Did you achieve the fitness goals you wanted to in 2017?
Did you achieve the fitness goals you wanted to in 2017?
I went from 230 to 169
I'm actually weaker and more out of shape.
N-next year will be different.
I went from 305 to 240 within 3 months, my doctors proud but I still won't be happy until I reach my goal.
I, too, went to one 69.
Yes, kept a steady loss rate since the day I decided to stop being a fat fuck.
228 to 208, only started in the last two months.
Congrats to everybody else if you made your goals too, keep up the good work Anons.
Did any of you get loose skin from Lodig weight too fast?
I've reached 165/250/235/385
Working on sorting out my squat now.
Yep. 245 to 208 but also picked up a ton of muscle... 25% body fat to 12%.
My goal was to just improve my overall physics appearance and restore my Chad status of 10 years ago. I'm beyond what I ever was now.
my man
It's mostly genetics and age, i'm only 18 and don't have anything noticeable.
i went from 925 to 420
Went from around 220lbs last year to around 180lbs now. Ive also been doing some light workouts consistenting entirely with the dumbbells i have at home. I can now do pull ups, something ive never been able to accomplish. The weight isnt much from the dumbbells but its currently sitting at 25lbs. I started at 10lbs three months ago. Im slowly feeling more confident in myself and plan on continuing my cutting with my light workouts
Went from 277 to 200. Lost most of it in 6ish months or so then kinda stalled out and maintained. Been going hard at the gym and going to drop more these next couple months.
Didnt get all the results I wanted, but overall quite happy with my fitness results this year. Next year should be even better
Goal was 1/2/3/4
I managed the OHP, Squat and Dead-lift. Bench i need another 6kg, going for a PR today if the gym's open and if i get it i'll only be 4.5kg off. so i'll get it early next year.
>naty lifting
what a fucking meme, i'm roiding next year
And 2018 is about to get raped
Nice bro I lost my virginity to a hooker as well
240 to 170 its been a good year
No. But I made progress.
Goals are/were one arm pull-up, split, and handstand.
I finally got off my ass and joined a gym. Haven't missed a week since. It's a start but I am hoping 2018 will be a lot better.
I'll reach them next year.
- me for the past 5 years
>1/2/3/4 for reps
>bulk over 200
>start my first cut
>get a gf
All but one lads...
got a 2 plate ohp
>tfw still no 3 plate bench to complete the 2/3/4/5
there's always 2018.
who does this
can't achieve your goals if you don't have any
2 plate OHP is nuts for not having a 3 plate bench. OHP max for me is 215 and I can rep 3 plaet for 5 on bench.
Pics of juicy delts?
Yeahing cutting is tough man.
the 2 plate OHP without a 3 plate bench really seems very improbable. most likely he is utilizing leg drive with or without realising it or then he is a former or current olympic weightlifter with years of all kinds of heavy overhead work behind him.
Not really I went from 345 to 305 in 5 months I wanted to be 300 by the first. My mental health is still off bit it's okay.
Indeed. As benching anything over 315 feels so stupidly heavy and hurts every tendon and muscle in my upper body, I'm maintaining bench and focusing on OHP. Even with that, damn that lift moves slow.
I also strain the fuck out of my trap/neck almost every other week no matter how much I warm up. This kills the gainz.
got my 2xBW bench just after a year of lifting with 2 smolov. I'm finally a certified gymbro now since my squat and dl are both just slightly above my bench
i also wanted to go sub 15% but still far from it
>from 238 to 187
yea I'm pretty satisfied.
can i have your bench pls
take notice of weak chest
i do know the difference between a push pull and ohp, i don't use leg drive.
you do look strong, ill give you that. and its unlikely a technical issue given your alleged proficiency. still, i dont believe you unless you hate benching which would explain the lag
>you hate benching
yes, i do. very much so.
THICK SOLID TIGHT. Also I've always been a bench bro so that is probably why it's higher. I didn't OHP until many years into training after my bench was very near 300.
I've never been fatter.
I took a year off m8
>Being natty is suffering
Yes I did. My goal was to get strong and I squatted 175 KG today which is good for me.
I also graduated high school, got 2 jobs, a gf and quit drugs. Good year for sure.
went from 330 pounds to 220 so i guess so
post progress pic
No, I stagnated. Tbh I'm a little weaker than this time last year.
That said I think I make up for it by being a year older and just giving fewer fucks
no. i was lazy the first half of the year and then started making decent gains when i got back in the gym. i was about to cross my goal weight again but got hit with this wicked stomach virus that I got 2 years ago and have wasted away 10 lbs since then while shitting my brains out. feels bad man.
I literally just hit 255x5 on bench like 30 seconds ago as my Christmas gift to myself. I can remember failing my first 1 plate attempt and thinking about giving up. Feels good, man.
story? I plan to do the same
nope but I am consistent with my bjj for now so i am satisfied. this years goals (more likely not happening) are 2/3/4/5 and a nice blue belt
same shit. goals are
planche pancake front lever 90 degree push up slow muscle up
How long have you been doing BJJ?
went from 183kg to 143kg still got another like 43kg to go before I qualify for military so not yet
half a year
> (You)
>How long have you been doing BJJ?
wrong quote, sorry 6 months.
Almost, I wanted to hit 1/2/3/4, but I only managed 1/2/3/3
Go away boogie
Yes and no. Lost about 90 pounds (330 to 240), could have lost more without having wisdom teeth removed, getting pneumonia, and the holidays.
Keep it up pall. Proud of you :)
Of course not. That's what keeps me going year after year.
Cutting is way easier than bulking.
I wanted to hit 2pl8 bench.
ended up making negative gains and now im weaker than when I started at the beginning of the year.
But atleast I can bench 135 for sets of 16 now.
>sets of 16
Are you retarded or something?
Not over yet user. Is it too much of a jump for you to say fuck it and grind out a 4 plate deadlift for one rep?
>hit dat 1pl8 OHP working set
>got back problems from the 390 lbs diddly, so i had to stop
>made it from 170lbs to 200lbs on bench, want to hit the 2 pl8 in at most two months
squat stays the same, since i don't give a fuck about legs(280 lbs for reference tho)
>put on 3 kg of muscle mass and i'll have a nice sixpack when i cut down in february(saw most of it, during erratic fasts in decembre)
I didn't get everything. Especially my meek bench is annoying, but overall, the year was a success to me. Also started reading for the mental gains.
you know that this was supposed to be a meme, right ?
went from 125 kg to 100 kg, found /fit, learn how to eat and built a nice amount of muscle while at it.
20 kg left to go, so yes, it was a good year.
i shit you not, this saved me from neck strain.
open your mouth and keep it open while doing your rep.
this will force you to focus on the muscle on your jaw and not your neck.
you won't have any pain afterwards.
you will look like a retard if you are in public tho.
250 to 180, the /fast/ planned for January will get me to goal, then I'm packing on muscle.
4u skellyfag
>Got accepted into med school
>Went from 22% body fat to 13% (girls 'mirin since that v taper and jaw bones)
>Passed all of my classes
>Finally made new friends
>Paid off car
>Made $5k from crypto
Overall it would have been a 10/10 year except
>Mom died in November
>falling for the crypto meme
>sub 2pl8 squat
No, no I did not.
You deserved to lose your mom.
In terms of numbers I have reached my goals. Lifts and bodyweight are both where I wanted them. I'm just a bit disappointed, because I thought I would look bigger at my current weight, but it's all good. Due to the shitty climate here I'll only get the chance to take my shirt off in public in like late May or June, so I can still bulk one more month at least. Grew out of some shirts which is a nice confirmation of progress.
Goal: FS 200kg
Start of year: 170kg
6 month knee injury
Now: 160kg
lol enjoy not getting ez money
3plate squat for 5 nice reps
deadlift max is estimated 5plates
bench is close to 3plate for 1rm
on the other hand my ohp has gone down due to negligence so not too happy about that but after im done this training program i'll focus more on it and front squats. I want to get into OLY lifting for them QT girls
>Lost 50lbs, didn't go to the gym
>For 2018, really need to get my shit together and go to the gym
>Looking to drop another 50lbs in 2018, loose skin will be horrible but I just want to be below 200lbs again
Started at 110kg in late April, down to 73.8kg now.
Started on 4 diabetes meds, down to 1 now.
I called people soyboys on an anonymous kalmyk throat-singing forum
Dropped 85lbs. Probably gonna be closer to 75lbs after Christmastime comes to an end. I honestly don't believe that I've ever eaten as much as I have these past couple days.
No. But I've made more progress this year than just about anything I've ever done in my life. I'm very proud of myself. I've lost 40 pounds this past Fall after having gained roughly more than that trying to bulk the season before. I'll be cutting some more until I can see what this muscle looks like underneath. I'd like to know what my bf% is though, and I'm considering buying a weight bench and some heavier dumbbells. I'm scared to get into lifting at the rack though. And should I consider fasting? Idk where to start. And I'm worried I'm not getting enough protein and eating enough leafy greens despite the multivitamin and supplements. Eh.
I haven't had a goal since I was 19
lost 50 lbs (340 to 290, but I'm also 6'6"), built a home gym, started working out again. I'm not where I was 8 years ago, but I'll get back there and surpass it
Lost like 50 pounds of fat, and now actually have some muscle. Im kinda skelly now, but that will be fixed in 2018.
I'm bigger than I ever wanted to be when I was first starting out. I don't really know what I expected for 2017 but damn I made some neat progress.
2kg from my goal weight
Went from 190lbs and 30% body fat down to 160lbs at 14%. Made many mental gains too after getting dumped and retreating into my self, and focusing on self improvement to deal with grief.
Am finally at the point where my confidence is back brehs.
Ready to slay 2018
Went from 130kg to 86 kg mostly across the year :)
lifting is a meme
Fat fuck detected
you caught me user
>went up from 118kg to 127kg cos I comfort/depression ate like a motherfucker
Considering I though I'd be dead by now, I think I overachieved a bit.
Nah, 2017 was an actual dumpster fire for me. My mom died in Dec 2016 and that spiraled into me gaining 30 pounds, going back to my old habits, quitting the gym, grades slipping in college so bad I'm currently taking a year off from it, etc.
In oct I started getting back on track though I guess. Trying to be back in school in march, just renewed gym membership last week, working 30+hrs per week making money, and have lost 20 pounds since Oct. I'll make 2018 a good year.