiny bit longer


thats a trans man

Wow, racist. Think of all the black people, you monster.

>tfw to intelligent too post evidence or proof

goddamn he was so close in that pic. I guess the only way he'd ever make it is have him on a fucking dog leash. 4 ever mirin his quad game.

Being non white.

>156 IQ
>posts on Veeky Forums
I too lie on the internet from time to time.

IQ (officially tested)
>he didn't even get invited to MENSA

>not realizing the environment in this context is weightlifting, aesthetic appearance, etc
>not realizing the environment is whatever context you make it
Stop doing biology if you're past introductory material and still think the environment means wild nature

And yet looks better than you ever will, was more famous than you will ever be and was more successful than you could ever dream of being.

I bet you one of them cunts that thinks you're better than Obama because he's black, despite the fact he was the fucking president.

Wrong for two reasons.

1. Random mutations and genetic diseases exist. You telling me a baby born with epidermolysis bullosa or down's syndrome has good genetics by virtue of being able to reproduce? No. Clearly not.

2. We no longer adapt to our environment. We don't need to. A person can be a 4ft8 hemophiliac with a severe learning difficulty and brittle bones and they would still have a long life thanks to medical intervention. If this was back in the day where adaptation and natural selection still counted, they would not make it.

Let's see that dick mane

People with downs can't reproduce, spacker
